xUML Runtime
The xUML Runtime consists of a micro kernel adorned with several add-ons.
The Micro Kernel is responsible for loading the components and it is separated from each the Frontend and Backend Adapters by an Abstraction Layer. The abstraction layers guarantee that the service implementations are independent of the frontend and backend protocols.
Frontend adapters are mapping incoming requests to the frontend abstraction layer. Several protocols and products are supported (third party / OEM adapters.) The xUML Runtime contains a comprehensive set of native frontend / backend adapters like SAP, SOAP, Java, SQL, HTTPS, FTP, LDAP, etc.
An overall Security module manages authentication of HTTP requests with standard Apache modules, role based access control and serves as a security interceptor for pre/post-processing.
A Monitoring and Administration module contains a server console for configuration and simple monitoring (log, service state). An error occurring, the monitoring module forwards this error to a monitoring service specified on the service.
Transaction Concept
In general, the xUML Runtime supports implicit and explicit commit of transactions.
Fast-running ACID transactions are supported by the concept of xUML Runtime sessions.
Long-running transactions are supported via BPMN 2 or persistent state concepts.
As a part of other transaction concepts, SAP tRFC is supported.
Fast-running ACID Transactions
The xUML Runtime works with the concept of sessions. Sessions are equivalent to units of work, that can be committed or rolled back depending on the status at the end of the session.
The following action types are affected on commit / roll back:
Action Type | Example |
database access | insertion or deletion of database records |
persistent state handling | creation of a persistent state object, sending of a persistent state signal, sending of conversation signals |
JMS activities | sending or receiving of JMS messages with acknowledge mode transacted |
POP3 activities | deletion of mails from POP3 server |
A session corresponds to one concrete instance of an execution of a service, namely of
SOAP services,
timer services
HTTP services
SAP RFC services
JMS services
Java services
Each session may contain multiple actions of the above described types. Per default, a session gets committed implicitly by the xUML Runtime when it is terminated without any exception. In this case, all involved transaction resources are committed. Additionally, explicit commits inside a session are allowed for all types of service adapters described above.
If an exception occurred during session execution and if this exception is not being caught, the session gets implicitly rolled back. The xUML Runtime will then rollback all not committed transactions.
However, for all other actions not mentioned in the table above, the session concept does not apply, e.g. file manipulations, external service calls, system adapter calls, and more.
Transaction Id
Each session is identified by a transaction id.
HTTP header X-Transaction-ID identifies the transaction the call belongs to. You can set the transaction id manually with setTransactionID(). If not set, the Runtime will generate one.
This header will be passed through the callstack to identify all service calls that belong to a transaction.
Long-running Transactions
For long-running business processes, the xUML Runtime supports parts of the BPMN 2 compensation semantics. If processes are defined via state machines, the UML concept of history states is supported.
Concerning both concepts it is important to regard that in practice they should be integrated into an overall concept of error handling to make sense at all (e.g. annulation processes).
Other Transaction Concepts
Some backend systems have their own transaction concept, e.g. SAP tRFC. SAP tRFC has been implemented into the xUML Runtime by the use of a state machine. The correctness of this implementation has been verified by SAP during a certification process.
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