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3rd Party Tools

The Scheer PAS platform offers some additonal tools for administrators:




Keycloak is an identity and access management software that can manage users for multiple applications and enables them for sigle sign on.

Scheer PAS uses Keycloak to save the platform users and their passwords. For API Management and Kibana we also manage roles in Keycloak.


Kibana is an open source analytics and visualization tool designed to work with Elasticsearch. With Kibana you can search, view, and interact with data stored in Elasticsearch indices.

Scheer PAS uses Kibana to view, filter and search the platform logs for all services.


Portainer is an open source toolset that allows you to build and manage containers in Docker.

Scheer PAS uses Portainer to manage the platform components. Portainer is used since PAS 20.1. In earlier versions, administrators must use the Scheer PAS Bridge for this purpose.

Portainer is only available for on-Premises installations of Scheer PAS.

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