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Number Formatting

Number Formatting is used by <<FlatFile>> parser and composer and Integer, Float and String objects (e.g. parseFloatExpression(), printFloatExpression(), parseIntegerExpression(), printIntegerExpression()).

The format processor uses similar patterns as Oracle and PostgreSQL but is not 100% compatible e.g. there's no support for scientific and roman notation.
All parse and compose functionality is influenced by locales. The <<FlatFile>> adapter and the parse and print number operations take a parameter of type Basic Components::Basic Behavior::NumbersLocale. This parameter can be used to define

NumbersLocalenegativeSignStringCharacters used to signify negative values. Usually '-'.
positiveSignStringCharacters  used to signify positive values. Usually '+'.
thousandsSeparatorStringCharacters used to separate units of thousand, e.g. ','.
decimalPointStringe.g. '.'
currencySymbolStringe.g. '$'
Default values are given by the system locales.

To specify a number format, the attribute must have stereotype <<FlatFileAttribute>>.

Figure: Specifying a Format Tagged Value on a Class Attribute

Locale characters are by default the system locales. These can be overridden by providing a Locale structure as input parameter to flatfile parser/composer or script function.


This table shows the template patterns available for formatting numeric values.

9Value with the specified number of digits.
0Value with leading zeros.
. (period)Decimal point.
, (comma)Group (thousand) separator.
PRNegative value in angle brackets.
SSign anchored to number (uses locale).
LCurrency symbol (uses locale).
DDecimal point (uses locale).
GGroup separator (uses locale).
MIMinus sign in specified position (if number < 0).
PLPlus sign in specified position (if number > 0).
SGPlus/minus sign in specified position.
TH or thOrdinal number suffix.
VShift specified number of digits (see notes).
FMFill mode prefix, will discard any leading spaces.

Usage Notes

  • A sign formatted using SG, PL, or MI is not anchored to the number; for example, to_char(-12, 'S9999') produces '  -12', but to_char(-12, 'MI9999') produces '-  12'.
  • 9 results in a value with the same number of digits as there are 9s. If a digit is not available it outputs a space.
  • TH does not convert values less than zero and does not convert fractional numbers.
  • V effectively multiplies the input values by 10^n, where n is the number of digits following V. to_char() does not support the use of V combined with a decimal point. (E.g., 99.9V99 is not allowed.)
  • Locale characters are by default the system locales. These can be overriden by providing a Locale structure as input parameter to flatfile parser/composer or script function.


Example File (Builder project E2E Action Language/BaseTypes):

<your example path>\E2E Action Language\BaseTypes\uml\formatExpressions.xml

You can test your own format expression with the above mentioned example.

The following locale is used:

  • Negative sign "-"
  • Positive sign "+"
  • Thousands separator " "
  • Decimal point ","
  • Currency symbol "$"
NumberFormatOutput StringDescription
123.12'99.99'' ##.##'Parsing not possible.
0.1'0.9'' 0.1'
-0.1'99.99''  -.10'no leading zeros (9), minus sign sticks to first number
12'9990999.9''    0012.0'
485'999'' 485'leading blank comes from the plus sign, that is not displayed
485'9 9 9'' 4 8 5'
1485'9,999'' 1,485'hard coded group separator
1485'9G999'' 1 485'group separator from locale
148.5'999.999'' 148.500'hard coded decimal point
148.5'999D999'' 148,500'decimal point from locale
3148.5'9G999D999'' 3 148,500'group separator and decimal point from locale
12'99V999'' 12000'value increased by factor 1000, because 3 digit are following the specification of V
12.4'99V999'' 12400'value increased by factor 1000, because 3 digit are following the specification of V
12.45'99V9'' 124'value increased by factor 10, because 1 digit is following the specification of V, last decimal is omitted because no decimals are defined in format
-485'999S''485-'displaying the sign from locale in rear of the number
-485'999MI''485-'displaying a minus sign in rear of the number, if number is negative
485'999MI''485 'no minus sign added if number is positive, but empty space instead
485'PL999''+ 485'adding a plus sign in front of number if number is positive (PL), no trimming of leading spaces (empty sign in this case)
-485'PL999'' -485'adding no plus sign in front of number because number is not positive (PL), negative system sign, no trimming of leading spaces
485'999PL'' 485+'displaying a plus sign in rear of the number, if number is positive (PL), no trimming of leading spaces (empty sign in this case)
-485'999PL''-485 'displaying a plus sign in rear of the number, if number is positive (PL), no trimming of trailing spaces (empty sign in this case, because number is not positive)
485'L999''$ 485'displaying the currency symbol in front of the number (L), no trimming of leading spaces (empty sign in this case)
0'999th''   0th'
1'999th''   1st'
482'999th'' 482nd'
485'"Good number:"999''Good number: 485'
485.8'"Pre:"999" Post:" .999''Pre: 485 Post: .800'
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