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xUML Runtime API

The xUML Runtime provides a REST interface to the controller service of each xUML service. Many service related resources can be accessed via this interface.

The requests come in via the control port of the service. The xUML Runtime API cannot be disabled.

Accessing the xUML Service Interface

The PAS platform provides an OpenAPI 2.0 Specification of the controller service for documentation and testing purposes. You can use this interface to obtain information on the states of the service's state machines in general, and to trigger state transitions.

Access to this interface is available via the service details.

Open section Details > tab Endpoints. Use the filter to search for runtime and/or api and use option Open in new tab in column Test to access a REST service documentation page:

On this page, you can inspect the Runtime API interface and make HTTP calls to the resources:

Refer to page xUML Runtime API Reference for a comprehensive list of all available requests.

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