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Apache Kafka Producer

This page explains the Apache Kafka Producer Adapter in Bridge context. If you were looking for the same information regarding the PAS Designer, refer to Apache Kafka Producer Adapter in the Designer guide.

Tagged Values


AttributeDescriptionKafka PropertyAllowed Values / Examples
Specify a name for the alias.-any string
ServersProvide a list of Kafka brokers with (optional) ports.bootstrap.servers ,
Enable Idempotence

Enables the producer to write a message to Kafka exactly once.enable.idempotencetrueWrite message exactly once to the specified partition of the topic during the lifetime of the producer - without data loss and order per partition (default).
falseMessage may be delivered multiple times on e.g. connection failures.
Compression Type

Provide a compression codec for compressing message sets.compression.typenoneNo compression (default).
gzipCompress with gzip.
Protocol Security

Provide the protocol used to communicate with the Kafka plain text (default).
sslUse SSL.
Ssl Private Key File Provide the path to the client's private key file (PEM) to be used for authentication.ssl.key.locationa valid path
Ssl Private Key Password Provide the password for the private key file.ssl.key.passworda valid password
Ssl Private Key String Provide the client's private key string (PEM format) to be used for authentication.ssl.key.pema valid key string
Ssl Client Certificate File Provide the path to the client's public key file (PEM) to be used for authentication.ssl.certificate.locationa valid path
Ssl Client Certificate String Provide the client's public key string (PEM format) to be used for authentication.ssl.certificate.pema valid key string
Ssl CA Location

Specify how to find CA certificate(s) for verifying the key of the Kafka<path>File or directory path to the CA certificate(s).
probeGuess the location of the CA store and try to find the CA certificate(s) automatically.
bundledUse the CA bundle provided with PAS.
Ssl CA String Provide the CA certificate string (PEM format) to verify the key of the Kafka valid  CA certificate string
Additional Properties

Use this to directly set properties of the Kafka producer.

Using this attribute, you can also overwrite the dedicated settings above. In this case,

  • the Compiler will show a warning,
  • the service will log a warning on startup.

buffer.memory=67108864 , retries=4294967294

KafkaProducerAdapter Operations


producerRecordProducerRecordinProvide the message and the target for the adapter to send the message to a Kafka topic.
recordMetaDataRecordMetaDataoutReturns some meta data about the processing the Kafka broker has done.

KafkaProducerAdapter Parameter Types


topicString(tick)Specify the topic the message should be sent do.
Integer(error)Specify the partition the message should be send to.
Blob(error)Specify a key the message should be filed to.
Integer(error)Will be generated. We recommend not to set one manually.
Array of MessageHeader(error)Specify headers if you want to provide additional information on the  message content for e.g. routing or filtering use cases.
Blob(error)Specify the actual message content. Only payload of type Blob is supported.


keyStringKey of the header.
BlobValue of the header.


AttributeTypeMandatoryDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
topicString(tick)Kafka topic the message has been sent to.
Integer(tick)Topic partition the message has been sent to.
Integer(error)Offset of the message within the partition.
Integer(error)The message ID as provided with the call, or as generated if it has not been specified.
Integer(tick)Actual size of the key in bytes.
Integer(tick)Actual size of the value in bytes.
DateTime(error)A processing timestamp (UTC). See timestampType for what the timestamp refers to.

TimestampType(tick)Indicates what the timestamp refers to.NotAvailableTimestamp is unknown.
CreateTimeTimestamp relates to message creation time as set by a Kafka broker.
LogAppendTimeTimestamp relates to the time a message was appended to a Kafka log.

PersistedStatus(tick)Status of the message.NotPersistedMessage was never transmitted to the broker, or failed with an error indicating it was not written to the log.
PersistedMessage was written to the log and acknowledged by the broker.
PossiblyPersistedMessage was transmitted to broker, but no acknowledgement was received.

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