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Managing the xUML Runtime of the Node Instance

Switch to the Runtime tab in the information/working area.

All users have access to the Runtime information. However, only users who are member of a group, to which the role ADMIN has been assigned, can upload new Runtime packages.

Figure: Runtime Details of the Node Instance

On this tab, the following software-related information is listed in information/working area.

System Information

The version number of the Bridge installer.
Operating SystemThe Operating system of the node instance, on which the Bridge is installed.

Runtime Components

xUML RuntimeVersion number of the installed xUML Runtime and additional libraries that have been installed.
Node.jsThe Node.js version (delivered with the Bridge).
Apache ProxyThe Apache HTTP Server version (delivered with the Bridge).
Java Runtime EnvironmentThe installed Java Runtime version (delivered with the Bridge).

xUML Runtime Upload

The Runtime Upload section of the information/working area allows

  • to update the components of the xUML Runtime
  • to install additional packages, for e.g. SAP access

When installing the Bridge, only the base libraries of the xUML Runtime will be installed (compare the Runtime version in the Components section shown in the figure above). The base libraries include means to connect to database backends and to use imported Java classes.
If your services will connect to SAP, you need to install an additional library using the Runtime upload on this page. In the highlighted area below, it is indicated that the SAP NetWeaver library has been added to the Runtime base version.

For more details on how to install this library, refer to Bridge Installation Guide.

If you want to update the xUML Runtime, click Browse and select the new package.

Uploading a Runtime does not stop running services. They keep running with the old Runtime version. This way you have full control after the update, which services should be explicitly stopped and started with the new firmware.

Click Upload to install the new package. The uploaded package will be dispatched to the correct location automatically.

Upload Constraints

  • It is only possible to upload packages with the same version number as the xUML Runtime base. So, if you want to update a Runtime component:
    1. Upload the new Runtime base package.
    2. Upload any corresponding additional packages.
  • It is only possible to upload an xUML Runtime to a local instance. If you have aggregated multiple Bridges to a Bridge domain (see Managing a Bridge Domain), you need to login to the dedicated Bridge to update the Runtime.
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