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Administration Tab

Administration Tab Overview

Click on the Administration tab icon in the top right corner of the window to open the Administration panel. 

Here you can administrate the appearance of the application, such as colors and fonts. In addition, reports can be generated in this section. 

Note that only users with admin permissions can access the Administration tab.


The default display in the Administration tab is the System configuration window.

On the left side you will find a list of items, the administrator is able to change or customize:

  1. System Configuration

  2. Application Theme

  3. Database Configuration

  4. Reports

  5. Logging

  6. Backup and Restore

  7. Reorganization

  8. Modelling Templates

  9. Role settings for models and objects

On the right side of the window, the corresponding options for each item will be displayed. 

Changes made in administration are visible to any user using the application.

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