report() Function
Syntax |
| |
Semantics | Use the The transaction log level of the xUML service must be at least set to Custom to be able to log to the transaction log. | |
Substitutables |
| String literal defining an error domain. |
| Boolean, true or false: This will result in setting the status field in the log entry to OK respectively ERROR. | |
| String literal containing a log message. | |
| String literal containing an additional custom message. You can either log a | |
| A custom timestamp. This parameter is optional. If it is not given, the timestamp in the transaction log will be generated from the current timestamp.
| |
| Object of complex type (class or array) that contains additional details. The contents of this object will be flattened and logged instead of parameter. | |
Examples | Error Detail Object:
Report Statement With Custom Timestamp:
Report Statement With Error Detail Object:
Report With Error Detail Array:
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