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History of an xUML Service

Switch to the History tab to view the history of all user actions that were executed on the selected xUML service since its deployment.

In the xUML service history all user actions are listed - comprising starting and stopping the xUML service, modification of the preferences, etc. The list is sorted in a chronological order and also shows the user who initiated the action.
The history also lists internal actions, for instance, when the system started or stopped an xUML service automatically.

All users have access to the history information.

The service history may contain a large amount of data. This is why the history can be limited and filtered.

Max. entries to loadLimit the history records to load, if the history file is to big to be loaded at once.
ShowSelect the number of history records you want to display. The latest records are displayed first.
FilterStart typing a term. The listed records will be filtered as you type.
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