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Working with the Mapping Editor

When you open the implementation diagram of a mapping operation, a new tab opens, and the mapping diagram is displayed in the mapping editor. This is where you model your data mapping.

The mapping editor consists of different areas:

(1) Mapping Editor

(2) Mapping Toolbar

(3) Elements Toolbar

(4) Designer Panels


Customizing the Mapping Editor

You have several options to adjust the mapping editor. When you open the editor for the first time, the default view is displayed:

  • The Diagram Pane is displayed in the top-right.
    (See Modeling Data Mapping for more information.)

  • Four Designer Panels are shown in the sidebar on the left.

    • The Service Panel

    • The Controls Panel

    • The Attributes Panel

    • The Validation Panel


Refer to Customizing Editors and Panels for detailed information about panel management in general.

When starting with a new mapping diagram, the mapping editor displays a canvas that contains the incoming and outgoing parameters of the mapping operation. The image above shows the blank mapping diagram of a non-static mapping operation.

On the left side, you can see the mapping source. In this case, the source is the Self context of the related class. If the mapping operation has input parameters, the mapping diagram will also show elements in the Input section of the mapping diagram.
On the right side, you can see the mapping target (section Output). The target is defined by the output parameters of the mapping operation.

Refer to the other pages in this chapter for more information on how to model a valid Mapping diagram:

Modeling in the Mapping Editor

While modeling, some general functionalities help you to browse through your model, and to adjust your working location within the model. Refer to Customizing Editors and Panels for more details.


The mapping editor features a mapping toolbar in the center top of the diagram pane, and an elements toolbar on the right.

The Mapping Toolbar

Use the mapping toolbar to change the appearance of the mapping relations and to jump to the related mapping operation in the service panel:


The following table explains the available tools:

Tool Icon

Tool Name



Select in Service Panel

Jump to the related mapping operation in the service panel.


Reload diagram

Use this option to reload the mapping diagram.

The Elements Toolbar

The elements toolbar contains all elements that you can create on your mapping diagram. By default, the elements toolbar only displays the icons of the available mapping elements. But you can also expand the toolbar using option Collapse at the bottom. In its expanded version, the names of all elements are also displayed:


The following table explains the available elements:




Assign a string literal to a target property.


Add a mapping operation to the mapping diagram.


Add an action script operation to the mapping diagram.


Add a JavaScript operation to the mapping diagram.


Add an activity operation to the mapping diagram.

Context Menu of Elements in a Mapping Diagram

Each element of the mapping editor has a context menu that you can select actions from:

Mapping Elements Context Menu



Available for

Right click on a mapping element, to open the context menu.


Delete the selected element.

All elements


Highlight the current element in the service panel.

  • property

  • mapping operation


Open the implementation of the mapping operation in a new tab.

mapping operation

Keyboard Shortcuts

Find below a list of all keyboard shortcuts that are available in the mapping editor:



Arrow down

Moves the whole editor content downwards.

Arrow up

Moves the whole editor content upwards.

Ctrl + 1, 2, 3 ... 9

Switches to the Designer tab corresponding to the chosen number. This feature is available for the first nine open tabs.

Ctrl + D

Closes the active Designer tab.

Ctrl + Mouse Wheel

Zooms in (scrolling up) or out (scrolling down) of the current model.

Ctrl + Shift + D

Closes all tabs and switches to the service tab.


Removes the selected element(s) from the diagram pane.


Aborts the following procedures:

  • adding a new element

  • closing a dialog

  • drawing a relation

Mouse Wheel

Moves the diagram pane up or down.

Shift + Page down

Switches to the next Designer tab from left to right.

Shift + Page up

Switches to the next Designer tab from right to left.

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