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In general Tabs are used to break up content into multiple sections within one screen to be able to save space on a page. Each section contains its own content e.g. forms. The switching between each tab is done by clicking on the tabs label.

Example File (Builder project Advanced Modeling/UI):

<your example path>\Advanced Modeling\UI\uml\uiTabs.xml

Tabbed Pane Widget Specifications

The actual Tabbed Pane element is needed as a main template organizing the single tabs and their order and position. It is later assigned to the <<UITabState>>.

The way the tabs are organized is defined in the tabbed panes specifications.

NameName of the Tabbed Pane container
Active TabDefines which tab is initially active when the page is loaded.

Tabbed Pane Navigation

The tab navigation is defined in a Tabbed Pane Navigation (<<UITabState>>).

The xUML Compiler enforces some rules:

  • There must be exactly one start bubble within the <<UITabState>>
  • A <<UITabTransition>> can only have one target state.
  • The <<UITabState>> needs a template defined to be able to validate whether all positions could be found.
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