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Managing Test Cases

The following operations can be executed on test cases via the context menu to manage test cases:



Run test case

Select Run Test Case to send out a SOAP request.

Clear test case

Select Clear Test Case to clear all SOAP messages. The following tabs are cleared:

  • Response

  • UML

  • Request log

  • Response log

The Input data on the Request tab remains untouched.

Duplicate test case

By selecting Duplicate Test Case you can create a copy of the selected test case, including the input data specified on the Request tab. You will be prompted to enter the name of the new test case:

Copy & Paste test case

Using Copy & Paste on a test case has the same effect as using Duplicate Test Case. Additionally, you can not only create a duplicate of the test case below the very same SOAP operation, but you can paste the test case to another operation or even to a SOAP operation of another WSDL definition:

Be aware of what you are doing, though. The Trace Analyzer will warn you, that copying a test case to a different WSDL or location may result in runtime errors.

Rename test case

Use Rename Test Case to change the name of a test case:

Delete test case

Use Delete Test Case (or select the test case and press Del) to erase the specified test case, including stored input and output data, and all SOAP messages:


Select Properties to view and edit the test case properties. Properties is the default menu entry and can be accessed by double-clicking the test case.

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