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IDoc Handling

IDocs (Interface Documents) are the most common way of interchanging data asynchronously with SAP systems. In order to parse and compose IDocs, the modeler must first import the corresponding IDoc classes from SAP parse grammars. This process is described on Importing SAP IDoc Meta Data in the Builder User Guide. The rules describing the mapping from SAP Metadata to UML classes can be found on IDoc Import Rules.

Example File (Builder project Add-ons/SAP):

<your example path>\Add-ons\SAP\uml\sapIdoc.xml

The following pages describe IDoc handling, such as

Example Overview: IDoc Use Cases

Use CaseOperation

Example File (Builder project Add-ons/SAP):

<your example path>\Add-ons\SAP\uml\sapTRFCClient.xml
Receive an IDoc file and send it to SAP (unchanged)SendAnyIDocFromFile
Receive and IDoc from SAP and send it to SAPSendAnyIDoc

Example File (Builder project Add-ons/SAP):

<your example path>\Add-ons\SAP\uml\sapTRFCServer.xml
Receive and IDoc from SAP and write it to a fileIDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS

Example File (Builder project Add-ons/SAP):

<your example path>\Add-ons\SAP\uml\sapIdoc.xml
Read an IDoc from file and parse it to an IDoc structureSingleIDocInString
Receive an IDoc from SAP and parse it to an IDoc structureSingleIDocSAPTables
Read multiple IDocs (same structure) from file and parse them to an IDoc structureArrayOfDocsInString
Receive multiple IDocs (same structure) from SAP and parse them to an IDoc structureArrayOfDocsInSAPTables
Read an TXTRAW01 IDoc from file, parse it, make some changes and write it to a new file.parseTXTRAWIDoc
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