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Setting-up Kibana

To use Kibana, you need to start all API Management containers, including Kibana.
If API Management is still running, shut it down first:

docker-compose down

Then, start all API Management containers:

docker-compose up

Setup Procedure

During API Management installation you have already enabled Kibana for your installation. To use it for your metrics, you only need to configure the Elasticsearch index that is used for Kibana:

  • Login to Kibana at https://<my API Management URL>:<my Kibana port>, e.g. .
    You will see an index-pattern error.

  • Select menu item Management from the menu bar on the left to configure an index pattern.

To configure an index pattern, you need to have made at least one request via API Management.

  • Enter apiman_metrics as name of the pattern.

  • Select requestStart from the dropdown box as name of the Time Filter field.

  • Click Create.

  • Grant users access to Kibana by assigning them role kibanauser. Refer to Managing Users and Permissions for more information on this.

For more information on creating reports with Kibana, refer to the Kibana User Guide. On page Metrics you can find a short introduction to API Management metrics and some Kibana templates to download.

Related Documentation:

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