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Error Handling Designer Editors

Errors may occur while working in Scheer PAS. To facilitate troubleshooting, corresponding error and notification messages are displayed in the application. The overview of error messages allows you to identify possible causes and possible solutions. It also refers to documentation pages that contain further details.

We recommend using container deployment as the default deloyment target starting with PAS 23.1. For further information see:

Designer Editor Messages and Errors

Displayed Message / Problem

Possible Reason


Further Information

An error occurred while deploying the service

Deployment target Integration Component:

  • No proxy port has been set in the service properties.

  • The used service port is already in use for another service in the integration component (Bridge).

  • Missing permission for integration deployment or missing integration user.

Deployment target Container:

  • Missing permission for container deployment.

Deployment target Integration Component:

  • If you are using forms within your BPMN model, insert 5444 as standard proxy port.

  • Open the integration component (Bridge) and check if the port already in use. If so, insert a free service port in the service properties.

  • Try deploying the service with deployment target Container.

  • Ask an administrator to check...

    • if your user has profile integration_user assigned.

    • if a user has been created in the integration component.

Deployment target Container:

  • Ask an administrator to check if your user has profile xuml_container_admin assigned.

Managing the Service Details

In case of a missing deployment permission, a warning icon will be displayed in the controls panel:

Panel settings have been reset

Your Designer installation has been updated to a newer version.

The panel configuration is stored in the user object. After each update of the Designer, the panel settings are reset to default if significant changes have been made to the panel system. This ensures that all new functionalities are available to the user.

Repository can not be exported due to compilation errors

  • Service cannot be compiled correctly.

Deployment target Integration Component:

  • No proxy port has been set in the service properties.

  • You are able to download the repository or the Angular project only if the service has been compiled correctly. Check the validation panel for errors and solve them first.

Deployment target Integration Component:

  • If you are using forms within your BPMN model, insert 5444 as standard proxy port.

Managing the Service Details

Some Designer panels do not show (correct) content.

If the content of the Designer looks strange, for example some panels are empty or do not show all content, try a Panel Reset:
Go to the user preferences, select menu Designer Options and click Reset Panels.

"Unknown" element is displayed in the diagram

  • The corresponding element (e.g. an operation, a parameter, a type etc.) has been deleted/removed in the Service panel.

  • The corresponding element (e.g. an operation, a parameter, a type etc.) has been deleted/removed in the used library.

If interface elements have been removed, you cannot use them anymore and you need to remove them from your implementation.

  • Delete the relevant element in the diagram.

  • Recreate the element in the Service panel. 

  • Add the element again to the diagram (if it does not occur automatically, e.g. for parameters).

  • If the element came from a library: Looking at the library documentation, you may find a new operation you can use as a replacement.

For mapping and activity diagrams, depending on the element, it is also possible to recreate it directly in the diagram via the elements toolbar.

A library has been updated and the concerning element is no longer included in the new version.

  • Remove the concerning element from the diagram and replace it with an element that is included in the new library version.

  • Downgrade the library to the old version.

Updating Libraries

Update on the server failed. The service panel will be refreshed.

Connection errors.

Repeat your modification.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.