Deleting xUML Services
Users who are member of a group, to which the role MODELER has been assigned, are allowed to delete xUML services only, if they themselves or a member of the same group deployed them.
In order to get a list of all xUML services running on a node instance, expand a node instance in the Node Instances section of the navigation on the left. Then, click the sub-navigation item xUML Services. The tab xUML Services is initially displayed.
When deleting xUML Services, please note the following:
- You can only delete xUML services, which have been stopped.
- If you are using Scheer PAS Process Mining, you will have to disable the service in the Process Mining settings (further information can be found in the Installation Guide on page Disabling xUML Services from Process Mining).
Click the Delete button of the xUML service you want to delete.
Alternatively, an xUML service can be deleted directly on the xUML Service tab. Choose the xUML service you want to remove in the navigation. Then, click Delete.
In both cases, you need to confirm the removal of the xUML service by clicking Delete xUML Service. You may also Cancel the transaction. |
After successful deletion of the xUML service, the updated list of xUML services is displayed.