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ZIP Adapter

The ZIP adapter (<<ZIPAdapter>>) enables to zip and unzip files and directories.

Example File (Builder project Add-ons/ZIP):

<your example path>\Add-ons\ZIP\uml\zip.xml

The ZIP adapter takes the following parameter to zip a list of files into a ZIP file:

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values
zipFileStringinSpecify name and path of the target ZIP file.any string
filesArray of Stringin

Specify a list of files and/or directories to be zipped relative to a base directory (see baseDirectory below).

The files to be zipped are calculated by the base directory and the file specifications that may be with or without path information (relative or absolute).

  • If baseDirectory is not set, make sure that all files in the files array are provided with path information (relative or absolute). In this case the files will be stored with this path information to the ZIP file.
  • However, if you set a base directory, provide the file names without path information or with a path relative to the base directory. This way the xUML Runtime will look for the files directly in the base directory and also store the files without path information to the ZIP file.
a list of valid files/directories

Specify an base directory for the list of files to be zipped (optional). This part of the file path will not be stored to the ZIP file.
See the note for parameter files above for more information.

a valid directory
parameter providedAll files need to be provided with path information (relative or absolute). This path information will be stored to the ZIP file.
parameter not providedAll files should be provided
passwordStringinSpecify a password to protect the ZIP file with (optional).any string
encryptionStringinSpecify an encryption method if you want to encrypt the ZIP file (optional).traditionalAlias for zipcrypt. Encrypt target ZIP file with zipcrypt.
zipcryptEncrypt target ZIP file with zipcrypt (default).
aes128Encrypt target ZIP file with aes128.
aes256Encrypt target ZIP file with aes256.

The ZIP adapter uses the following parameters to unzip a ZIP file:

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values
zipFileStringinSpecify name and path of the source ZIP file.a valid ZIP file name

Specify if the extracted files should overwrite already existing files with the same name.

if true, then extracted files are overwritten if they are already there. Otherwise (this is the default), the adapter will extract all files, which are not already there and will return an exception.

trueExtract all files, and overwrite already existing ones.
  • Default setting.
  • Only extract files which are not already existing in the target directory.
  • Return an exception if some files could not be extracted because a file with the same name was already existing in the target directory.

Specify an base directory for the files to be extracted to.

Where the files will be extracted to depends on the base directory and the file paths stored in the ZIP file.

  • If base directory is not set, the files will be extracted according their path specification (relative or absolute) stored in the ZIP file.
  • If you set a base directory,
    • the files will be extracted directly to this directory, if they do not have a path specified (see option base directory for action "zip").
    • If they have a relative path specification, the location will be calculated starting with the base directory as root.
a valid directory
passwordStringinSpecify a password to access the file if the ZIP file is protected.a valid password
extractedFilesArray of StringoutReturns a list of all extracted files.

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