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Node.js Service Settings

In your Node.js service you should use the e2e-conf module to access your service configuration. Analogous to the xUML service settings we use the term Settings for these configurations.
The Bridge provides the flexibility to modify these settings without re-deploying the service. After the first deployment of the Node.js service, the settings can be overwritten on the Settings tab.

Switch to the Settings tab in the information/working area. Users with administration rights are allowed to view and modify the service settings of any Node.js service. Users who are member of a group, to which the role MODELER has been assigned, are only allowed to view and modify them, if they themselves or a member of the same group deployed the Node.js service.

Users who do not have the permission to view the settings cannot see the Settings tab at all. This prevents that unauthorized users access sensitive information like passwords, etc.

You can only modify settings of Node.js services, which have been stopped.

Once you have overwritten values of a Node.js service on this page, they will be used permanently even when re-deploying the configuration with updated values. Setting values on this page will always overrule values that will be deployed with the Node.js service afterwards. This rule also applies when updating or reinstalling the Bridge (by keeping the deployed Node.js service). This does not apply if you remove the Node.js service first and redeploy it again.

Click Apply to apply your changes. Click View to refresh the working area.

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