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The Element Event



The EPC element Event is a passive element. It shows that an action was finished and a state was reached, for example Credit limit exceeded. An Event is generally followed by an action (= Function), unless the event was final. The requirements for the next process steps will be defined in the events after branching via XOR Connector.

Connection Predecessor: Function, Connector
Successor: Function

The ACME procurement process requires multiple actions. Before the first action can be executed, the process has to be initiated with help of the start event Demand exists. Only then the demand can be recorded. Two possible events may occur: Credit limit adhered or Credit limit exceeded. Depending on which event occured, a different process branch will run through.

Configuration Options

Edit the element via the Edit Sidebar.


Name of the element within modeling.

ID PAS 19.2

The read-only field contains the model ID of the element. Designers can use the ID for example in the search to link the element in other models.


A commentary field for the modeler. Its content is invisible to users and its sole purpose is internal documentation.


Possibility to insert your own key terms . The leading hashtag sign # (hash) will be inserted automatically.

Use the spacebar to insert multiple hashtags:

One hashtag may be issued for multiple elements:

Constraint Definition

After an XOR branch, for each succeeding branch a separate event is in which the respective condition is queried. The condition is defined in this field. Logical operators are used for this.

An overview on logical operators can be found on page XOR Branching.

In order to prevent an EPC from being ineffective always verify event and counterevent when designating constraints.

Example: A form offers the answers YES a nd NO . In the process, yes-answers shall follow a different path than no-answers. Therefore it has to be verified which of both paths needs to be followed after the form has been saved. Instead of checking if YES or NO was specified, check if YES or NOT YES was entered. This enables you to also pick up cases where neither answer was specified. 

The counterevent to YES is not NO, but NOT YES!

Start Event

Choose this option to mark an event explicitly as start event. This enables immediate identification of the start event, which is especially of importance in larger EPCs to enable faster execution. 

Only ever mark one event as start event in an EPC. If this option is chosen in multiple elements a notification appears: Warning, multiple start events exist.

The EPC's execution is still ensured in this case, the correct start event will be determined automatically.

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