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Logout & Help

Logging out from BPaaS

There are several ways to log off from BPaaS. If you use the logout button, the current session is terminated in all tabs and the login page is displayed:

Alternatively you can close the browser tab:

Or you can close the browser window:

For reasons of data security, the user may have to log in again because his session has ended in the meantime.

When a session has ended, the user is automatically redirected to the login page:

Once you have logged in again, you can continue working in the corresponding tab:

Avoid editing the same model in parallel browser windows or tabs, as there is no synchronization. The changes made in one window/tab only appear in the other window/tab when you refresh, for example by pressing the F5 key or using the navigation arrows.

Scheer PAS Help

A click on the question mark will take you to the Scheer PAS Documentation, where you can look up all Scheer PAS functionalities:

You can also use the tile Scheer PAS Documentation to switch to the pages of the online manual. The tile is located in the Scheer PAS group, which you will find on your cockpit:

If the group is no longer available there, you can restore it at any time using the The Additional Actions Sidebar.

Related Pages:

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