Important Note

This space contains files and text snippets that are used throughout the Scheer PAS documentation.
This content is not meant to be read independently from the rest of the documentation.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...


The adapter action derives from the used operation. Do not configure this.


PAS supports the following database client libraries: DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and SQLite. If you want to use other database systems, please contact the PAS support team.


With xUML service adapter calls, the xUML Runtime adds the following outgoing HTTP headers containing correlation information to the request:

  • X-Transaction-Id or xTransactionId (in JMS context)
    This header identifies the transaction the call belongs to. You can set the transaction id manually with setTransactionID. If not set, the Runtime will generate one.
    This header will be passed through the callstack to identify all service calls that belong to a transaction.
  • X-Request-Id
    This header identifies the unique request. The Runtime generates a unique number for each adapter call.
  • X-Sender-Host and X-Sender-Service
    These headers contain the sender host resp. the sender service. They are set by the Runtime automatically.

Transaction id and request id will be logged to the transaction log on the adapter call (refer to Administration Guide > Contents of the Transaction Log for more details). Having this information, you can use this for error analysis or usage metrics.

Apache Kafkakafka_message

The Apache Kafka documentation speaks of events that contain a message, or of records in more technical parts of the documentation. This documentation summarizes all under the term "message".

Configuring the Instance Listinstance_list_basics

Each application offers two basic functionalities during execution: The user can start a process (and create a so-called process instance) and he can view the existing instances that have not yet been completed. These "instances in progress" are displayed in the instance list. For each BPMN model, a dedicated instance list is generated.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


Use Add to add a new column.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


Use Cancel to discard your changes.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


Use this area to move the columns by drag and drop.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


Activate this checkbox to hide this column during execution.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


The input in this field is displayed as header of the column.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


Technical identifier for data processing. Not visible for the end user. The input in this field is mandatory.

Configuring the Instance List

Supported Form Elements


Use Save to save your changes.

Constants and Namesservice_types_parameters



RemoteIPAddressIP address of host that initiated the request. If a proxy is used, this is the IP of the proxy server.
RemotePortPort number, from which the request was initiated.
RemoteHostNameName of the host that initiated the request. If not resolvable, the IP address is returned.
LocalIPAddressIP address of the machine this service runs on.
LocalPortPort number of this service.
LocalHostNameName of the host this service runs on. If not resolvable, the IP address is returned.


MethodHTTP method used to invoke this service. Usually, it returns POST.
URIURI called to invoke this service.
BodyComplete content of the HTTP request invoking this service.
<header>Any other name will return the value of the HTTP header of the same name, if it exists.


HeaderComplete source of the SOAP header sent to invoke this service.
BodyComplete source of the SOAP body sent to invoke this service.
faultContent of the SOAP fault if a request comes with a fault element.


HostLocal host name. This call returns a value for all service types.
IPIP address of the local host. This call returns a value for all service types.
UserThe operating system user who is executing the current service. This user has nothing to do with the external user who might invoke a service. Thus, this call returns a value for all service types.


<environment variable name>

Value of the operating system environment variable. This call returns a value for all service types.
Note: the accessible environment variables can be inspected in the start log of the current service.

Since Linux is case sensitive, you should specify all environment variables as they are.


classThe name of the persistent state class.
IDThe unique technical ID of the of the object as stored to the persistent state database.

Constants and Namesservice_types_protocols

Service Type / ContextProtocols
  • System
  • SystemEnvironment
  • HTTP
  • HTTP
  • SOAP
  • HTTP
Persistent State
  • Object

Constants and Namestransaction_id

The Transaction ID identifies a transaction. It is a unique number used to trace service calls through the call stack of multiple service calls.

  • Clients calling an xUML service can provide a transaction ID in HTTP header X-Transaction-ID or xTransactionId (in JMS context).
  • SOAP clients can also use the SOAP headers to provide a transaction ID.
  • If an xUML service is called without providing a transaction ID, the Runtime will generate such an ID.

This ID will be passed on through the call stack of the xUML service, so that the whole transaction can be traced. This can be useful, when analyzing the log file in case of error.

Designer Administrationbackup_upload_change_file

The name of the selected file is displayed. If you want to select a different file, use option Change File.

The file's name is also displayed in field Name.

If you download a backup file from the Designer administration, the file name is extended by the creation date of the backup (timestamp).

Designer Administrationbackup_upload_change_name

Change the contents of the Name field of you want to rename the backup before uploading it.

Option Confirm is only enabled after you have selected the namespace to which the file is to be uploaded.

Designer Administration


If documentation is available, it will be opened in a new browser tab.

This allows developers to access library documentation at any time during the development process.

Designer Administration


Libraries are not included in a namespace backup. If you want to backup a library, use the export functionality in the Controls panel. Refer to Creating a Library for details.

Designer Administration

Getting Started With Designer


The content of the tree in the administration tab depends on the profile assigned to your account within Scheer PAS Administration.

Designer Panel Overview


A BPMN export does only contain the BPMN model.
Execution diagrams are not included.

Designer Panel Overview


Restrictions on Element Names

A BPMN model name must be unique within one service.

In addition, the following name restrictions apply to all service panel elements:

Element names...

  • ... must not be empty.
  • ... must not contain spaces. Exception: Spaces are allowed in operation names.
  • ... must not start with numbers.
  • ... must not end with a period (.).
  • ... must not contain one of the following characters: <, >, :, ", /, \, |, ?, *
  • Furthermore, the following strings must not be used as element names: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9.

Designer Panel Overview

Implementing Your Process


In the Implementation folder, you can undo or redo (after undo) your previous changes using the corresponding functions in the Designer editors or using the corresponding keyboard standard shortcuts (Ctrl+Z/Y).

Designer User Guideadd_horizontal_space

Use this option if you need more or less space on the diagram pane. Click on the pane to display the start line, the second click marks the end line and defines the size of the area to be added. To add space, click from left to right to define the area. If you want to delete a horizontal space, click from right to left to define the area

Designer User Guideadd_vertical_space

Use this option if you need more or less space on the diagram pane. Click on the pane to display the start line, the second click marks the end line and defines the size of the area to be added. To add space, click from top to bottom to define the area. If you want to delete a vertical space, click from bottom to top to define the area.

Designer User Guidepanel_customization

You have several options to adjust the diagram pane. When you open the pane for the first time, the default view is displayed:

  • The Diagram Pane is displayed in the centre at the top
    (refer to chapter Modeling BPMN for further information)
  • The Execution Pane is displayed below the diagram pane
    (refer to chapter Modeling Execution for further information)
  • Four Designer Panels are shown in the left sidebar
    • The Service Panel
    • The Controls Panel
    • The Attributes Panel
    • The Validation Panel

Designer User Guideshow_invalid

Activate this option to highlight all invalid elements.

Designer User Guidetip_info_about_roles_in_admin_guide

Refer to Administration Guide > Managing Roles for detailed information about roles.

Designer User Guidetoggle_grid

Use this option to enable or disable the grid on the diagram pane. The grid supports you during modeling: If the grid is enabled, elements snap to the grid points.

Drawing a Business Processexclusive_gateway_conditions

  • If you use an exclusive gateway, only one sequence flow is selected.
  • If no condition evaluates to true and you have not defined a default flow, the xUML Runtime will throw an exception. We recommend avoiding this scenario.

Drawing a Business Processinstance_persistent_state

Process instances are kept in the persistent state database: The instances are created on process start and deleted on process end. Refer to xUML Service State Machines for further information.

Filesystem Adapterhint_backslash_in_path
When using the Windows style with backward slashes "\" you have to be aware that you need to escape this character. The escape character is also the "\".
To avoid this, use forward slashes with Windows as well.
Form Elementsprepopulation_no

This element cannot be prepopulated.

Form Elementsprepopulation_yes

This element can be prepopulated.

  • You can set a default value in the Attributes panel to be applied before displaying the form. Refer to Changing BPMN Element Attributes for more information.
  • You can overwrite these defaults dynamically in the Get Data execution of a user task. How to do this is explained on Using Forms.


Guidance for Designer Documentation

Creating and running services in Designer consists of several steps, all of which are explained in detail in the documentation:

Working Step in the DesignerRelated Documentation
Service Development
Service Validation and Testing
Service Deployment
Service / Application Execution


Expert Advice

By default, each newly created service gets number 0.1.0 assigned. We recommend to increase the version number before redeploying each time you have made relevant changes to the service. You can change the version number in section General of the Deployment Properties. Follow the concept of semantic versioning.

In case of deployment problems, comparing the version number and the number of the deployed version can help to find out which version of the service is running.

Implementing Your Process


Confirm the security prompt in the pop-up window with Yes to delete the selected parameter from the operation.

Implementing Your Processdefault_value_attribute

Specify a default value for the related variable here.

Implementing Your Process


You can delete a parameter in the implementation folder of the service panel using the Delete option of the context menu or the Del key.

Implementing Your Processexecution_preliminaries

You need to perform two steps to implement executional parts to your model:

  1. Provide all necessary data types and operations for the implementation of your process. These types and operations reside in the Service panel of the BPMN editor.
    • You can use the Base Types that are provided with the Designer.
    • You can create other necessary types yourself in the Implementation section.
      Refer to Modeling Data Mapping for further information.
    • You can import a library that provides additional types and operations.
      Refer to Designer Administration > Libraries for further information.
  2. In the second step, select data types and operations from the Service panel, and add them to your process at the right places.
    • How this is done will be explained in this chapter.

Implementing Your Processexecution_tabs

  • On Event: The model is executed when the event occurs.
  • On Exit: The model is executed after completion of the task/event.
  • Decision: The model is executed when the process reached the gateway.
  • Get Data: The model is executed when BPMN is waiting in a user task and returns the default values for the form.

Implementing Your Process


You can add parameters only to custom operations, not to operations of Connectors and Libraries.

Implementing Your Processlocal

Variables created in section Local are only available for use within the current execution.

Implementing Your Processpersisted

Variables created in section Persisted are usable in all executions of the BPMN model.

Implementing Your Processpersisted_variable_added

The variable is added to the execution pane.

Implementing Your Processsecond_persisted_variable

Once a variable is defined as to be persisted, it is available in all executions throughout the BPMN model.
If you drag out the same type again, a second persisted variable is created that is independent of the first. A consecutive number is appended to the name automatically as variable names must be unique.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add an action script operation to the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add an activity operation to the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add an interface to the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add a mapping operation to the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add an operation to the class. The implementation is to be defined later.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add an operation to the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Add a sub-class to the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Copy the class to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Cut the class to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Delete the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Menu ItemDescription
Add ClassAdd a class or sub-class to the interface. Classes within interfaces can be nested.
Add InterfaceAdd another interface to the interface. Interfaces can be nested.
Add Operation

Add an operation to the interface.

Operations of interfaces do not have an implementation but only define the signature (parameters and types).


Cut the interface to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.


Copy the interface to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.


Paste the interface elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder. Available if Copy or Cut option have been used before.


Change the name of the interface.


Delete the interface.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Quick ActionDescription
Add an operation to the interface. Operations of interfaces have no implementation, they only describe the signature of the operation.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


An operation adds behavior to a class or interface. The behavior describes how to process the data given by the parameters. In the context of the Designer, you can implement operations as mapping, action script or activity.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Menu ItemDescription
Add Parameter inAdd an input parameter to the operation.
Add Parameter outAdd an output parameter to the operation.
Add Parameter returnAdd a return parameter to the operation.
Add Operation (Suboperation)
Add a suboperation to the operation.
Open (Implementation)

Open the implementation of the selected operation in a separate tab.

Available if the operation has an implementation, yet.

Change (Implementation)

Change the type of implementation or remove the implementation.

Available if the operation has an implementation, yet.

Create (Implementation)

You can choose between three different types of implementation for your class operations:

Available if the operation has no implementation, yet.


Cut the operation to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.


Copy the operation to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.


Paste the operation elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder. Available if Copy or Cut option have been used before.


Change the name of the operation.


Delete the operation.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Check if anchor link can be kept - if so, add info box from _designer_excerpts_big here as well

Quick ActionDescription
Add an input parameter to the operation.
Add an output parameter to the operation.
Add a return parameter to the operation.

Open the implementation of the operation in a separate tab.

If you have not yet selected an implementation, a dialog opens first, which allows you to select the desired implementation. Refer to Create Implementation for more information.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Menu ItemDescription
Move upChange the order of parameters.
Move down
CutCut the parameter to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.
CopyCopy the parameter to paste it elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder.
Paste the parameter elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder. Available if Copy or Cut option have been used before.
Change the name of the parameter.
Delete the parameter.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Paste the class elsewhere to the API or Implementation folder. Available if Copy or Cut option have been used before.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling APIs


Change the name of the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling BPMN


A class is an aggregation of properties and operations that describes a complex data type from which objects can be created.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling BPMN


All elements inside the Implementation folder need to be created within packages. Add a new package via the quick action or the context menu.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling BPMN


A package is like a directory for the file system. It is used to group executable data model elements. Packages can have any depth of nesting: To structure your work, you can create packages within packages.
Also, packages define a sort of namespace to the contained elements. The name of the package is part of the element path, e.g. Package1.Class is different from Package2.Class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling BPMN


Properties are data fields that describe the structure of the class.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling BPMN

Modeling Forms


Undo the previous action you performed in...

  • ... one of the Designer editors (except mapping editor).
  • ... the Implementation folder of the service panel.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling BPMN

Modeling Forms


Redo your previous action (after undo).

Implementing Your Process

Modeling Data Structures


PASDOC-1658 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Apply the same naming conventions to all your models. This makes reading a model much easier. Refer to Naming Conventions and Containment Tree Organization in the Builder User Guide for an overview on practice-approved naming conventions.

Implementing Your Process

Modeling Data Structures


In contrast to a class, an interface has no properties nor implementations. Interfaces are used to define common operations of multiple classes, and then derive from that interface.
Operations of interfaces do not have an implementation but only define the signature (parameters and types).

Implementing Your Process

Modeling Data Structures


Operations can have parameters that define the input and output objects. Operation parameters can be of simple type (Base Types) or of complex type (class or interface).

Implementing Your Process

Modeling Activities


Literals can only be connected with output parameters, return parameters and operation input pins of base type Boolean, DateTime, Float, Integer and String.

Managing the Service Details


Activate this option to enable the possibility to export your service as an Angular project for further pro-code development. You can find the export option in the additional menu of the controls panel. If the option is enabled, an Angular project will be created for all forms and for the instance table.

Deactivate to disable the export. If the Angular build is disabled, it also will not build the Angular project on deployment.

By default, this option is activated.

Expert Advice

If your process does not contain user tasks with assigned forms and if you do not need the instance table, we recommend to disable this option. The deployment will be much faster and the repository file much smaller.

Managing the Service Details


Activate this option to enable automatic compilation with each change in the respective model.

Deactivate to disable the automatic compilation. If you chose this option, you can trigger the compilation manually via Start validation in the controls panel. The corresponding service is also compiled during a deployment, an export of the repository or similar actions, even if automatic compilation is disabled.

By default, this option is activated.

Managing the Service Details


Alias names must be unique within the service.

Managing the Service Details


The version of the service must follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0:  Major.Minor.Patch. A pre-release tag is optional. A version numbering that deviates from this will lead to errors during deployment.

Managing the Service Details


If this button is greyed out, the service has not been deployed yet.

Modeling Activitieshint_activity_diagram

Activities are modeled in activity diagrams. Refer to Modeling Activities for more information on how to create an activity diagram.

Modeling Activitiesinfo_get_attribute_limitations

Limitations of Attribute Get

Using the Get attribute it is only possible to access properties of complex types.

The following is not supported:

  • Multiple transformation flows to the same input pin.
  • Adding Action Script statements to the Get attribute.
  • Accessing single array elements, e.g. with myArray[0].

Modeling Activities

Drawing an Activity Diagram


Control flows that are starting from a decision node need to have a guard expression. A guard expression is an expression that evaluates to true or false, and specifies which control flow branch to follow from the decision node on.

One of the guard expressions must be else to define the branch to follow when none of the guard expressions are true.

Modeling Activities

Drawing an Activity Diagram


If a decision node branches the control flow into multiple branches, order defines the order in which the guard expressions (see Guard above) should be evaluated. This is necessary in case multiple guard expressions evaluate to true.

The else  expression does not need to have an order.

Modeling APIs


An API is the entrance port of your service. It can be used to communicate with the service from the outside. There are different kinds of APIs (e.g. REST API, SOAP API, ...) that describe different communication standards.

Technical Concepts

Constants and Names


With xUML service adapter calls, the xUML Runtime adds the following outgoing HTTP headers containing correlation information to the request:

  • X-Transaction-Id or xTransactionId (in JMS context)
    This header identifies the transaction the call belongs to. You can set the transaction id manually with setTransactionID. If not set, the Runtime will generate one.
    This header will be passed through the callstack to identify all service calls that belong to a transaction.
  • X-Request-Id
    This header identifies the unique request. The Runtime generates a unique number for each adapter call.
  • X-Sender-Host and X-Sender-Service
    These headers contain the sender host resp. the sender service. They are set by the Runtime automatically.

Transaction id and request id will be logged to the transaction log on the adapter call. Having this information, you can use this for error analysis or usage metrics.

Technical Concepts

Constants and Names

Modeling APIs

Technical Concepts


xUML services read the following incoming HTTP headers containing correlation information:

  • X-Transaction-Id or xTransactionId (in JMS context)
    This header identifies the transaction the call belongs to. You can set the transaction id manually with setTransactionID.
    This header will be passed through the callstack to identify all service calls that belong to a transaction.
  • X-Request-Id 
    This header should identify the unique request.
  • X-Sender-Host and X-Sender-Service
    These headers should contain the sender host resp. the sender service.

These headers will be all logged to the transaction log. Having this information, you can use this for error analysis or usage metrics.

Modeling APIs

Technical Concepts

Modeling APIs


Header information as a map. The map contains arrays of header value strings whereas the header name is the key of the map.

  • Header names are lowercase and treated case insensitive.
  • Multiple headers with the same name are treated as arrays.

Refer to HTTP Header Support for more information on the standard xUML HTTP headers.

Modeling APIs


Specifies the maximum size of the request in KB (1 KB = 1024 Bytes). This can be used to prevent DoS or similar attacks. When the payload of the service exceeds the given maximum, incoming request are rejected.

Modeling APIs


Specifies the maximum size of the request header in KB (1 KB = 1024 Bytes). This can be used to prevent DoS or similar attacks. When the header payload of the service exceeds the given maximum, incoming request are rejected.

Modeling APIs


Ports are elements of the UML modeling standard. A port defines an entrance point to the service and connects the API to an interface or class.

Modeling BPMNactivating_lanes

To activate the lane element, click its border or icon/header. If the element is active, an indicator is displayed in the lower right corner.

Modeling BPMNadd_bpmn_elements

Drag the element you want to create from the toolbar and drop it on the diagram pane.

Another way to create a bpmn element is to click on the element in the toolbar, switch to the editor and click again.

To cancel the operation, press the Esc key.

Modeling BPMN


In the Process folder you can create your BPMN models. One service can contain several BPMN models.

To create a model, hover over the Process folder to display the quick start icons and click Add Model.

Modeling BPMNadd_library

To add an unused library to the project, click Add library .

Modeling BPMN


The new BPMN model is also displayed in the service panel and you can use option Open model to open it.

Modeling BPMN


When you create a new model, it opens automatically in a new tab and you can directly start modeling.

Refer to Working with the BPMN Editor for detailed information.

Modeling BPMN


Enter a name for the BPMN model in the pop-up window Create New Model. Click Save.

Modeling BPMNno_role_assigned_to_lane

If no roles are assigned to a lane, the process steps inside the lane can be executed by all users.

Modeling BPMNother_background_color

Background Color

If you want to select a background color, activate the checkbox and click on the color placeholder that will appear.

Then use the color picker to select a new color or enter the hexadecimal code of the desired color:

Modeling BPMNtip_export_import_in_service_panel

Refer to Exporting and Importing Service Panel Contents for further information about the possible options.

Modeling BPMNtip_service_panel_options

For detailed explanations of the item options in the Service panel, such as cut, copy, rename, and delete, refer to Service Panel.

Modeling BPMN

Implementing Your Process


Click here to insert or change the Name of the related element. Generated elements (like e.g. message) cannot be renamed.

Modeling BPMN

Implementing Your Process


Enter a name for the form in the pop-up window Create New Form. Click Save.

Modeling BPMN

Modeling Forms


The new form is also displayed in the service panel and you can use option Open model to open it.

Modeling BPMN

Modeling Forms


When you create a new form, it opens automatically in a new tab and you can directly start designing.

Refer to Working with the Form Editor for detailed information.

Modeling BPMN

Modeling Forms

Implementing Your Process


If you click Undo in one of the Designer editors, this may also have an effect on the Implementation folder in the Service panel if you performed your previous action there.

Modeling BPMN

Supported BPMN Elements


To define the timer settings, click to open the timer editor. For detailed explanations see How to Use the Scheduler/Timer.

Modeling BPMN

Supported BPMN Elements


To set the duration of the timer, the event should be trigged by a persisted property of type integer or datetime. You have two options to set the timeout in the attributes panel:

  • Integer: Define the number of seconds the event has to wait.
  • Datetime: Define the absolute datetime when the event should fire.

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libaries


Use option Documentation to display the documentation of a library.

You can find it in the Manage Libraries dialog...

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libaries


... as well as in the service panel when you hover over a library.

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libraries


If you want to add your own libraries to a service, hover over the Libraries folder in the service panel and use option Manage Libraries .

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libraries


The added library is now displayed in the service panel and you can use it during modeling.

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libraries


The dialog Manage Libraries opens.

All libraries that have been uploaded to the current namespace are shown in this dialog:

  • Currently unused libraries are displayed on the left side of the window.
  • The libraries that are already used in this service are shown on the right side.

Expand the drop-down lists to display the details of each library such as versions and dependencies.

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libraries


The library is now displayed in the column Used Libraries.

If you have finished, click Save to persist your changes.

Pro-Code Developmenttip_multi_project_workspaces

Expert Advice

For detailed information about multi-project workspaces, visit the Angular documentation.

Running Designer Applicationscreate_new_instance

Select the process start you want to trigger from the drop-down menu.

Running Designer Applicationsinfo_service_execution_options

With PAS 23.1, you have two options to execute your service. You can run your applications:

  • in the test service without deployment: This option enables developers to easily test applied changes. Deployment is not necessary any more to execute the test service. Refer to Working with the Test Environment for details.
  • in the deployed service: Developers only need to deploy a service...
    • if they want to give other team members the opportunity to test dedicated features or versions of the service
    • if they want to run regeression tests against the test server.
    • Refer to Deploying a Service for details.

Deployment is also required when your service goes live and is transferred from your test to your productive systen. Refer to Going Live with a Designer Service in PAS Academy > Designer Best Practices for further explanation.

Running Designer Applicationsinstance_list_content

The instance list shows all running instances that have not yet been processed to the last service step.

Running Designer Applications


A progress view is displayed...

  • ... if an open process instance is in a state where no forms have to be filled.
  • ... if the instance is in a state that your role is not allowed to see.

You can wait until the process reaches the next form (or the process end) or switch back to the overview and proceed with another instance.

Running Designer Applicationsinstance_list_refresh

Use option Refresh to update the instance list.

Running Designer Applicationsinstance_list_role_concept

If the view of the instance list is associated with a role-based authorization concept, only users with appropriate permissions can access it via optionthat is displayed next to the corresponding process name.

Running Designer Applications


If the process is role-based, role labels are displayed - one for each role assigned to your user. Click a label to view only the instances allowed for that role.

For detailed information about role usage in apps, refer to chapter Role-based Authorization Concept.

Running Designer Applicationssearch_expressions

Search Expressions

  • The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters.
  • The underscore sign (_) represents one, single character.

To search for a substring, use the percent sign % as a wildcard for any character and underscore _ for a single arbitrary character.

Running Designer Applicationsselect_process_to_create_instance

Select the process for which you want to create a new instance by clicking the corresponding option.

Searching in the Designer

Modeling BPMN

Working With Libraries

Implementing Your Process

Validating a Service


Refer to Customizing Editors and Panels for detailed information about panel management in general.

Searching in the Designer

Working With the Explorer


On top of the explorer tree you can find a search box. Select the part of the explorer tree (namespace, folder or service) you want to search, and enter a search term.

Service Panel


Alternatively, you can also add libraries via the context menu.

Service Panel

Modeling BPMN


Alternatively, you can open the context menu of a Process folder and select the option Add Model.

Service Panel

Modeling Forms


Alternatively, you can open the context menu of a Forms folder and select the option Add Form.

Sharing Designer Contentinclude_in_library

The Include checkbox corresponds to the element attribute Include in Library Export: Activate the checkbox for all elements that you want to include in your library.

Supported BPMN Elementsattribute_trigger_events

Trigger Events: Use the attribute Trigger Events in the Attributes Panel to define which button of a form associated to the element triggers the default process flow of a BPMN process. This attribute is only available for boundary events.

Supported BPMN Elementsboundary_events

Plain EventMessage Event and Timer Event can be used as boundary events along with User Task and Receive Task. When using the events as boundary events, attach the element directly to the border of the corresponding task:

Supported BPMN Elementscreation_of_start_events

A start event can only be created via the elements toolbar.

Supported BPMN Elementsediting_and_styling

  • Refer to Working with the BPMN Editor for further information regarding editing of BPMN elements using the different context menus on the diagram pane.
  • Refer to Styling BPMN Elements for further information regarding styling possibilities for BPMN elements, for example how to change the background color, the font style and size etc.

Supported BPMN Elementsexecution_other_elements

None. The content of this element is ignored during execution.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_cssClass

Enables a field-acurate layout customization.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_cssClass_value

A valid CSS class.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_customerAttributes

The attribute is used to activate Angular directives, that are created as development kit (devkit) library to expand the default functionality.

For detailed information about Angular directives, visit the official Angular documentation. For details about the usage of the Custom Attributes, refer to Developing Custom Directives.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_customerAttributes_values

  • empty attribute
  • attribute with value (e.g. color="red")
  • multiple entries separated by space (e.g. color="red" multiline max="5")

Supported Form Elements form_elements_description

A commentary field for the developer. The content is invisible to users and its sole purpose is internal documentation.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_editing

Refer to  Modeling Forms for further information regarding editing of form elements using the context menu.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_label

Field name shown in the form.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_mandatory

The element must be filled or used if the checkbox is activated.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_mandatory_false

Element may remain empty (default).

Supported Form Elements form_elements_mandatory_true

Element must be filled.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_name

Technical identifier for data processing and not visible for the end user.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_name_value

Alphanumercial characters and underscore.

It is not allowed to start the name with a number.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_read-only

This field is write-protected. When you use the option, Read-only is added to the bottom right of the element:

Supported Form Elements form_elements_read-only_false

User can enter values (default).

Supported Form Elements form_elements_read-only_true

User cannot enter values.

Supported Form Elements form_elements_symbolType

Displays the type of the form element in read-only mode.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_text

In this field, you can enter text. Content added to attribute Text is shown in the element. If the user does not change the content of the field during form execution, the content of Text will be saved to the database.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_vertical_alignment

The attribute is used to adjust the position of a form element in context to a bigger neighboring element.

Example: The Radio Button Group Color is much bigger than the Button Next, but the button should be shown at the bottom of the form. Therefore, the button's attribute Vertical Alignment is set to Bottom.

Supported Form Elements


Align the element at the bottom of the element cell.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_vertical_alignment_center

Align the element in the middle of the element cell.

Supported Form Elementsform_elements_vertical_alignment_top

Align the element on top of the element cell (default).

Supported Form Elementsgrouping_deletion

Deletion Behavior of Grouping Elements

If you delete a grouping element, it is erased from your work area including all content.

Supported Form Elementsnote_on_instance_table

The Instance List is a special form of the data table which is created for every BPMN model. Refer to Configuring the Instance List for detailed information.

Supported Form Elements

Modeling Forms


The content of this attribute is displayed in the element when attribute Text has not been filled. The placeholder is a sample value, it is not saved to the database. When a user overwrites the placeholder, it disappears and the user's input is saved to attribute Text.

If content is added to both attributes Text and Placeholder, the content of Text is displayed in the element.

Testing and Integrationtip_api_organizations

For detailed information about the usage of organizations in API Management, refer to Organizations in the API Management guide.


Click the image to see an animated version.

  • Various pages (also in ACADEMY space)

Click the image above to see an animated version.

  • Various pages (also in ACADEMY space)
Validating and Testing a Servicevalidating_analyzing_validation_results

The validation panel is available in all editors, and shows xUML Compiler messages ( and ) no matter where they occur. Use the information given in the validation panel to check the mentioned elements of your service model.

Validating and Testing a Service validating_intro

The Designer supports you during modeling by validating the service, displaying messages for invalid implementations, and giving you advice on how to fix these errors.

Working With Libraries bridge_base

The Designer provides all necessary base types in a Bridge Base standard library. This library is available in all services and cannot be removed. It contains the following xUML base types:

  • Any
  • Blob
  • Boolean
  • DateTime
  • Float
  • Integer
  • String

Most of these base types are only able to hold one single piece of information, like text in a string, true or false in a boolean, or binary data in a blob.

Refer to Available Base Types for more information on the xUML base types.

If you want to associate several bits of information, you have to define a complex type that combines a number of independent base types and possibly other complex types. Such complex types are modeled as classes. To use your own types, you can

  • define your own data structures in the Implementation folder
  • provide them via a library.

How to upload your own libraries is explained on Designer Administration > Libraries.

Working With Librarieslibrary_concepts

Libraries are code repositories that are useful to organize your development project into re-usable pieces that can be used in multiple services. They contain predefined classes, interfaces, operations and parameters you can use during modeling by simple drag & drop.
Libraries are developed with the Builder. The Designer comes with a standard library which already provides all necessary Base Types and base type operations.

Working With Librariesnote_library_deletion

Be careful when using this option: If you delete a library in the administration, it is no longer available for all services in the namespace. The implementation of the service(s) in the affected namespace may become invalid.

Working With Libraries

Administrating Libraries


If you delete a library version in the administration that is still in use, the implementation of all affected services may become invalid.

Working With the Explorer


Enter a name for the service in the pop-up window Create New Service. Click Save.

Working With the Explorer


The new folder is created and displayed in the tree.

Working With the Explorerimport_limitations

  • You cannot import newer versions to a system having an older version installed.
  • There are no migrations if importing Designer content from versions prior to Designer 21.1.3 (2.0.165). This may result in the imported service not working.
    In the future, importing data from a version older than 21.1.3 will be disabled.

Working With the Explorer


You can set access restrictions on several levels:

  • On a namespace:
    Namespace permission can be set in the User Management. These permissions have the highest priority. If a namespace with e.g. read-only permissions is assigned to the user in the User Management, You cannot override this permission in the Designer. For further information refer to the Scheer PAS Administration Guide.
  • On a folder:
    Folder permissions affect all sub-elements of the folder, but you can assign permissions to a service within the folder independently.
  • On a service:
    Service permissions only affect the corresponding service.

Working With the Explorer


Restrictions on Element Names

The only restriction for folder names is that they must not be empty. To all other elements in the Explorer, the following name restrictions apply:

Element names...

  • ... must not be empty.
  • ... must not contain spaces.
  • ... must not start with numbers.
  • ... must not end with a period (.).
  • ... must not contain one of the following characters: <, >, :, ", /, \, |, ?, *
  • Furthermore, the following strings must not be used as element names: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9.

Working With the Explorer


To open a service, click on the service name in the explorer tree.

  1. The Service tab will open.
  2. The service details will be displayed on the right side of the tree.

To access the service, click on the the explorer tab icon or on the service details area to close the explorer tab. Refer to Service Panel for further information.

Working With the Explorerproject_created

The new service is created and displayed in the tree.

Working With the Explorertip_profiles_admin_guide

Refer to the Administration Guide for further information on the creation of namespaces.

Working With the Explorerversion_considerations

By exporting and importing, you can transfer Designer contents between PAS installations. These installations may have divergent versions.

As of Designer 21.1.3, import will perform migrations on the imported service if the data to be imported is not older than Designer 21.1.3 (2.0.165).
If there is a version gap of more than one version, multiple migrations will be applied if necessary.

Working With the Explorer


A Service contains one executable micro service. Services are created in the Explorer tree. The necessary settings for your service such as the service properties, the BPMN model,  the data model, used libraries and forms are managed within the service. You need to open a service to access its contents via the Service panel, refer to Service Panel for details.

Working With the Explorer

Modeling BPMN


For further information about the Cockpit, tiles and groups refer to the BPaaS Guide.

Working With the Explorer

Modeling BPMN


Enter a name for the folder in the pop-up window Create New Folder.

Click Save.

Working With the Explorer

Modeling BPMN


You are now able to paste the URL, for example to an email.

Working With the Explorer

Modeling BPMN


The action is confirmed by a toast message.

  • No labels