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Developer Access to APIs

 PAS 22.1 As a developer, you can access API information through the Developer Portal. All available APIs are displayed in the portal (refer to Managing the Developer Portal for details). Depending on the type of the API, you can directly use it (Public APIs) or need to subscribe for it (Private APIs).

Using the API Developer Portal

The APIs in the portal are displayed as tiles showing:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Version Label (displayed only when more than one version is available)
  • Button 18189908
  • Button 18189908

API Documentation

The API Documentation button grants access to the Swagger UI where the user can test the API (refer to Testing APIs for further information).

Testing of API configurations is only possible with REST APIs that are coming with an OpenAPI Specification.

API Details Page

Private APIs

On the details page of a Private API, users can find further information about the API such as an extended description, the available plans and if a plan requires approval.

If you want to subscribe to an API, use the Sign Up button in the plan you want to register for (refer to 18189908 for details).

The API Documentation button and a button to download the API definition file are also available here.

If more than one version of the API is available, the latest version will be displayed on top. To see the details of earlier versions, expand the labels below the open details page.

Public APIs

On the details page of a Public API, users can find further information about the API such as an extended description and the public endpoint.

The API Documentation button and a button to download the API definition file are also available here.

Related Documentation:

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