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This space contains files and text snippets that are used throughout the Scheer PAS documentation.
This content is not meant to be read independently from the rest of the documentation.

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Excerpts from Version 23.2

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...


Adding or removing policies does not enrich the Open API documentation. You need to adjust your documentation manually. For more information on REST documentation and how to add documentation to xUML services, refer to Bridge Guide > Documenting a REST Service.


Testing of API configurations is only possible with REST APIs that are coming with an OpenAPI Specification.


This setting is valid for all versions of the API.


This setting is valid for all versions of the client.

Developer Portalaccess_documentation_and_definiton

You can also access the API Documentation and Download the API definition file here. 

Developer Portalapi_documentation

Click API Documentation to access the Swagger UI where you can test the API (refer to Testing APIs for further information).

Developer Portalconfirm_delete

For security reasons, you need to confirm the deletion.

Developer Portaldisplay_open_api_definition

Displays the Open API definition (Swagger) and allows for making test calls if the API is available.

Developer Portaldownload_open_api_definition

Downloads the API definition file.

Developer Portallatest_api_version

If more than one version of the API is available, the latest version will be displayed on top. To see the details of earlier versions, expand the labels below the open details page. 

Developer Portalportal_copy_to_clipboard

Click Copy to copy the key to the clipboard.

Developer Portalsign_up_client_created

After a successful creation, your client is displayed in the box below.

Click Next to continue.

Developer Portalsign_up_create_client

Now follow the wizard through some simple steps:

  • Create a new client: Enter the name of your client in field Search or create.

Click Create.

Developer Portalsign_up_multiple_organizations

If your user has permission to use or create clients in various organizations, a different view will be displayed:

  • Field Organization is a drop-down and you can select the organization you want to create a new client in.
  • Below, the list of available clients for your user is displayed and you can select one directly.
  • If a client has more then one version, you can also select the client version from a drop-down list.

Click Next to continue.

Developer Portalsign_up_my_clients_tab

Tab My Clients displays an overview of your clients and their contracts.

Your new client is displayed and labeled as Awaiting Approval. Refer to Handling Approval Requests for detailed information about the approval process in API Management.

Developer Portalsign_up_request_approved

As soon as an administrator approved your request, you will get a notification.

Now you can start using the API.

Developer Portalsign_up_success

A success message is displayed in the Developer Portal.

If approval is required for the API you subscribed to, you now have to wait for the approval.
If approval is not necessary to use the API, you have now access to it.

If you want to check your newly created client, switch to the My Clients tab.

Developer Portalsign_up_summary

In step 2, the summary displays the API-related information.

Click Confirm to send your request.

API Key and Endpoint will be provided to you after your request is approved.


To create a new version, click New Version (refer to The Concepts of API Management > Versioning for detailed information).


Click Learn More on the API that you want to consume.

This will open the API's details.


No matter where you are in the API Management, the Create button is always displayed at the bottom right and opens the creation menu.


In the next step, you need to enter the following mandatory settings:

  • Name: Enter a name. The name is not changeable after creation.

  • Version: Enter a version number or name.

You can enter numbers and text in field Version. Refer to The Concepts of API Management > Versioning for detailed information.

You can then enter a description. The description is optional and can also be entered or changed later on the details page.

Click Next to continue.


Option Delete is only enabled if you activate the checkbox.


The notifications can also be sent by by email. This feature must be enabled during the the setup of your Scheer PAS installation. Ask your Scheer PAS administrator for help.


Refer to Metrics for detailed information about the available options.


In API Management, a user can see all APIs for which he has explicit permissions (roles Viewer and Editor). The permissions are assigned in the corresponding organizations, refer to Administrating Organization Members > Applicable Roles.
In addition, a user can be assigned the profile api_management_admin in the user management (refer to Administration Guide) which makes him a "superadmin" who can basically see and do everything in API Management (refer to Administration for details).


In that case, the organization is already set in the wizard.


In the Plans section, you find all available plans for the API and information on whether approval is required for a plan.

Click Sign Up on the plan you want to register for.


A toast message indicates successful deletion.


Expert Advice

Do not delete APIs, plans, or clients and recreate them if you want to change policies or settings. Instead:

  • As concerns APIs and clients: Retire the old version, so it will not be callable anymore. Alternatively, skip this step if you want both versions - old and new - to be available.
  • Create a new version of the element you want to change.
  • Re-publish or re-register the API or client.


Refer to chapter Policies for an overview of the standard policies supplied with Scheer PAS API Management. Page Attaching Policies explains how to attach and configure a policy.


For detailed information about navigating and filtering the list refer to Working With the API Management.


For detailed information about the visibility concept, refer to The Concepts of API Management.


Expert Advice

We recommend the following best practices regarding organizations:

  • Create organizations as fine-granular as possible, e.g. one organization for each logical group of APIs (purchase, order processing, billing).
  • Use a separate, dedicated organization for testing or development.
  • Do not test your API in an organization that holds productive data.


You cannot delete a locked plan. Locked plans are deleted only when the entire organization is deleted.


Once a plan is locked, it cannot be revised anymore. However, you can still create a new version of this plan.

  • Plans
  • API Tutorial 2: Creating a Plan

This setting is valid for all versions of the plan.


All standard claims, custom claims and ID token fields are available (case sensitive). A special value of access_token will forward the entire encoded token. Nested claims can be accessed by using the JavaScript dot syntax (e.g:, address.formatted).


API Management sets the CORS headers in the following order:

  1. CORS headers from the CORS policy have the highest priority.
  2. If no CORS policy has been defined, CORS headers from the external API are used.

For detailed explanations about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) visit the official Mozilla documentation.


Confirm each field input with Enter to create various list entries.


Regular expressions must be written in Java syntax.


Self-signed certificates are currently not supported.


If you want to cache POST requests, you have to enable stateful request payload inspection in the settings of your API.


An IP Blocklist policy overrides an IP Allowlist policy.


It is stongly recommended to enable this option.


Expert Advice

We recommend the following best practices regarding policies:

  • Give a thought or two on where to add your policy, because policies can be added to clients, plans and APIs, which has impact on the policy chain.
    • On API level, you will typically use modification policies, such as URL Rewriting or API Key.
    • On plan level, you will typically use limiting policies, such as Rate Limiting. This way, each plan will allow for a different amount of requests.
    • On client level, you will typically apply authentication and authorization policies, such as BASIC Authentication or Authorization, or other security policies.
  • Testing APIs or verifying concepts with policies is much simpler with public APIs.


Click Add to create more rows in the table. Click Delete to remove selected rows.

Tips and Tricksattaching_a_policy

A wizard supports you during policy configuration. Refer to Attaching Policies for a step-by-step guide.

Excerpts up to Version 23.1.1

Some API Management excerpts are saved within the documenation, see API Management excerpts managed directly in the documentation for an overview.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...


Please disable the TLS check if you are using Scheer PAS 21.1 or a newer version, because all PAS components are running behind a proxy server.


An IP Blocklist policy overrides an IP Allowlist policy.

Terms & Definitionsapi_contracts_and_keys

Only public APIs can be accessed by any consumer. The only way for a client to consume a private API is by using an API contract. An API contract is a link between a client and an API through a plan offered by that API.

API contracts can only be created between clients and published APIs which are offered through at least one plan. An API contract cannot be created between a client and a public API.

When an API contract is created, the system generates a unique API Key. This key is unique per client and the same for all contracts of this client. All requests made to the API by a client through the gateway must include this API Key. The API Key is used to create the runtime policy chain from the policies configured on the API, plan and client.

You can forward the X-API-Key to the service using the API Key policy. However, you cannot define your own value for the X-API-Key, since the gateway uses the key to identify the clients.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_displayed_when_published

This tab is only visible for published APIs.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_displayed_when_registered

This tab is only visible for registered clients.

Developer Portalapi_doc_and_definition

The API Documentation button and a button to download the API definition file are also available here.

Developer Portalapi_documentation_button

The API Documentation button grants access to the Swagger UI where the user can test the API (refer to Testing APIs for further information).


It is strongly recommended to enable this option.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_link_to_policy_page

On page Policies you can find an overview of the standard policies supplied with Scheer PAS API Management. Page Assigning Policies shows how to configure a policy.


The order of the policies is important. The order in which the policies appear in the user interface determines the order they will be applied at runtime. You can drag a policy up and down the list to change the order:

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_my_all_hint

If you want to edit API Management elements, you need to access them via the My... menu items (see "My" API Management items).


Before the client is registered with the runtime gateway, it is not possible to make requests to backend APIs on behalf of that client.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_save_when_finished

Do not forget to click the Save button when you have finished.

Developer Portalapi_version_label

If more than one version of the API is available, the latest version will be displayed on top. To see the details of earlier versions, expand the labels below the open details page.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_version_number_note

You can enter numbers and text in the Version field which allows the use of version numbers (e.g. 1.0, 2.1 ...) as well as version descriptions (e.g. Gold, Super etc.).


Use the drop-down list to define which user group can browse the API and the corresponding plan. This affects the view in the API Management itself as well as in the API Developer Portal:

  • Organization Members (default): All members of the organization. The PAS user must be listed in one of the Identity Management groups API-Management-Users, API-Management-Administrators or API-Management-Developer-Portal-Users.
  • API Management Users: Any PAS user listed in Identity Management groups API-Management-Users or API-Management-Administrators.
  • API Developer Portal Visitors: Any PAS user listed in Identity Management group API-Management-Developer-Portal-Users and any user who visits the API Developer Portal, whether logged in or not.

For detailed information about the visibility concept, visit page The Concepts of API Management.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsapi_work_with_items

Click to add a new item to a list, click to show/hide the list of items.

Developer Portalapprover_confirmation

For security reasons, the approver needs to confirm his choice.

Developer Portal


For security reasons, you need to confirm the deletion.

Developer Portalcopy_to_clipboard

Use icon to copy the key to the clipboard.

Developer Portalcorresponding_message_in_portal

The user gets a corresponding notification in the API Developer Portal.


API Management sets the CORS headers in the following order:

  1. CORS headers from the CORS policy have the highest priority.
  2. If no CORS policy has been defined, CORS headers from the external API are used.

For detailed explanations about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) visit the official Mozilla documentation.

Terms & Definitionsdefinition_api

APIs in API Management represent real back-end APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). An API is also known as a service, meaning anything that can be invoked remotely by some sort of client. API Management provides a way to turn unmanaged (raw) back-end APIs into managed APIs by attaching policies to them.

Every managed API can be published as Public API or Private API or both:

  • Public APIs are available to consumers without a key. Only policies defined on the API apply to public APIs.
  • Private APIs are only accessible for known consumers, called clients. Every client has an individual key to access the API. Policies defined on the client, the selected plan in the contract and the API apply.

In API Management, users can create new APIs manually or easily import them from the API Catalog.

Terms & Definitionsdefinition_client

The client is the consumer of the API:

  • The client consumes managed APIs offered through API Management.
  • Each client can consume multiple APIs within API Management. The relation between client and API is defined via a contract and a plan.
  • As with an API or a plan, you can also add policies to a client. When creating a contract, an API-Key to invoke the API will be assigned.

Terms & Definitionsdefinition_contract

A contract relates a client to an API, using a plan.

Terms & Definitions


Almost everything in the API Management data model exists in the context of an organization:

  • An organization is a logical unit within API Management. This can be a company, department, etc.
  • An organization is a container of other elements: plans, APIs, and clients are defined per organization.
  • Every user must be associated with at least one organization to be able to manage elements in the application.
  • API Management implements role-based access control for users. You can give organization members different roles to restrict the actions he is able to perform and the elements he can manage within the organization.
  • Membership for each organization can be easily managed in the Organization tab.

Terms & Definitionsdefinition_plan

A plan is a set of policies that defines the level of service API Management provides for an API.

  • Plans enable users to define multiple different levels of service for their APIs.
  • Plans specify the contract between a client and an API.
  • It is common to define multiple plans with divergent configuration options for the same API.
    An organization offers two plans for the same API: Plan A is more expensive than plan B, but it offers a higher level of API requests in a given (and configurable) period of time.

Terms & Definitionsdefinition_policy

Policies are at the lowest level of the data model, but they are the most important concept: A policy is a rule or a set of rules API Management uses to manage access to your APIs.

  • Policies are applied to all API requests and represent a unit of work applied at runtime to the request by API Management.
  • You can define a policy chain, a defined order in which the policies will be applied to API requests.

Developer Portal


Downloads the API definition file.

Developer Portal


Displays the Open API definition (Swagger) and allows for making test calls if the API is available.

Developer Portaldetails_page_public

On the details page of a Public API, users can find further information about the API such as an extended description and the public endpoint.


The notifications can also be sent by by email. This feature must be enabled during the the setup of your Scheer PAS installation. Ask your Scheer PAS administrator for help.


Once a plan is locked, it cannot be revised anymore. However, you can still create a new version of this plan.


API Management uses the Identity Management to manage its users. This tool can manage users for multiple applications. Data for each application is stored in so called "realms":

  • Users of Identity Management itself are stored to realm Master.
  • Users of API Management and Log Analyzer are stored to realm Apiman.

Thus, you need to have to separate admin accounts: one for Identity Management, and one for API Management.


Only locked plans can be used by APIs in the organization. See Locking a Plan for more information.

General Notes, Infos, Tips


Please read the confirmation dialog carefully.


Make sure that this option is true if you want to use this policy for authentication.


In the default setup the gateway runs behind a proxy. In the default scenario there is no need to add the header X-Real-IP in the custom header field IP Address HTTP Header.


  1. First of all you can consult our complete technical documentation.
    The documentation is divided into several guides:
  2. If you can't solve your problem with help of the documentation, you can file a ticket to our support team at
    All mails to our support mailbox will open a ticket in our service desk.
    Optionally, you may use our service desk portal. There, you can manage your tickets and raise new support requests. Using the portal requires you to register your email address, which will not take much time.
  3. To help you with your problem, our Support team needs some information on your software and environment. Please refer to Information to Include in a Support Request for more details on this.


Adding or removing policies does not enrich the Open API documentation. You need to adjust your documentation manually.


For more information about the functions of the Swagger UI, go to the Swagger homepage.


If the configuration is invalid, an error message will be shown including further information about the error itself:


If the gateway configuration is correct, you will get a success message:


Testing of API configurations is only possible with REST APIs that are coming with an OpenAPI Specification.


PAS 22.1 For more elaborated metrics, have a look at the Log Analyzer which offers a default dashboard visualizing API Management insights.

General Notes, Infos, Tipsuse_breadcrump

Use the breadcrumb menu at the top of the page for guidance.



From PAS 22.1 all API Management users can create new organizations. In earlier versions, only users with role Administrator had been able to create organizations.

API Management excerpts managed directly in the documentation

ChapterExcerpt NamePage of the Original(Re-)Usage

API Management Backup and Restore


API Management Backup and Restore


API Management Backup and Restore


API Management Backup and Restore


Managing Users and Permissions




Caching Resources



Some Common API Management Use Casespage_content
Securing Designer Services via API Management

  • No labels