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Scheer PAS | Designer Guide

Scheer PAS Designer is the PAS platform's modeling tool for digitization. The easy-to-use and model-based tool allows you to create processes in BPMN 2.0 format via a graphical user interface - by realizing the technical implementation at the same time. You can use the finished models without further programming as xUML microservices in containers or in the platform's integration component.

Pinned Articles

Getting Started With Designer

Your start with the Designer: How to login, how to change the user preferences, how to work with the Explorer, how to work with the Designer editors and panels, …

Implementing Your Process

Once you have modeled your business process and designed your forms, you can add executional parts to bring your process to life.


The Designer comes with a set of adapters that allow you to access a variety of backends via different interfaces. This topic describes every Adapter in detail and provides reference information.


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