
The administration application gives you access to the history of a containerized xUML service ( PAS 24.0 ).

To access the service history, open the details page of the service and go to section History Log.

In the History Log section you can inspect the service history. The log shows all actions of the xUML service (creation, start, stop etc.) including setting changes.

The content of the history log is read-only.

Use the filter field to search for a specific entry.

The content of the filter field is applied to the column Action only.

Click Extended filter to display the extended filter options:
  • Action
  • User

If a filter is applied, the extended filter changes to .

Both extended filter options are loaded dynamically:

  • Option Action only lists actions that have already been executed in the service.
  • Option Users only lists users who have already performed an action in the service.


On top of the Kubernetes section, you find the information about

  • API Version: D efines the versioned schema of this representation of a Kubernetes workload.
  • Labels: Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) workloads.
  • Annotations: U nstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata.

Click Show all to display all available labels or annotations.

Below this information, you can find the two tabs Pod and Networking.


Tab Pod contains the sections General and Container. The information displayed in the two sections is read-only.

Pod - General

Section General contains common information about the Pod:

NameVersion name of the Pod.
Shows the internal type of the replication controller.

If available, you can adapt the number of Pod replicas, see below.


Shows the number of Pod replicas.

Icon ColorStatus
Green Running
Orange Starting
Red Not running/erroneous

Additional LabelsShows additional Pod labels if set.

Scaling the Number of Replicas

Move the position of the slider to the desired number of replicas you want to set.

Click Apply.

A pop-up window opens displaying the number of replicas before and after the change.

Click Scale to confirm your choice or Cancel to abort.

The new number of replicas is displayed after a refresh of the browser tab.

Pod - Container

Section Container consists of several tabs, one tab for each container.

The content of the tabs is the same for all containers and displays the container details:

NameName of the container.
ImageImage of the container.
Ports and VolumesSee below.
Memory and CPU

Shows the container limitations. If a container exceeds its memory request and the node that it runs on becomes short of memory overall, it is likely that the Pod the container belongs to will be evicted.

Limitations cannot be changed by users. They are set during system deployment

Memory If the memory limit is exceeded, the container will run in state OutOfMemory and then be killed.
If a container exceeds its memory request and the node that it runs on becomes short of
memory overall, it is likely that the Pod the container belongs to will be

If the CPU limit is exceeded, the container will be throttled, the process will slow down.

If the CPU memory request exceeds the nodes (server) capacity, the P od can be stopped and stared on a different node.

Visit the official Kubernetes documentation for more information:

If you click the link Ports and Volumes, the container details open in a separate pop-up.

  • Ports: Displays a list of all ports exposed in the internal network.
  • Volumes: Lists all mounted volumes.

Use the filter on top of each list to search for single ports or volumes.


Tab Networking gives you an overview on the details of the service mesh.

Use the filter to search for a port name.


The main configuration options are displayed. You can also use the links in the Configuration tree on the left side to navigate.

Click one of the objects to open further details.

Each page indicates the Type of the object and - if the developer of the service has provided it - a Description.

Nested configuration options like complex data objects or groups are displayed as link.

Click a link to access the object details.

Use the input fields to change the configuration.

Click to access further details about a configuration option. Information is only available if the developer of the service has provided it.

To navigate within the configuration, use the links in the sidebar or the breadcrump navigation on top.

Use option Add to create a new data object... 

... or open an existing one to access the configuration details.

Use option Delete to remove a configuration option.

Not all entries can be deleted. In this case, the option is grayed out .
This also applies to option Add .

The number of edited fields is displayed on top right.

If you have finished your changes, Save them.

A summary of your changes is displayed. Click Save to apply them.


Each xUML service adapter has its own settings that are initialized in the xUML model and can be changed in the configuration. 

If you are running an xUML service that is connecting to a database backend, you can modify the tagged values of the database interface respectively dependency. Before starting a deployed xUML service that connects to a database backend, you may want to redefine required database parameters.

SQL Adapter Connection Settings

DBTypeName of the SQL Service component, e.g. SQLite
DBNameName of the database, e.g. ScheerACME_Customers
Connection Pooling

This tagged value controls the connection pooling. If true, each connection is put into a pool after use. If an SQL adapter requires a connection, it is taken from the pool. If no connection is available, a new connection is being created and put into the pool after use. The time the connection is kept in the pool depends on the other pooling parameters.

Max Connection Reuse

This tagged value controls how often a connection can be re-used. After the connection has been re-used for  maxConnectionReuse , it will be closed and not put back into the pool. This feature has been introduced because some databases had problems if the connection was re-used too often.  Value  -1   means the connection will be re-used forever. In this case you should define reasonable values for maxConnectionAge or maxConnectionIdleTime (see above).

Note that the pooling is implicitly switched off, if  maxConnectionReuse is set to 0.

Max Connection Age
After a given connection age (in minutes) the connection will be closed and removed from the pool.
Max Connection Idle Time

Connections not used for the time specified (in minutes) will be closed and removed from the pool.
This is useful for connections going through firewalls because such connections might be cut off after some time.

For more information on the SQL adapter settings (other tagged values, default values, ...) refer to the xUML Services Reference Guide.

SQL Adapter Authorization Settings

These settings allow you to adapt the SQL database user and password of the xUML service.

customers: DBUserDatabase user
customers: DBPasswordDatabase password

Other Add-on Settings

Generally, most of the add-on settings that are related to an xUML Service Adapter have a corresponding tagged value in the component diagram. Refer to the documentation of the corresponding adapter for these settings.

Find below a list of other add-on settings and their description. For the sake of completeness, we also mentioned settings coming from the model for some setting groups (see column Specified in Model on).

Settings GroupSettingSpecified in Model onDescriptionAllowed Values
Dump Configuration

Caught Error Code

Only dump errors with the specified code.Specify a Bridge user defined error code.

This setting takes no effect if Dump not Caught Errors/Dump Context on Error is disabled.

a string
Caught Error Domain

Only dump errors of the specified error domain. Specify a Bridge user defined error domain.

This setting takes no effect if Dump not Caught Errors/Dump Context on Error is disabled.

a string
Dump Caught Errors: enabled

Enable/Disable writing an error dump file for errors that have been caught in the xUML service model.

This setting takes no effect if Dump not Caught Errors/Dump Context on Error is disabled.

trueCreate a service dump for caught errors.
falseDisable service dump for caught errors (default).
Dump not Caught Errors: enabled

Enable/Disable writing an error dump file at all. This setting corresponds to the xUML service preference Dump Context on Error (refer to Integration Platform User's Guide > Preferences of an xUML Service).trueCreate a service dump for not caught errors (default).
falseDisable service dump for not caught errors. This disables error dump at all.
Persistent State

Change the name of the persistent state object owner here. Each persistent state object is owned by a persistent state engine. If you change the owner setting, all subsequently created persistent state objects will belong to the new owner.

All existing persistent state objects of the old owner will not been processed anymore by this service as they belong to a different owner now.

Worker LimitComposite

Specify the worker limit.

Workers  defines the maximum number of parallel threads used to process pending events. The default setting is 5, which is used if none or 0 workers are configured. The implications of more or less workers are discussed in  xUML Service Reference Guide > Performance Considerations of Persistent State .

REST Service HTTP ServerDescriptor: Cache Control: value

Specify the Browser caching options for the YAML file by setting a value for HTTP header Cache-Control.
For more information on this header, refer to Cache-Control on the Mozilla pages.

Test Tool: Cache Control: value
Specify the Browser caching options for the Swagger UI by setting a value for HTTP header Cache-Control.
For more information on this header, refer to Cache-Control on the Mozilla pages.

REST Service Base<your service name>: enabled

Switch the service port on / off. When the service port is deactivated, it will not accept any request anymore.

trueService port is active (default).
falseService port is deactivated.
<your service name>:JSONComposerOptions: compactREST Service

Specify the JSON compose option for the REST request/response.

When  jsonCompact  is true, the JSON composer will generate compact JSON, otherwise it will generate pretty JSON.  jsonCompact  defaults to true - also on re-compile of an older model with Builder as of 7.0.0-beta3.

trueGenerate compact JSON (default).
falseGenerate pretty JSON.
<your service name>: JSONComposerOptions: keepNullsREST Service

Specify the JSON compose option for the REST request/response.

When  jsonKeepNulls  is true, attributes of the REST response object having NULL values will be rendered to the REST response, otherwise they will be left out completely (refer to xUML Service Reference Guide > NULL Values ).

trueRender attributes with NULL values to the REST call.
falseLeave out attributes with NULL values in the REST call (default).
<your service name>: MaximumConnections:
Change the maximum number of parallel requests to the service port.
<your service name>: Port
Change the port the xUML service listens to. The original value comes from the SOAP service component.a valid port number
<your service name>: ResolveHostnames
Define whether the host name is logged to the service logs instead of the IP address.trueResolve the IP address to the hostname in the service logs (default).
falseWrite the IP address to the service logs.
SOAP HTTP ServerAllow Tracing

Switching tracing on / off.
All xUML services are compiled with tracing enabled. This option allows you to turn off the tracing, so that no trace information is returned by the Bridge when a service is called.

trueThe Runtime returns tracing information on request (default).
falseThe Runtime does not return tracing information.
Maximum Connections
Change the maximum number of parallel requests to the service port.

Define whether the host name is logged to the service logs instead of the IP address.trueResolve the IP address to the hostname in the service logs (default).
falseWrite the IP address to the service logs.
<your service name>Port
Change the port the xUML service listens to. The original value comes from the SOAP service component.a valid port number
SOAP HTTP Server Request<your service name>: <your port type>: enabled

Switch the service port on / off. When the service port is deactivated, it will not accept any request anymore.

trueService port is active (default).
falseService port is deactivated.
<your service name>: <your port type>: URIComponent diagramChange the service URI. The default value comes from the component diagram of the xUML service.
SOAP HTTP UI ServerLibrary Cache Control: value

Specify the Browser caching options for the UI files (HTML, CSS, ...) by setting a value for HTTP header Cache-Control.
For more information on this header, refer to Cache-Control on the Mozilla pages.

WSDL: <your service name>WSDL: <your service name> host
Specify the host name of the server for the xUML service WSDL.${server_hostname}Name of the Bridge node instance the service is deployed to.
a fully qualified system name


If you want to delete a containerized xUML service, click Delete Service on top of the Details section.

Please note, that the deletion of a service has several consequences:

  • The service container (deployment) will be removed from the current system.
  • The registered routes are purged.
  • Persisted data stored in this service will be removed.
Option Delete is only enabled if you insert the correct service name.


Open the Documentation section to display the documentation of the xUML service.

Use the list Select Document to choose the documentation you want to see.

The list contains:

  • The documentation of the xUML service itself (if it is a service that has been created in the Designer, you will see the content of field Description from the service details page).
  • The documentation of the libraries that are used in the service.


ColumnDescriptionPossible Values
NameName of the registered endpoint.Any string.

Type of the registered endpoint.

  • control
  • rest
  • shadow
  • soap
  • ui
  • Click the URL to copy the secured endpoint to the clipboard.
  • Click to display the URL of the internal endpoint . Click the URL to copy it to the clipboard.
Any URL.

Click Open to switch to the interface that allows you to test the application/API. The test interface is available on running services only.

The PAS platform features an xUML Runtime API for each service. You can use the interface to obtain information on the states of the service's state machines in general, and to trigger state transitions. Refer to xUML Runtime API Reference for a comprehensive list of all available requests. 



Click Download to download the description (OpenAPI/WSDL) of the service interface.
Click Copy to clipboard to copy the private descriptor URL.



Click Import to import the API to Scheer PAS API Management. A wizard will support you in creating the API in API Management. Refer to Creating an API in the API Management Guide for details.



The settings are categorized into the following:

  • Global Settings: In this category, you can change setting values that are global to the xUML service. Deployment information retrieved with deployment macros can be overwritten in this category, too (see Global Settings below).
  • Add-ons: In this category, the settings comprise add-on related values like tagged values, interface URIs, and others. For instance, data of the SQL adapter, File System adapter, Timer, or SOAP service request may be overwritten. For more details, refer to the example in Add-on Settings.

You can modify settings of a service no matter if the service is running or if it has been stopped. Saving the changes triggers a re-create and restart of the container. Changing the settings on a stopped service will start the service. Settings will be stored, so if you stop the service and restart it, the settings are restored.

If you delete a service, all settings are lost and cannot be recovered.

All Documentationsportal_login_forgot_password

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, use the link Forgot Password? below button Sign In.
First enter your username, then click Send New Password.

The following message will be displayed:

An Email to reset your password has been sent.

The email will be sent to the address stored for your account in the user administration.

Check your mailbox.

The email sent contains a link.

This link is valid for 15 minutes.

Click on the link to reset your password.

The link takes you to a page where you can change your password yourself.

Enter your new password in the first line.

Confirm the new password by entering it again in the second line.

If the password and the password confirmation do not match, your will not be able to submit your request.

In that case, please enter your password again and make sure that your input is identical.

Click Show to view your input.

This helps you to check your passwords for typos.

Your password has also to match the password criteria.

Hover over Password Criteria to show the valid criteria.

When you have entered the new password, click Submit.

After a successful change of your password you will directly be logged in. Your are redirected to the Scheer PAS Portal.

All Documentationsportal_logout

There are several ways to finish your work in Scheer PAS.

Using Logout is the safest way to finish your work session: The current session is terminated in all tabs and the login page is displayed.
Option Logout is also available in the header menu if you have opened a tool in a separate browser tab.

If you use one of the logout options, a screen will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to logout.

After a successful logout, you are redirected to the login page.

Alternatively you can close the browser tab, but this will not end your Scheer PAS session and is therefore not recommended.

User Managementstandard_admin_profiles

Portal TileProfileDescriptionFurther InformationPAS Version
  • Grants full access to the platform component administration, all platform services are displayed.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants limited access to the platform component administration, only customer-specific services are displayed.
PAS 22.1
  • Grants access to the Process Mining view in the user management.
  • Allows to create and manage templates in Scheer PAS Process Mining.

  • Grants additional rights ("superadmin") in API Management UI and API Developer Portal.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants access to the login page of the identity management tool Keycloak.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants access to the Log Analyzer.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants access to the administration menu in the Designer.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants access to the user management.

You can only access the User Management if profile user_management_admin has been assigned at least to one user. Therefore, every Scheer PAS installation is delivered with one standard user management admin.

PAS 21.1
Deprecated Profiles*


  • Until version 20.1.8 this profile granted access to the user management.
-Deprecated as of PAS 21.1


  • Until version 20.1.8 this profile granted access to the RPA view in the user management.
-Deprecated as of PAS 21.1
* in use until version 20.1.8

User Managementstandard_user_profiles

Portal TileProfileDescriptionFurther InformationPAS Version


  • Grants access to the API Developer Portal.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants access to API Management.
  • The tile also allows to access the outdated version of API Management 23.1.1 by clicking the Legacy UI link.
PAS 21.1
  • Grants access to Process Mining.
  • Additional profiles for Integration users:
    • _dashboard_access_processes: Grants access to the complete process data.
    • _dashboard_access_transactions: Grants access to the complete transaction data.

BPaaS customers do not need the two additional profiles. But they can use the profile _dashboard_access_processes to grant an administrator access to all processes available in the system for use in Process Mining.



  • Both profiles grant access to BPaaS.
    • bpaas_design_user: Allows to model processes.
    • bpaas_execution_user: Allows to execute apps.

A BPaaS design user needs both profiles to be able to model and execute apps.

  • Additional profiles for BPaaS users:
    • ml_user: Grants access to the Machine Learning adapter in the BPaaS editor.
    • mobile_autosync: Grants access to the option Sync instances automatically in the user preferences of the Mobile app.

  • Grants access to the Cron Manager.
PAS 20.1
  • Grants access to the File Manager, the UI of the file storage.
PAS 21.1.2
  • Grants access to the Integration (Bridge).

PAS 21.1


  • Grants access to the Portal and contains basic permissions for the Scheer PAS platform.
PAS 20.1


  • Grants access to the PAS Portal with a minimal set of required permissions.
  • The profile is a subset of pas_base. It is automatically assigned during a user self registration process.
PAS 22.1.1
  • Grants access to the Designer.

Users who should only be able to run Designer applications do not need the pas_user profile. They only need to be assigned the application profile.

PAS 20.1
  • Grants access to the Process Monitor.

PAS 21.1.2
  • Grants access to the xUML Service Monitor.
PAS 21.1.4
Deprecated Profiles*
  • Until version 20.1.8 this profile had to be assigned to the robot user (RPA).
-Deprecated as of PAS 21.1
  • Until version 20.1.8 this profile had to be assigned to the execution and design users to use RPA.
-Deprecated as of PAS 21.1
* in use until version 20.1.8