We recommend using container deployment as the default deloyment target starting with PAS 23.1. For further information see:


If you want to deploy a service as a container, your user must be assigned the xuml_container_admin profile. Refer to Administration Guide > Overview of Standard Profiles.

The deployment properties for deployment target Container are displayed in section General.

The following properties are displayed in read-only mode:


DescriptionPossible Values

Container Name

Shows the name of the container to which the service will be/was deployed.

The container name is generated from the service name according to the following rules:

  • All letters are changed to lower case.
  • Underscores are changed to dashes.
  • All special characters are removed (only alphanumeric characters and dashes are left).
  • Leading and trailing dashes are removed.


  • Service Name: Janes_First_Service
  • Container Name: janes-first-service

Service Naming

Given two services: ServiceName and servicename

  • The two services in this example would get the same container name...
  • ... so they would overwrite each other!
Service StatusShows the current status of the service.
  • Not deployed (default)
  • Running
  • Stopped
Deployed VersionShows the number of the currently deployed version.

The version number is defined in section General:

Expert Advice

By default, each newly created service gets number 0.1.0 assigned. We recommend to increase the version number before redeploying each time you have made relevant changes to the service. You can change the version number in section General of the Deployment Properties. Follow the concept of semantic versioning.

In case of deployment problems, comparing the version number and the number of the deployed version can help to find out which version of the service is running.

The following service properties are displayed in the General section and can be changed:

Deployment PropertyInput TypeDescription

Insert a version number for your service. The version number is displayed in the container.

The version of the service must follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0:  Major.Minor.Patch. A pre-release tag is optional. A version numbering that deviates from this will lead to errors during deployment.

CategoryStringCategory in which the service is displayed in the container. By default, the name of the folder where the service is stored is used.
Enable Validation

Activate this option (Yes) to enable automatic compilation with each change in the respective model.

Deactivate (No) the checkbox to disable the automatic compilation. If you chose this option, you can trigger the compilation manually via Start validation in the controls panel. The corresponding service is also compiled during a deployment, an export of the repository or similar actions, even if automatic compilation is disabled.

Default is Yes.

Enable Angular Build

Activate this option (Yes) to enable the possibility to export your service as an Angular project for further pro-code development. You can find the export option in the additional menu of the controls panel.
If the option is enabled, an Angular project will be created for all forms and for the instance table. Deactivate (No) the checkbox to disable the export. If the Angular build is disabled, it also will not build the Angular project on deployment.

Default is Yes.

Expert Advice

If your process does not contain user tasks with assigned forms and if you do not need the instance table, we recommend to disable this option. The deployment will be much faster and the repository file much smaller.

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