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Publishing an API

When you have finished the configuration for an API, you have to publish it to the runtime gateway. This can be done from any tab on the API details page by clicking the Publish button in the 18189369. If successful, the status of the API will change from

and a button Publish will disappear.

If the API cannot yet be published, the notification Why can't I publish? will appear near the Publish button.

Click this notification to open the Publish Checklist. The checklist provides details about what information is still required before the API can be published.

Click icon

to display further information about this point of the checklist.

If you want to switch directly to the page where the mentioned settings can be configured, click icon


Once the API has been published, the status in the 18189369 will change to


You will still be able to change the API configuration. After at least one change is made, the status

extended by the tag
. You will have to Re-Publish the API to the gateway to make the modifications available. Doing so will update all information about the API in the gateway:

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