The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime or are subject to migration. Please install the Required Runtime version and/or perform the necessary migration tasks.

Please consider the xUML Runtime dependencies of Builder 6, if you upgrade from such a version.

BuilderxUML RuntimeIssuesRuntime Dependency




















7.5.0 2019.4 BUIL-6006





7.4.0 2019.2 BUIL-6054

7.3.0 2019.1 BUIL-5901

7.0.0-beta42018.5BUIL-5694Compiler: Allow static path but dynamic file
7.0.0-beta32018.4The BRIDGE must also have 7.0.0-beta3 installed in order to deploy xUML services from Builder 7.0.0-beta3.
BUIL-5891Dynamically set XML root name and namespace will be ignored in runtime versions older than 2018.4
BUIL-5857Older xUML Runtime will refuse to start if the tag value is set.
BUIL-5830Runtime version prior to 2018.4 will ignore the settings and always pretty-print JSON.
7.0.0-beta22018.2BUIL-5799Service will not start if you use older Runtime versions.
2018.1BUIL-5757Runtime version prior to 2018.1 will ignore custom timestamp setting
7.0.0-beta12017.10BUIL-5754The setting will be silently ignored by older xUML Runtimes.

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.15

Builder 7.15.0 (30.06.2021)

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.14

Builder 7.14.0 (30.05.2021)

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.13

Builder 7.13.0 (04.05.2021)

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.12

Builder 7.12.0 (31.03.2021)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2021.3

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime

Older xUML Runtimes will not start if the feature is in use.


Older xUML Runtimes will always return null.


With older xUML Runtimes, the HTTP header map items will always be null.


Older xUML Runtimes will ignore the settings but may display a startup warning.


Older xUML Runtimes will ignore the settings and display a startup warning.


Older xUML Runtimes will not start if the feature is in use.


With older xUML Runtimes, a warning will be logged on startup. The fallback will have no effect.


Older xUML Runtimes will not start if the feature is in use with HTTP, or SOAP services. With REST services the feature will remain inactive and a warning will be logged on startup.


Older xUML Runtimes will not start if the feature is in use.


Older xUML Runtimes will not start if the feature is in use.


With older xUML Runtimes, a warning will be logged on startup. The endpoints will return 404.


With older xUML Runtimes, a warning will be logged on startup. The endpoints will return 404.


With older xUML Runtimes, a warning will be logged on startup. The endpoints will return 404.


With older xUML Runtimes, a warning will be logged on startup. The endpoints will return 404.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6261Importer: Library Importer removes depending libraries in libs folder
BUIL-6301Compiler: Timeout transition is not generated if use twice the same event
BUIL-6304Compiler: Compiler creates corrupt repository file
BUIL-6367Builder: Resfresh descriptors errors should not stop opening project
BUIL-6407Compiler: PState sections of runtime API yaml not generated for library pstates
BUIL-6417Compiler: Builder generates incorrect loggerConfig.json
BUIL-6431Compiler: JavaAdapter Blob as byte[][] not working
BUIL-6464Compiler: configurable "passthrough" http headers not working
BUIL-6602Builder: Attaching archive resource to repository locks the archive
BUIL-6645Examples: Update UI examples
BUIL-6650Builder: JavaScript Editor does not work
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-5296Compiler: Array.compact()
BUIL-6357Examples: Example for throwing errors from Java
BUIL-6396Examples: Extend logger example with new configuration features
BUIL-6408Examples: Example how to export UI table as csv using http service
BUIL-6419Compiler: MemoryAdapter return old value after changing or removing
BUIL-6420Compiler: Access to HTTP header map for HTTP-based services and adapters
BUIL-6437Compiler: Configurable incoming HTTP headers roles
BUIL-6440Compiler: Configurable automatic adapter HTTP headers
BUIL-6460xUML Compiler Service: Show instamce overview in angular app when calling app without instanceId
BUIL-6461xUML Compiler Service: Add GET request functionality to angular application
BUIL-6470Compiler: MongoDB Adapter
BUIL-6472Compiler: Support serving single page application
BUIL-6473Compiler: UI should be also accessible from REST services
BUIL-6474xUML Compiler Service: Generate UI Respository and add angular app as resource
BUIL-6483xUML Compiler Service: Compile angular task
BUIL-6486xUML Compiler Service: Generic compiler task for replace in file
BUIL-6497xUML Compiler Service: Compile mapping array element
BUIL-6499xUML Compiler Service: Compile action script implementation
BUIL-6505Compiler: Configurable request body size limit for HTTP-based services
BUIL-6525Compiler: Support HTTP "Digest" header for HTTP-based Adapters
BUIL-6534xUML Compiler Service: Generate instance component for process project
BUIL-6538xUML Compiler Service: Define data structure of form json
BUIL-6540Compiler: Crypto Adapter: ability to choose hashing algorithm
BUIL-6547xUML Compiler Service: Compile form
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6316Importer: Support BPMN events without message
BUIL-6329Wizard: Improve order of File System Adapter actions
BUIL-6368Builder: E2E Profiles should set URI
BUIL-6391Compiler: Write warning on service startup if log details feature is used with old Runtime
BUIL-6401Examples: Update JavaMail example to use v2 JavaMail API
BUIL-6413Builder: Builder must work with MagicDraw 18.0 SP7
BUIL-6446Examples: Do not touch so many port ranges with the examples
BUIL-6451Compiler: xUML Runtime API: Expose Scheduler Service
BUIL-6452Compiler: xUML Runtime API: Interface for asynchronous trace management
BUIL-6453Compiler: xUML Runtime API: Expose Start-up/Shut-down Activity
BUIL-6454Compiler: xUML Runtime API: Expose Timer Service
BUIL-6462xUML Compiler Service: Compile sub-class mappings
BUIL-6463xUML Compiler Service: Compile literals in mappings
BUIL-6467Examples: New example for startup and shutdown activities
BUIL-6592User Interface: Create UI theme (pas_blue) for standard PAS applications
Sub-taskDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6409xUML Compiler Service: Define Json for differentiating signal and message event

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.11

Builder 7.11.2 (18.12.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.17

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime
With older xUML Runtimes the items of HTTP header map will always be null.
Older xUML Runtimes will ignore the settings but may display a startup warning.
Older xUML Runtimes will ignore the settings and display a startup warning.
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6464Compiler: configurable "passthrough" http headers not working
BUIL-6510Importer: Reimport of BPMN corrupts model
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6420Compiler: Access to HTTP header map for HTTP-based services and adapters
BUIL-6437Compiler: Configurable incoming HTTP headers roles
BUIL-6440Compiler: Configurable automatic adapter HTTP headers
BUIL-6459xUML Compiler Service: generic Get requests for bpmn

Builder 7.11.1 (28.08.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.12

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6436xUML Compiler Service: Persisted variables with default value have no setting in the Bridge

Builder 7.11.0 (30.06.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.10

Builder is compatible with Magic Draw 18.0 Service Pack 7.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-4975Compiler: SQL Gets mashed up if you use --
BUIL-6332Deployment view node is not refreshed correctly when sub module changed
BUIL-6342Compiler: Missing original location for error on choice state
BUIL-6360Unpacking all examples in one go does not work correctly
BUIL-6370Deployment does not re-query user/pw when the previous login was not successful
BUIL-6372xUML Compiler Service: Executions can have arrays
BUIL-6387Compiler: REST Alias: Options & Headers setting labels are missing alias name
BUIL-6400Embeded xUML service does not start
BUIL-6402xUML Compiler Service: Improve error message error.library.different.version
BUIL-6406xUML Compiler Service: Errors in matching overloaded methods by their parameters
BUIL-6410xUML Compiler Service: Download Repo does not work
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6371xUML Compiler Service: Support Timer Start Event
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6356Examples: Remove MD17 examples
BUIL-6392xUML Compiler Service: Remove array from Base Types
BUIL-6397Examples: Update Java Mail library in JavaMail example to 2.2.0

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.10

Builder 7.10.1 (20.05.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.8

In this version of the Builder, services cannot be started in the xUML Runtime.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6394xUML Compiler Service: Exception trying to deploy from Designer

Builder 7.10.0 (20.05.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.7

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6305Compiler: Empty string default value specification on Boolean properties silently sets default value to "false"
BUIL-6345xUML Compiler Service: Process does not go to error state again after retry
BUIL-6379JavaAddOn: JMS adapter sets non-conforming JMS properties
BUIL-6388Importer: XSD import does not support xsd:import without namespace
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-6318xUML Compiler Service: Write project description to service model notes
BUIL-6324Compiler: Logging to channels
BUIL-6325Compiler: Create initial logger configuration
BUIL-6275Compiler: Reduce tabfile bloat associated with xUML Control Port Service

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.9

Builder 7.9.0 (17.04.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.7

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6331Timer data not available in Analyzer
BUIL-6333Wizard: Component Wizard failed creating Component Diagram with UI Controller
BUIL-6339Bridgeserver log is empty
BUIL-6344JAX-RS clients should be closed
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6353Examples: Extend logger example with new object features
BUIL-6354Examples: Extend FileSystem example with new copy feature
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6330Support <<DirectoryAlias>> for File System adapter "copy" action
BUIL-6341JavaAddOn: ActiveMQ Artemis JMS client 2.11.0

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.8

Builder 7.8.0 (31.03.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2020.6

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime

Older xUML Runtimes will return an error when trying to access the xUML Runtime API.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-5658Compiler: impossible to assign a derived class whose superclass implements interface to variable of interface type
BUIL-6266Script Editor: Invalid XML generated if AS strings contain certain Unicode escape sequences
BUIL-6272Compiler: Compiler complains about SAP Changing Parameter
BUIL-6282Compiler: Fix type checks when `apply`, and `append` statements are involved
BUIL-6297Importer: Re-importing Java classes change the XMI ids (thus generating orphaned proxies)
BUIL-6302Importer: BPMN importer - use different events for done and aborted timeout
BUIL-6306Script Editor: Weird character in comments makes error
BUIL-6319ldaps missing as protocol on the URLAlias
BUIL-6326Compiler: SQL Adapter: Incorrect computation of BLOB parameter bindings number
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6196Introduce action 'copy' in FileSystemAdapter
BUIL-6213Compiler: xUML Runtime API: change log level
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6052JavaAddOn: Propagate Transaction ID and Correlation ID in JMS message communications (as with SOAP)
BUIL-6183JavaAddOn: JMS header X-Sender-Host and X-Sender-Service
BUIL-6208Compiler: Log additional data formatted as JSON
BUIL-6209Compiler: Generate environment variable name for settings in substitution.xmlxUML Runtime Tool
BUIL-6260JavaAddOn: Make "type" (aka "domain") a parameter of BridgeExceptionGetting Started with the Java Adapter
BUIL-6267Compiler: xUML Runtime API does not provide all the expected PState related methods
BUIL-6300Importer: Make holdTime and autoRetryTime as settings during BPMN import
BUIL-6313Deploy service: support a proxy in front of the Bridge

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.7

Builder 7.7.2 (16.01.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.12

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6268xUML Runtime 2019.12

Builder 7.7.1 (10.01.2020)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.13

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6264Importer: import issue when element does not have same name as its type.

Builder 7.7.0 (19.12.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.12

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-6204Examples: Spreadsheet Adapter: Operation createWorkbook blocks the file (libSpreadsheet 2.6, SpreadsheetAdapter 1.0.6, Apache POI 4.1)
BUIL-6210Examples: Wrong screen shot for MonitoringExample description
BUIL-6225Can not compile imported wsdl with url parameters in namespace
BUIL-6245Creation of new Builder model fails if extention .xml is not provided
BUIL-6247Importer: Cannot import archive file resource
BUIL-6201JavaAddOn: Runtime errors of the JavaAddOn have distinct error codes in bridgeserver.log
BUIL-6207Script Editor: ActionScript Editor goto statement or line number
BUIL-6238Script Editor: mapEqualNamesIfExists() macro is not auto-suggested by ActionScript editor
BUIL-6256Examples: Update all Excel / Spreadsheet examples with new Excel libs: BigExcel Generator 6.0, Spreadsheet Adapter 3.0, Excel Generator 3.0

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.6

Builder 7.6.1 (30.10.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.10

BUIL-6215Importer: wrong XmlElementName when importing anonymous complex types

Builder 7.6.0 (15.10.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.9

BUIL-5479Importer: In MD 18, reimport of any modules results in version conflict warning.
BUIL-6031Compiler: Support guards self.whatever().not()
BUIL-6109Examples: urlUrl example uses non-existent URL for full dynamic GET
BUIL-6157Compiler: Compiler generates empty port number in HTTP Service
BUIL-6158Compiler: Persistent State AddOn not loaded when using conversations without other PS adapters
BUIL-6161Deployment does not re-query user/pw when the previous login was not successful
BUIL-6184Compiler: PersistentStateAdapter: Wrong compiler error message for getObjectCopy
BUIL-6192Compiler: Compiler does not complain missing SQL-Alias in component diagram
BUIL-6197JavaAddOn: Service with JMS listener does not stop
BUIL-6198Compiler: Missing error if Java Callback UML operation is not static
BUIL-6200Do not add tag sortByTime and sortByTimeOrder to persistent state adapter
BUIL-6205Importer: Re-import of Java generates orphan proxies of operations (spreadsheetadapter.jar)
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-6014Compiler: External persistence for selected properties of PState classes
BUIL-6123Action wizard parameters from stereotype of a property value
BUIL-6188Examples: Example for external persistence for selected properties of PState classes

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.5

Builder 7.5.1 (02.07.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.7

BUIL-6148Importer: Swagger Importer fails to import BigCommerce catalog definition

Builder 7.5.0 (20.06.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.6

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime

The generated internal components require RUNTIME support. RUNTIME versions prior to 2019.4 will refuse to start.


If the functionality is used, older RUNTIME versions will refuse to start.


If the functionality is used, older RUNTIME versions will refuse to start.


If the functionality is used, older RUNTIME versions will refuse to start.


Needs xUML Runtime 2019.5 to run.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-5727Compiler: IBM MQ 9 mandatory settings Component
BUIL-5728Compiler: compiler requires port number as mandatory
BUIL-6048Compiler: Compiler should ignore BPMN activities to avoid unwanted errors
BUIL-6055Examples: SimpleHttpService does not work
BUIL-6068Compiler: Service Repositories from library projects are not deployable
BUIL-6074Importer: Importer does not import each overloaded operation from a Library class
BUIL-6076Compiler: Missing `type` property when generating OpenAPI descriptor
BUIL-6087SOAP template: change parameter to complex type
BUIL-6089Remove static module paths from model templates
BUIL-6093Compiler: Missing RootName and RootNamespace in (introduced 7.0.0)
BUIL-6095Library Wizard ignores abstract classes
BUIL-6097httpStatus is not given as output for URL adapter with streamTarget
BUIL-6103Compiler: Builder generates wrong trace port
BUIL-6106Examples: Fix modeling error in SQL stored procedures example
BUIL-6108SSL Verify Host: Option "Existence" missing in dropdown
BUIL-6121successfull deployment not switch to green
BUIL-6135Compiler: CTRLAPI: Avoid colon in class names
BUIL-6138Compiler: Error message is not informative by duplicated class usage relations
BUIL-6139Cannot open Run / Debug view in MD if service not running
BUIL-6141Docu string of Base Components::Advanced Behavior::Persistent State::Owner::ownedObjects is wrong
BUIL-6143Base/Profile: cross-referencing with type="ebm:..." generates local type Ids.
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5746Compiler: Provide <<E2EPrivate>> stereotype for class properties which shall not be exposed to the interfaceAttribute Specification > Visibility
BUIL-6005Compiler: Adapters for Persistent State controlRetrieving Persistent State Metadata with the PersistentStateControl Adapter
BUIL-6006Compiler: Generate xUML Runtime API for Persistent StatexUML Runtime API
BUIL-6046Compiler: Query alias values at runtime <<AliasReader>>Alias Reader
BUIL-6073Compiler: Utility function to parse and build URLs
BUIL-6122Examples: Add parseUrl() to String examples
BUIL-6124Examples: Add getCompositeVersion and getCompositeCategory to deploymentMacros example
BUIL-6145Examples: Example for new Alias ReaderAlias Reader
BUIL-4960Builder project file should be stable
BUIL-5760Compiler: New functions getCompositeVersion and getCompositeCategory
BUIL-5969Compiler: Export enumeration values definied via <<E2EValueGeneralization>> to WSDL
BUIL-6077Importer: OpenAPI: Allow importing Any type
BUIL-6079Compiler: Allow 'Any' type in REST Interface
BUIL-6092Importer: XML Schema import should generate unique class names
BUIL-6118Examples: Migrate education examples to SOAP doc/literal
BUIL-6125JMS client ActiveMQ Artemis 2.8.1
BUIL-6127JMS client ActiveMQ 5.19.5
BUIL-6133Compiler: Get rid of duplicate information in component name of Runtime API logs
BUIL-6142Stop the runtime using xUML Runtime API

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.4

Builder 7.4.1 (26.03.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.3

BUIL-6082Compiler: Compiler generates wrong service control port
BUIL-5989Examples: Change logo to Scheer PAS Builder in QuickStart

Builder 7.4.0 (05.03.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.3

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime

Persistent state algorithm: Favor Events/Favor Objects: RUNTIMEs prior to 2019.2 will refuse to start if the tag value is set, regardless which option is chosen.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-5845Compiler: Compiler should complain when two behavioral stereotypes are set on one adapter
BUIL-6060Missing pin step in Action Wizard for FlatFile adapter
BUIL-6063Event observer: Tagged value "firstOccurrence" not visible in specification
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-6054Compiler: Persistent state algorithm: Favor Events/Favor Objects
BUIL-6040Rework Builder template to contain a change log table
BUIL-6056Importer: Lack of Feedback when trying to import another version of a dependent library
BUIL-6065Wizard: Move classToXML default root name to advanced tab

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.3

Builder 7.3.1 (11.02.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.2

Builder 7.3.0 (01.02.2019)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2019.1

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime

OData importer: Add Etag as RESTParameter in header - needs RUN-2418 - REST Header parameter should be ignored if not set.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-5731Library compile does not work if it has the same name as component
BUIL-5740E2EJMSListener stereotype hides "Base classifier" from Specification
BUIL-5958Importer: Importing an archive file resource fails without messages
BUIL-6015Compiler: Previous errors are not shown if exception occurs
BUIL-6025Importer: Builder 7.2.1 refuses to import certain E2E libraries
BUIL-6026Compiler: XPathException when recursive UI Service interface
BUIL-6029Wizard: Component Diagram Wizard does not recognize REST Error Class
BUIL-6030Wizard: Edit Component Wizard overwrites always encoding style of SOAP service
BUIL-6036Examples: Wrong service port in REST JIRA adapter example
BUIL-6039Examples: REST supportmanager with authorization writes wrong logsREST example
BUIL-6042Importer: FlatFileDef Importer creates nonsense tagged values
BUIL-6043REST Test Port must indicate "do not cache yml" to browser
BUIL-6044Context Menu in Containment tree offers three shortcuts "XML Class"
BUIL-6045REST-RequestOptions->port is private
BUIL-6051Compiler: Row transition fails with server side pagination
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
BUIL-5736Compiler: Detect accidental usage of UML Profile classes String, Integer, Boolean etc
BUIL-5765xumlc: Output for [-clean] is confusing
BUIL-5786Compiler: Compiler error message shall provide statement number when it belongs to an action script
BUIL-5873Compiler: Display compile error if calling a REST operation without stereotype <<RESTAdapter>>
BUIL-5901OData importer: Add Etag as RESTParameter in headerImplementing REST Methods > Output: Header Parameter
BUIL-5991Examples: OData - Use etag RESTParameter in headerOData example

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.2

Builder 7.2.1 (22.11.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.11

BUIL-6017Repository not correctly deployed
BUIL-6018Get rid of default value for initialSortOrder
BUIL-6020Importer: Re-Import causes MagicDraw null pointer

Builder 7.2.0 (09.11.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.11

As of Builder 6.0.29 / 7.2.0, the Compiler reports an error, if a local variable is re-declared within Action Script. You will need to change your implementation, if the Compiler points you to a implementation like this.
Refer to Compiler Reports Error: Local variable is re-declared for more information.

BUIL-5709Deployment displayed as successful if no password was specified
BUIL-6000Importer: Key value more than once in tabfile when multiple BPMN Process import
BUIL-5668Use Bridge Api for DeployTask and add it to CompileProcess
BUIL-5697Script Editor: Remove memory adapter functions storeInMemory, removeFromMemory and retrieveFromMemory from ActionScript menu
BUIL-5725JavaAddOn: Throw exception in case of JMS send without a message
BUIL-5985Compiler: Raise error when ActionScript variable is redeclared

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.1

Builder 7.1.0 (11.10.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.11

BUIL-5485Script Editor: Attributes are not suggested when using select distinct
BUIL-5966Compiler: Persistent State Adapter: identifierCondition may not work
BUIL-5971Compiler: Compiler gets confused when using mapEqualNamesIfExists
BUIL-5980Importer: XSD sequence gets violated on the way from xsd import to classToXml()
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5347Compiler: REST service and adapter: support Blob as body output parameter
BUIL-5348Compiler: REST service and adapter: support other content types
BUIL-5908Importer: Introduce optional 'isOrdered' inactivation at WSDL/XSD import
BUIL-5701Simplify resource files
BUIL-5915Importer: BPMN root state machine: Add additional logging to service log on automatic retry
BUIL-5965Compiler: Report a warning if version for E2E services is missing
BUIL-5973Compiler: Offical version information
BUIL-5974Compiler: Enable runtime check: error in case of conditions with null
BUIL-5975Compiler: Enable runtime check: error in case of object navigation on null references
BUIL-5976Compiler: Rest Port URL needed
BUIL-5981Examples: Update Java MailExample with new libJavaMail 1.5.12
BUIL-5986Examples: Add service version to examples
BUIL-5987Scheer PAS logo and name

Release Notes of Builder Version 7.0

Builder 7.0.0 (12.07.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.7

BUIL-5947Importer: Java import does not update existing jar files
BUIL-5955Weird layout and mouse interaction in Deplopyment View on new errors
BUIL-5493BPMN: Make ProcessName on imported BPMNs editable

Builder 7.0.0-rc1 (22.06.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.6

BUIL-5875Parallel component diagrams for library and service with same name not working anymore
BUIL-5899Compiler returns succesful deployment, but it isn't compiled and deployed
BUIL-5922Tagged value "native type" not displayed in specification dialog
BUIL-5932Compilation errors from used modules are not properly catched
BUIL-5934Importer: OData importer freeze with this edmx
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5929Examples: New Gateway example
BUIL-5935Compiler: Simple version for E2E services
BUIL-5917Examples: Check examples for "Resolve Inheritance" in component diagram
BUIL-5920Examples: Update JavaMail example with new library 1.5.11
BUIL-5936Wizard: Components Wizard should not set resolveInheritance at all
BUIL-5937Importer: OData importer: option to only import entities

Builder 7.0.0-beta4 (31.05.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.5

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime
BUIL-5694Compiler: Allow static path but dynamic file2018.5
BUIL-5460RESTAdapter export from Library eats the Proxy Type, leading to compile error
BUIL-5608BlockThread no longer available in ActionWizard
BUIL-5732"Run" command is not always working
BUIL-5906BPMN: Typo in BPMN root state machine
BUIL-5907Importer: New BPMN root state machine: Set a valid duration as a default of holdTime
BUIL-5909Compiler: Local variable assinged with previous value inside iteration
BUIL-5911Importer: Re-import of BPMN removes substatemachine on compensation state
BUIL-5912Importer: Import of BPMN results in validation errors in import file
BUIL-5918Interactive Debugger: Interactive debugger does not work anymore
BUIL-5919Java console does not open anymore
BUIL-5923Importer: WSDL import: Link between wsdl.import.xml file and xsd.import.xml file broken
BUIL-5927BPMN: Imported BPMN classes: incorrect and missing link
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5694Compiler: Allow static path but dynamic file
BUIL-5214New SOAP services should use doc/literal as default
BUIL-5284Compiler: Print error if old component diagram is present
BUIL-5612BPMN: Log STATE_END in case of an error
BUIL-5756E2E Process Tracing: extend transaction logging to accept custom timestamps
BUIL-5905Examples: Update BPMN example with new root state machine
BUIL-5913Importer: Remove parameters from error signals of BPMN state machine
BUIL-5914Importer: BPMN Importer: log process id to bridgeserver log
BUIL-5921Compiler: Take element numbering into account when compiling UI tables
BUIL-5925Examples: Apply new numbering to BRIDGE 7 examples

Builder 7.0.0-beta3 (30.04.2018) 

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.4

The BRIDGE must also have 7.0.0-beta3 installed in order to deploy xUML services from Builder 7.0.0-beta3.

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime
BUIL-5891Dynamically set XML root name and namespace will be ignored in runtime versions older than 2018.42018.4
BUIL-5857Older xUML Runtime will refuse to start if the tag value is set.2018.4
BUIL-5830Runtime version prior to 2018.4 will ignore the settings and always pretty-print JSON.2018.4
BUIL-5817Compiler: cannot start service with Java in xUML library (old addon.jar in repository)
BUIL-5832BPMN: Name of Subprocess does not appear in Transaction Logging
BUIL-5836Wizard: Missing labels in Component Wizard
BUIL-5841Importer: Resource import appears to be broken
BUIL-5842Import Options dialog does not scale nicely
BUIL-5861Examples: Quickstart example has broken link to contact page
BUIL-5863Importer: Can not import new WSDL from Domibus 3.2. RC1
BUIL-5868Wizard for creating Aliases shows generic errors and titles that cannot be resolved
BUIL-5876Cannot import library (An error occured during importing an XMI file)
BUIL-5886Compiler: Output object of <<SAPXMLIDocParser>> must be named after root element of XMLIDoc
BUIL-5891Compiler: classToXml and xmlToClass using variable name as root tag instead of variable type
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5639Compiler: Change front-end port number after compilation
BUIL-5816Importer: Importer for OData services
BUIL-5855Compiler: Provide Runtime with information about new features required by the service
BUIL-5857Compiler: Access to transaction isolation level via SQL Alias
BUIL-5865Examples: ODATA Service example
BUIL-5892Support starting embedded runtime with dynamic ports
BUIL-5429Importer: REST Importer: Assign proper multiplicities for 'required' and optional properties.
BUIL-5459Importer: Improve root state machine from BPMN importer
BUIL-5466Compiler: REST: Possibility to define empty response
BUIL-5807JavaAddOn: stop JMS Listeners on service shutdown
BUIL-5818Wizard: Wizard for FileAlias and DirectoryAlias
BUIL-5830Compiler: Composing compact JSON
BUIL-5854Compiler: Support calling a operation without defining optional parameter

Builder 7.0.0-beta2 (01.03.2018)

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2018.2

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime
BUIL-5799Service will not start if you use older Runtime versions.2018.2
BUIL-5757Runtime version prior to 2018.1 will ignore custom timestamp setting2018.1
BUIL-5000Compiler: PersistentStateBroadcastSignal compile error on empty identifier condition
BUIL-5710Importer: Error with archiveFile: The system cannot find the path specified
BUIL-5764e2ec: running from "uml" directory does not work
BUIL-5780e2ec: Return 1 in case of wrong parameters
BUIL-5787"Edit Component Diagram"-Button throws an exception
BUIL-5788Compiler: Java Null Pointer Exception when compiling libEDIArchiving
BUIL-5790Compiler: Compiler does not accept <<FileAlias>> on <<FlatFileAdapter>>
BUIL-5791Builder writes additional elements to "" when starting embedded
BUIL-5799Compiler: Enable runtime to use new DateTime parsing implementation
BUIL-5802Importer: OpenAPI importer throws errors on "additionalProperties: false" entries
BUIL-5803Importer: OpenAPI importer does not import complex consumes/produces
BUIL-5809Compiler: REST adapter silently ignores "out" parameters with <<RESTParameter>> stereotype
BUIL-5826Importer: When importing Java service, the imported *.jar has tag value "deploy" not set which leads to compiler error
BUIL-5829JavaAddOn: Memory leak when receiving JMS messages using JMSListener
BUIL-5831Wizard: File and Directory alias missing in list of stereotypes to choose from
BUIL-5833JavaAddOn: addon.jar is missing version info
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5640Importer: Importer for OData entities
BUIL-5801Examples: Extend logger example with custom timestamp
BUIL-5548Change definition of Error class in REST template to contain message
BUIL-5613Example list is not sorted
BUIL-5682Examples: Add missing callbacks to Java Frontend example
BUIL-5722Remove support for MagicDraw 17
BUIL-5757Compiler: Allow overriding timestamp when logging custom TRX entries
BUIL-5766e2ec: better error message if UML model does not exist
BUIL-5784Compiler: Changed compiler behavior for tagged value "soapAction" breaks service(s)
BUIL-5820Examples: Change file system examples to not use FileSystemAlias anymore

Builder 7.0.0-beta1 (18.12.2017)

Contains Embedded Runtime Version: 2017.10

The following bugfixes and features depend on a new version of the xUML Runtime. Please install the Required Runtime version.

Bug/FeatureDescriptionRequired Runtime
BUIL-5754The setting will be silently ignored by older xUML Runtimes.2017.10
BUIL-5580Compiler: Timer from library does not work
BUIL-5716Examples: One wrong url in FlatFilePattern test file
BUIL-5743Compiler: Transformation not checked for correct type if base flow is of correct type
BUIL-5748Importer: OpenAPI import fails: "Unexpected exception: null" when parameter $ref is not found
BUIL-5752Importer: Import OpenAPI fails
BUIL-5763e2ec: NullPointerException if you compile model with old component diagram
BUIL-5770Compiler: Compiler process issues
BUIL-5772Compiler: Builder randomly generates invalid repository
New FeatureDescription
BUIL-5295Compiler: Provide command line compiler with option to compile models and libraries
BUIL-5305Compiler should validate if SOAPAction value is "" for document style operation
BUIL-5594Compiler: Remove support of old component and deployment diagram (first step compiler)
BUIL-5619Remove support for old overrides format
BUIL-5671Compiler: WSDL resolveInheritance is deprecated
BUIL-5714get rid of "classLoader = sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader" on stdout
BUIL-5715Compiler: Clean-up stdout
BUIL-5719Examples for release 7
BUIL-5721e2ec: print usage
BUIL-5754JSON ComposerOptions for REST service and adapter