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Migration Notes

The following bugfixes and features are subject to migration. Please perform the necessary migration tasks.

PAS ReleaseComponentIssuesRuntime Dependency

To fix the problem with the changed order of library parameters, you need to generate a fixed version of the library by exporting it once again.

If you get errors like VALXUML Attribute '@name' on element 'attributes' has not a whitespace-less value  or if you have unknown types in diagrams related to SAP,  you need to create your SAP connector again. With this release we fixed a bug where internal identifiers of SAP connector classes were not unique.


If you replace an existing library with the same version as a newly uploaded one, you won't see the new library in the Service panel tree unless you reload the Designer or unselect and then re-select the library usage. You do not need to clear the compiler cache anymore.


If you replace an existing library with the same version as a newly uploaded one, you won't see the new library in the Service panel tree unless you reload the Designer or unselect and then re-select the library usage. You do not need to clear the compiler cache anymore.


The export of folders in the Explorer is back.

PAS (13.06.2023)

Designer LTS

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7253Input/Output/Return parameters that are added to an Activity Diagram not showing up in the diagram itself.

PAS (16.05.2023)


Compatibility Hint

To fix the problem with the changed order of library parameters, you need to generate a fixed version of the library by exporting it once again.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7063Designer compiler orders operation parameters alphabetically, which leads to "operation not found" in referencing diagrams

opensearch 1.1.6

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7074Harden OpenSearch transport TLS settings
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6805Remove "Select your tenant" dialog in OpenSearch Dashboard

opensearch-dashboards 1.1.3

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7074Harden OpenSearch transport TLS settings
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6805Remove "Select your tenant" dialog in OpenSearch Dashboard

PAS (12.05.2023)

API Gateway

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7058Gateway returns 431 on testing internal APIs

Builder 8.0.2

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2023.1

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6796Dev Containers not deleted on pas-stable
PAS-5523Remove attribute "namespace" from stereotype "REST Port"

Designer LTS

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6969Cannot export support data
PAS-6885Use container name instead of service name for endpoints
PAS-6860Wrong info message on change of service name
PAS-6821"Label" edit in column configuration dialog of data table is too small
PAS-6764In executions, "invalid" operation calls are silently ignored
PAS-6480MongoDB error while migrating (from old version)
PAS-6005Sticky library, cannot remove old library definition
PAS-5420Jump to validation errors if service details are displayed

postgres-init 1.2.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7014Apiman Migration did not work from 22.2.1 to 23.1


BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6965Change to service setting in administration not saved correctly


BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-7003Correct documentation of SendMail library

PAS (26.04.2023)


Compatibility Hint

If you get errors like VALXUML Attribute '@name' on element 'attributes' has not a whitespace-less value  or if you have unknown types in diagrams related to SAP,  you need to create your SAP connector again. With this release we fixed a bug where internal identifiers of SAP connector classes were not unique.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6913Unknown type in output property with literal even after migration
PAS-6904Fix ids of SAP connector
PAS-6875Fix properties that reference a base type
PAS-6865Expanding the nodes doesn't work all the time
PAS-6863JSON Adapter Example: Validation error "Trying to assign Literal..."
PAS-6849Buttons in forms are displayed incorrectly
PAS-6825REST operations in activity diagrams have "Unknown Parameter"
PAS-6537Open Search Logs of Dev Containers wrong

PAS (21.04.2023)


BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5572Operations that get data only from literals are ignored by the compiler.


New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6909Add profile migration for projectId adjustments
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6881Test environment: Get /ui 404
PAS-6854Operation parameter deleted and pin still in use, diagram becomes corrupt
PAS-6852Error in console log when creating data model elements
PAS-6814Unknown types after export/import of service
PAS-6802Restoration of backup failed
PAS-6765Label element editor: Layout out of place
PAS-6759Message for updating is not shown the whole time
PAS-6757Translations missing for some aliases on pas-doc
PAS-6756Potentionally corrupt project data after import and change
PAS-6749Development container not created for examples/imported services

Working with the Test Environment

PAS-6714Clicking on open application should trigger a dev stack build
PAS-6711Folder export of forms doesnt work

Service Panel > Exporting and Importing

PAS-6699Reset panels not working
PAS-6691Missing translation in reports
PAS-6657Unnecessary tree scrolling when adding/deleting objects in the tree
PAS-6616Validation error is not a link
PAS-6538Nodes in service-panel and explorer won't expand while importing + copying/pasting
PAS-6493Error when re-ordering parameters
PAS-6491Error log when creating data model elements
PAS-6370Service panel tree not updating after deleting an API element
PAS-6274Open Test API Button works incorrectly
PAS-6024Designer should assume roles is empty if user.roles is not existent
PAS-5904Library class derived from connector class does not expose connector properties
PAS-5895Adding an operation through cog-wheel icon always defaults to mapping diagram
PAS-5517Alignment of object nodes with pins does not work anymore
PAS-5443Attribute Type: undefined.Select
PAS-5437Different APIs may have the same name
PAS-3173Keyboard shortcuts do not work in "Process" folder

PAS 23.1 (03.04.2023)

API Developer Portal 1.3.4

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6378My Clients page crashes if the policy requests return a 403
PAS-6303Policy Probes do not work anymore
PAS-6282Link in approval Email during API sign-up points to localhost instead of API page in API Management
PAS-5051Scroll into view does not work anymore on page (re-)load
PAS-5027Creating a new client in wizard should be preselected after operations succeeds
PAS-5024Open a URL you are not allowed to breaks rendering

API Management 8.5.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6397API Registry JSON request is missing a permission check
PAS-6330Catalog import not working in Kubernetes setup
PAS-6329IP range validation broken
PAS-6303Policy Probes do not work anymore
PAS-6284Breaking multiple contracts from clients contract page results in "unexpected Server Error"
PAS-6243New API Icons not correctly applied in API Developer Portal
PAS-5819Setup API Management from scratch does not work
PAS-5737[Manager UI] Unable to display more than 10 contracts from a given api
TaskDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6168Adapt API Management UI Keys

API Management UI 0.1.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6612Link should point directly to known location in developer portal
PAS-6610Contracts page not refreshing when re-selecting API version
PAS-6604Provide organization name when adding new API in wizard
PAS-6443Wizard: Cannot create new organization
PAS-6387Wrong link for Markdown in Useful information
PAS-6386User with "Organization-User-Manager" Role cannot open org details page
PAS-6375Cannot open organization details in list view
PAS-6297Link to external UIs should open in a new browser tab
PAS-6239Margin in plan view should equal to API view
PAS-6237Links should jump to corresponding entry
PAS-6235Remove try out link
PAS-6233Home link does not mark "MyAPIs" active
PAS-6210entity-list with input list does not load correctly
PAS-6203Missing search and filter in my organizations
PAS-6200Entity Card align icon with title
PAS-6192Wizard: Reset in last clone step fires request
PAS-6190Wrong additional info when API is set to public
PAS-6187Path must not be relative in contracts table
PAS-6186Definition Type and URL is missing after update
PAS-6161Navigating away from wizard during clone breaks workflow
PAS-6150Redirect to wizard does not let you create an entity
PAS-6131Correct version count in table count
PAS-6117Add no data component on my-entity pages
PAS-6104Fab menu should auto close
PAS-6081Wizard: Async validator causes problems with disabled button
PAS-6080Edit of description does not work on clients/orgs/plans
PAS-6065Fix problems with baseUrl
PAS-6029Delete Org Button is missing
PAS-6023Image 404 is not handled correctly
PAS-6013Filter does not remove org h1
PAS-5995Check MIME type
PAS-5953Check docker build for new API Management UI
PAS-5751API Management UI: Contracts table does not refresh after contract deletion
PAS-5741Fix "ERROR Error: NG0100: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked." on card-menu
PAS-5738Wizard should link to correct details page after creation
PAS-5087API Version with the name "fünf" throws error
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5866Provide German Translation
PAS-5735Provide markdown editor
PAS-5734Provide swagger editor
PAS-5732Description for visibility
PAS-5730Mark input fields as read only in available plans view
PAS-5729Show no plans configured when API in creation state
PAS-5727Table view option should be persisted
PAS-5726Use live data in organization entity
PAS-5722Client overview page
PAS-5721Organization overview page
PAS-5574Print warning for existing contract when detaching plan from API
PAS-5153Create new unified icons for API Developer Portal and Manager UI
PAS-4733apiadmin users must be able to operate on all orgs data
PAS-4577Support i18n in new Manager UI right out of the box
PAS-4432Icon Set for API Management
PAS-3914A client contract should be terminable at any time
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6238Remove filter icon when not needed
PAS-6232Print info that user is currently using the alpha version
PAS-6205Copy apikey and URL from contracts table
PAS-6189Copy to clipboard from specific properties
PAS-6185fix API image upload dialog
PAS-6184Error handling 'Load API Definition'
PAS-6165Collection ticket for observations in new API Management UI
PAS-6162Refactor entity-lists to show only entities with explicit permissions
PAS-6159Show text area for WSDL
PAS-6153API Settings URL Input should validate input
PAS-6134reset public visibility to default if API is set to private
PAS-6102add organization indicator for API / client / plan
PAS-6090Add live data to organization entity card
PAS-6083Little fixes on org page
PAS-6066Improve entity update in onChange methods of entities
PAS-6008Permissions check on description changes or image upload
PAS-6000Organization overview - plan section
PAS-5993Switch view for public APIs
PAS-5951Improve spinner behaviour when loading an API definition
PAS-5851Disable buttons instead of hiding if the user does not have the correct permissions
PAS-5844Member search in organizations only possible via login ID, user name would be more helpful.
PAS-5838Change icon for public / private API
PAS-5739Wizard: Add error snackbar if entity could not be created
PAS-5728Adapt css guidelines for entire application
PAS-5723Update ngx permissions for apiadmin profile
PAS-5709API Icon Image Upload
PAS-5708Active Help: What do I need to publish?
PAS-5706Add config.json file for easy configuration and docker deployment
PAS-5705"Saved" Indicator like O365 changes
PAS-4580Better support on creating and editing API
PAS-4571Warn user when retiring/deleting an API or existing client contracts

Bridge 7.26.0

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2022.12
Contains Bridge API Version: 2.14.0
Contains Roles Version: 1.28

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6393Update Apache httpd to version 2.4.56
PAS-6301Update Tomcat to version 9.0.73
PAS-6167Wrong date format prepopulated in Bridge log viewer
PAS-6035Support SAP adapter encrypted communication
PAS-5876Update Java to version 17.0.6

Bridge 7.27.0

Contains xUML Runtime Version: 2023.1
Contains Bridge API Version: 2.14.0
Contains Roles Version: 1.28

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6513Make sapgenpse executable
PAS-6509xUML Runtime 2023.1
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6508User should be able to control a service without new deployment after a shutdown

Compiler 23.1

Compatibility Hint

If you replace an existing library with the same version as a newly uploaded one, you won't see the new library in the Service panel tree unless you reload the Designer or unselect and then re-select the library usage. You do not need to clear the compiler cache anymore.

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6683Pass environment variable for the xUML service through the compiler
PAS-6586Reorder operations of SecurityService
PAS-6562Upload of Designer library with same version
PAS-6512Support S3 adapter

S3 Adapter

PAS-6502Do a full build when creating the devstack build
PAS-6219Make it possible to extend the generated npmrc file with custom token through environment variables
PAS-6193Check if npm install needs to be done each time
PAS-6125Unique names of dev container services
PAS-6123Send keycloak uri env variable to dev stack
PAS-6110Do not build the repository until deploy or export is requested
PAS-6109Do not send the angular build to the xUML dev container
PAS-6019Compiler needs to send the dev stack data as validation response
PAS-5847Refactor the angular dev container to use the new service template
PAS-5845Adjust compiler cache limit
PAS-5778Recreate dev container when API ports are changed
PAS-5388Add defaultConfiguration to angular.js
PAS-5305Escape " in string literals
PAS-4233Compiler should target new service-repository
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6635ProCode development against dev container not possible
PAS-6435Wrong setting names generated
PAS-6415Indexing an array in a transformation flow into a built-in operation block throws an error
PAS-6395Missing logs for dev stack containers
PAS-6142Wrong base path generated for xUML rest services
PAS-5765On container deployment service can not be accessed from localhost angular app
PAS-5652SAP IDoc record composer type missing
PAS-5007for_each has no incoming control flow
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6111S3 storage adapter

S3 Adapter

PAS-5545Compiler needs to send the repository to the xUML dev container

Validating and Testing a Service

Designer 23.1

Compatibility Hint

If you replace an existing library with the same version as a newly uploaded one, you won't see the new library in the Service panel tree unless you reload the Designer or unselect and then re-select the library usage. You do not need to clear the compiler cache anymore.

Compatibility Hint

The export of folders in the Explorer is back.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6731Compiler error: argument pin is not input of the called component
PAS-6728No "open" icon for the activities in activity diagram
PAS-6682Cannot start attached service as a containerDeployment as Container
PAS-6579S3 adapter: Stereotype name not resolvedS3 Adapter
PAS-6557Dev stack is shown as offline although it can be reachedWorking with the Test Environment
PAS-6556Problem accessing dev stack applicationWorking with the Test Environment
PAS-6540SAP connector data model incorrectly sent to compilerCreating an SAP RFC Connector
PAS-6515Layout of time fields and save button in datepicker are incorrectDate Picker
PAS-6507Blob responses not imported correctly to OpenAPI connectorCreating an OpenAPI Connector
PAS-6501Created Connector only shown in Tree after Browser RefreshConnectors
PAS-6497SAP Operation can't be used when multiple connectors are created
PAS-6474Admin icon opens Bridge instead of AdministrationUsing the Deployment Controls
PAS-6472Spelling OpenAPI and SAP RFC
PAS-6471Search panel brokenSearch Panel
PAS-6417Service Details: Adjust tooltips to the selected deployment targetEditing the Deployment Properties
PAS-6413Infinite loading when too much explorer items in one namespace
PAS-6372Can not expand complex mapping types
PAS-6365Instance list forms of exported service get duplicated after service import
PAS-6349Project Data may be corrupt
PAS-6347Restoring big backups fails due to filestream error
PAS-6339Cant open application on Kubernetes
PAS-6331Remove Service Properties and Preview from submenu
PAS-6306CSS list in apply css dialog is not visible
PAS-6281Log analyzer filter not correct
PAS-6267Layout of drop-downs in different dialogs not correct
PAS-6228Compiler generated apps in Kubernetes must run without authenticator-service (403)
PAS-6217Fix icon size in controls panelControls Panel
PAS-6194Post request is not triggered in forms on execution
PAS-6163Old values in service treeService Panel
PAS-6155Validation error in empty BPMN taskValidation Panel
PAS-6139Cannot change the type
PAS-6105Action script code completion bugsUsing Action Script
PAS-6084Cannot import processes or forms
PAS-6068Compiler cache gets confused by random UUIDs
PAS-6032Designer: Error messages in console (user-service-nestJS)
PAS-6011User preferences language change doesn't workSetting the User Preferences
PAS-6006Nodes in service-panel and explorer won't expandService Panel
PAS-5997User preferences: Change password is emptySetting the User Preferences
PAS-5996User data no longer displayed in the header
PAS-5991Form list in user task spammed with instance lists
PAS-5970Explorer loads infinitely
PAS-5967Use translated stereotype names in dialogs
PAS-5943Broken form content after update to 22.2.1
PAS-5934Fix wrong imports of the pas-designer-library
PAS-5902Not possible to feed literal values to boolean input pins
PAS-5877Service Panel context menu is overlapped by Browser context menu
PAS-5874Can't open implementation from nested operations in activity diagram
PAS-5859Designer complains on requestOptions param not known on connector operation
PAS-5817Designer does not connect to Swagger UI during container deployment
PAS-5787Prevent showing anything other than supported operation on first step after uploading yaml file to connector
PAS-5776Unknown parameter error on providing requestOptions for REST adapterREST Adapter
PAS-5773Export of big project takes longer with the new release

Service Panel > Exporting and Importing

PAS-5755Correct OpenAPI port number
PAS-5703Clicking on tree element after search does not focus it and clear the searchService Panel
PAS-5697Assigning pro code form to user task and then assigning trigger event does not work
PAS-5671Service Panel: Documentation is no longer available when hovering over an added libraryService Panel
PAS-5615Cannot undo delete of elements in form
PAS-5607Mapping diagram: Wrong behavior when entering float values into a literal
PAS-5601Designer Empty Panels
PAS-5573CSS list in select css dialog is only visible after click on empty space
PAS-5466Activity Diagram: self parameter pins are always displayed as erroneousModeling Activities
PAS-4942Remove <<Library Class>> does not change the icon
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6562Upload of Designer library with same version
PAS-6479Improve very long-lasting migration
PAS-6473Add unit tests for SAP connector
PAS-6470SAP RFC connector cant be created via right clickCreating an SAP RFC Connector
PAS-6432Check SAP connection availability
PAS-6406Service Details: Adjust the font size of "Aliases"Managing the Service Details
PAS-6384Adjust the development controls panel like described in the mockupsControls Panel
PAS-6383Call the service repository to get the information if a dev stack for a project is available
PAS-6195Reorder buttons for deployment in the service property pageManaging the Service Details
PAS-6175Performance improvement: updateRelatedActivityModels
PAS-6128Designer send profileId and projectId to compiler
PAS-6094Add export of folder to the explorer
PAS-6018Designer-service needs to check if the container URLs changed
PAS-5925Remove validation warnings generated by pas-designer-service
PAS-5865Filter for yaml and json files
PAS-5785Log the angular ng serve stream to elasticsearch
PAS-5784Show icon for service logs in the controls panelControls Panel
PAS-5647Do not directly validate and create a container, find a criteria when to start a dev container
PAS-5582Adjust the proxy in the pas-designer-service to use the full name of the container provided by the compiler
PAS-5020Rework all examples to show the guard expressions
PAS-4719Remove the expandable arrow for stereotypes without properties
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6076Default libraries (SendMail 1.0.0)
PAS-5946SAP connector - parsing response from RESTifier

Creating an SAP RFC Connector

PAS-5543Provide the xUML dev container through the designer service proxy
PAS-5542Use submenu to show entries for the dev container logs
PAS-5540Create an image with the runtime and nestjs service in it
PAS-5539Create xUML Dev container service

Validating and Testing a Service

TaskDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5514Set container deployment as default in configDeployment as Container


BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6345Wrong host filtering for collecting logs

angular-dev-container-service 23.1

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6286Rename image labels for dev stack
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6129Use environment to create the services names
PAS-5580Rename the existing xUML development service to angular development service

file-storage 5.1.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6343File Manager requests old file-storage for namespaces
PAS-6222Swagger servers in nestjs services are wrong
PAS-5716Error fetching file stat from old file storage
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6092Add namespaces for mailer and reporting service to file-storage configManaging Files
PAS-6078Enable file-storage cdn route to fetch all files with one API-call
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5968Improve file storage downloadFiles-call with etag for enabling client caching
PAS-5472Pipe old data when accessing new file-storage

mailer-service 3.0.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6364401 for /logging route
PAS-6191Swagger servers in nestjs services are wrong
PAS-5935Environments for the mailer-service-nestjs service
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6229Default template should be very basic
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5898Extend mailer-service-nestjs v1 with additional features
PAS-5623Migrate mailer-service to nestJS

mqtt-connector-service 1.1.0

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5799Create tests for mqtt-connector

one-docker 23.1

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5975Include global setting variables in Bridge image

opcua-connector-service 1.3.0

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6530Improve reconnection handling

portal-app 2.3.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6525Portal only shows 1 replica, when HPA starts another.
PAS-6403Wrong logging URL generated and requested
PAS-6394Strange UI behaviour in details page (workload status and control actions)
PAS-6389Kibana redirection link not visible in logs panel for pas-services (cluster)
PAS-6369Curly braces around translations
PAS-6368Info icon useless in Kubernetes UI
PAS-6300Quick action state wrong for Kubernetes nest-js services
PAS-5553pas-designer-service-worker logs can not be accessed in openSearch
PAS-5480Duplicate menu entries in detail view
PAS-3594Portal doesn't run properly if lb is added and you use the host name
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6296Change KeycloakHelperService onLoad property to 'login-required'
PAS-6208Try out API Manager UI button must be left aligned
PAS-5668Update Portal and sub-modules to new user service nest routes and models
PAS-5570Update app-themes dependency
PAS-5530Show file name on confirm delete dialog
PAS-5516Merge file manager module into Portal project
PAS-5340Extend search so type gets reflected too and add table sorting, use platform elements filter
PAS-5197Portal and Administration must be single project
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6097Add try out link for new API Management UI
PAS-5202Extend Portal Cypress tests
PAS-5045Add sorting capabilities to columns

reporting-service 3.1.0

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5745PDF creation should be done in a single step
PAS-5743Provide alternatively direct file stream when creating documents
PAS-3860Turn the reporting-service into a nest.js service

sap-connector-service 1.0.0

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6164Missing information about Export type

service-repository 6.3.0

New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6662Limit amount of available dev-stack instances
PAS-4968Add fluent sidecar container to xUML workload
PAS-4917Add new head request for checking xUML service exists
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6546Cannot open details page on rc for pas-services
PAS-6525Portal only shows 1 replica, when HPA starts another.
PAS-6523Env being parsed wrong
PAS-6412Endless pending /image request | pod not deployed
PAS-6381Updating settings fails
PAS-6374Missing base image label
PAS-6305platform name in platformSettings of deployed xUML Services is wrong
PAS-6226Custom labels in dev stack differs from docker and Kubernetes
PAS-6225Updating deployed xUML service not working
PAS-6223Swagger servers in nestjs services are wrong
PAS-6143Cannot restart services: Err 500
TaskDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6434Update default xUML license
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6391Make restart policy for xUML services configurable
PAS-6052Service-Repositroy should provide Owner ID during xUML-deployment
PAS-5603Add prefix for docker registry for customer builds
PAS-5006Update core version to latest
PAS-4446Relocate location for creating xUML dev container
PAS-3920Enhance OpenAPI descriptor

user-service 7.1.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6224Swagger servers in nestjs services are wrong
PAS-6197Add Response DTO types to ApiResponse annotation
PAS-5713Wrong Error when MongoDB connection is lost | Add MongoDb HealthCheck
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5746Adjust user service logger to updated LoggerModule-API
PAS-5058Provide a more meaningful API structure
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5474Create new endpoint for checking set of accessible namespaces
PAS-5057New API call for fetching application based user extension

xUML Runtime 2023.1

ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6047Support forcing PS owner ID
PAS-6034Support SAP adapter encrypted communication
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5760(extended)JSON Compose: missing protection against cyclic data items leads to crashes
PAS-5704Any type data lost from one step to the next step in persistent state
PAS-5462Alias Reader fails on MongoDB Alias
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5256S3 storage adapter

xuml-dev-container-service 23.1

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6286Rename image labels for dev stack
PAS-6003Missing httpClient module to contact logger service
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6129Use environment to create the services names
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5541Put event should restart the xUML runtime in the service

xuml-library-repoistory-service 4.2.0

New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6076Default libraries (SendMail 1.0.0)

xuml-management-ui 1.6.4

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6484Disable setting for memory limits
PAS-6266Render pstate not available instead of 404
PAS-5893Restart of container after changing configuration does not start listener on service port
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5569Add register API link for given set of xUML endpoints
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-5487Remove some properties in xUML overview page

xuml-tool 1.4.0

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6136Size of docker container up to 150GB after 8 days
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6048Support querying & deploying on windows
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
PAS-6037Support environment variable for persistent state owner-ID

On this Page:

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