To query the data of a process, select a process first. Then, specify a data range – the date range of the bygone week is preallocated.
In the data area of the process dashboard, you will now see a list of process instances according to your query settings. If the E2E composite service of the selected process contains a BPMN diagram, it will be displayed in the BPMN section at the bottom.

To identify problems or to search for needed information, you can

Displaying the information you need to e.g. identify problems with a process assumes that this information has been stored to the dashboard database.

As per default, the log collectors store

  • ProcessID
  • Start Date
  • Start Event
  • End Date
  • End Event
  • Last Update
  • Current State
  • Duration
  • Host

If you need more details on a process instance, you can extend this default by logging additional fields. This has to be implemented in the E2E composite service and how to do this is described in Logging Custom Values to the Dashboard Database.