In Folders you can manage your contents, therefore it is possible to create folders on different levels of the explorer tree. You can create folders...

  • ... in namespaces.
  • ... in other folders.

Adding a Folder

Since you can create folders within namespaces and in other folders, you will find the option Add Folder in the context menu of both elements.

The Folder Context Menu

Right click a folder to open its context menu.

The context menu displays all options available for a folder:

Adding a Service

Add a service to manage the necessary settings for your micro service. A service can only be created in folders.

To add a service to a folder, right click on the folder and choose the option Add Service from the context menu.

Editing the Folder Name

If you want to change the name of a folder, choose the option Edit Folder Name.

Enter the new name in the pop-up window Edit Folder.

Click Save.

The new name is displayed in the tree.

Cutting and Pasting

Exporting and Importing

You can export and import folders in the explorer tree. For detailed information see page Exporting and Importing Explorer Contents.

Managing the Folder Permissions

You can set access restrictions on several levels:

  • On a namespace in the user management: This level has the highest priority. If a namespace with read-only permission is already assigned to the user in the user management, the permission set in the Designer has no effect. For further information go to the Scheer PAS Administration Guide.
  • On a folder: See below. Folder permissions affect all sub-elements of the folder, but you can assign permissions to a service within the folder independently.
  • On a service: See Services. Service permissions only affect the corresponding service.

Select the option Permissions in the context menu if you want to manage the access to a folder.

In the pop-up window Permission Administration you can invite single colleagues or whole groups to access the folder.

By default, the creator of the folder and everyone sharing the current namespace has write permissions.

To limit access to the folder you can delete the group Everyone or give it read-only permission.
If you want to restore the permission for Everyone, select option Invite Group first. You can then search for the group and add it again.

If you want to add other users, first select one of the options:

  • Invite Group: Allow whole user groups to access your folder. Available groups are all distribution lists that have been created as a Role in the user management.
  • Invite People: Add single users to your folder and grant them read or write permission.

Enter the name or email address of the group or person in the search field. Matching results are shown in a list.

Select the entry you want to use.

Click icon to add the selected user or group.

Once the user or group has been added, you can set whether the user or the group should have read or write permission.

Do not forget to Save your input.

Sharing a Folder

You can also share the link for a folder.

Choose the option Share from the context menu to copy the link of the folder to the clipboard.

Deleting a Folder

To remove a folder from the tree, open its context menu and select option Delete Folder.

Confirm the security query in the pop-up window with Yes to delete the folder from the tree.

Please note that all contents of the folder are also deleted.