We are ready to help!

If you need assistance with using Scheer PAS, don't be desperate: We are happy to help you!

  1. First of all you can consult our complete technical documentation.
    The documentation is divided into several guides - one for each platform component.
    You can search the complete documentation using the search box on the documentation start page. You can search a dedicated guide using the search box on the left, on top of the content tree.
  2. If you can't solve your problem with help of the documentation, you can file a ticket to our support team at support@scheer-pas.com.
    Please note the information under Filing a Support Ticket. All mails to our support mailbox will open a ticket in our service desk.
    Optionally, you may use our service desk portal. There, you can manage your tickets and raise new support requests. Using the portal requires you to register your email address, which will not take much time.

To learn more about the features and how to use our service desk portal, visit The Scheer PAS Support Center.

Filing a Support Ticket