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API Management Release Notes

Migration Notes

The following bugfixes and features are subject to migration. Please perform the necessary migration tasks.

Click here to expand an overview on the migration notes...
API ManagementNote
API Management Release Notes#7.6.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0.

There is an issue with the CORS policy. If your are updating to API Management 7.6.0 and want to use this policy, please contact our support.
If installing a new API Management 7.6.0, there is nothing to do.

API Management Release Notes#7.5.0

API Management 7.5.0 features a new policy Caching Resources Policy. To use this policy, you have to import the following configuration file: 

Import this file as described on API Management Backup and Restore.

API Management Release Notes#7.3.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.2.0 -> 7.3.0.

API Management Release Notes#7.2.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.1.0 -> 7.2.0.

Release Notes of the API Management Version 7

API Management 7.7.0 (31.03.2021)

As of this version, API Management is not available standalone anymore but only as a component of Scheer PAS. Users who are updating from a lower version need to perform migration tasks.
BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-64Plugins: E2E-CatalogPlugin: Better error messages
GW-257REST API: User homepage is accessible by divergent user
GW-300REST API: Check REST API Security and Permissions
GW-324UI: Cannot delete retired API: Unexpected Server Error
GW-328DevPortal: Save of client mapping causes sometimes problems
GW-335DevPortal: Optimize Devportal Admin View
GW-338Plugins: API Catalog does not load correctly
GW-349DevPortal: Check token refresh interval
GW-357Gateway: Do not write to response if the connection is already closed (Handle java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response is closed))
GW-374Gateway: Problems with "persistent connections" (keep-alive)
GW-385DevPortal: Use double quote for base path in html
GW-394UI: "Tools" Menu is only visible for apiadmin and not for apiuser
GW-403Docker: Fix CVE-2020-13935
GW-404Gateway: Gateway does not handle proxy headers that indicate the real ip
GW-415Plugins: API Catalog Connection Error
GW-427DevPortal: Dev portal: URL contains ? instead of &
GW-432Gateway: Exception while unregister client
GW-447UI: Filter in API search dialog doesnt work
GW-457DevPortal: Load Definition: Re-Publish button is only enabled after refreshing page
GW-463UI: Re-register button is not enabled after removing a policy
GW-465UI: The boxes on start page should link to "My APIs" etc.
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-207Elasticsearch: Support for Elasticsearch 7
GW-344UI: Paging of all APIs/Organizations
GW-352DevPortal: Allow download of swagger/wsdl-files in devportal
GW-354Plugins: Header Allow/Deny Policy
GW-359Plugins: API Catalog: Allow connection to BRIDGE via HTTP
GW-360Gateway: Gateway should work without all certificate files
GW-363Docker: Kibana SSO Integration
GW-392Docker: Change default value for ${API_MGNT_SELF_SIGNED_CERT} to true
GW-434Docker: Allow easy configuration for KeycloakOAuthPolicy for Designer Integration
GW-455Gateway: Create configuration to use self-signed certificates in PAS
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-87Gateway: API Management REST API
GW-204UI: Support new java versions
GW-255DevPortal: DevPortal Api-View: List public apis
GW-310DevPortal: HTTP Support
GW-319Docker: Change default values in .env to match the ones in the documentation
GW-327DevPortal: Show name instead of id in editor dialoag
GW-333Gateway: Change gateway response if the API Endpoint cannot be reached
GW-336DevPortal: Handle readonly keycloak users within Devportal
GW-337Gateway: Gateway should return which policy causes the error
GW-339DevPortal: Beautify "Add Developer" button
GW-343UI: Allow only Javascript Number.MAX_SAVE_INTEGER for rate limiting policy in the UI
GW-348Plugins: Validate the input of all policies to avoid wrong configuration
GW-353REST API: REST API should not send the full stacktrace in the response
GW-365Elasticsearch: Optimize index creation for ES 7
GW-395DevPortal: Make online resources offline available
GW-412DevPortal: Show only users with "devportaluser" role in the list of developers
GW-430UI: Update tomcat to 9.0.38 because of security fix
GW-431DevPortal: Scrolling for Create Client Mapping
GW-437UI: Change heading in DevPortal Administration from "Create" to "Add" Developer
GW-439Elasticsearch: Update opendistro dependency to 1.10.1
GW-440Plugins: Bridge Integration with SSO Bridge
GW-444UI: Importer should log file name at startup
GW-446Gateway: CORS improvements for Manager REST API
GW-448UI: Improve ES Connection Logging
GW-451UI: Default paging should display 12 Orgs/APIs instead of 10
GW-454DevPortal: Allow customer to modify links in the about screen
Sub-taskDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-347Docker: Make gateway log level configurable in docker-compose.yml

API Management 7.6.1 (27.02.2020)


Elasticsearch 5.6.16
Kibana 5.6.16
Keycloak 8.0.1
Keycloak-Gatekeeper 7.0.0
MySQL 5.7.28
NGINX ngnix:1.17.7-alpine
Tomcat 8.5.50

New FeatureDescription
GW-334Docker: Make keycloak realm configurable

API Management 7.6.0 (03.02.2020)


Elasticsearch 5.6.16
Kibana 5.6.16
Keycloak 8.0.1
Keycloak-Gatekeeper 7.0.0
MySQL 5.7.28
NGINX ngnix:1.17.7-alpine
Tomcat 8.5.50

Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0.

Known Issues:

There is an issue with the CORS policy. If your are updating to API Management 7.6.0 and want to use this policy, please contact our support.
If installing a new API Management 7.6.0, there is nothing to do.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-62Plugins: SwaggerDefinition file is only available if the service is running at import
GW-111UI: "Copied!" Popup is displayed wrongly
GW-212REST API: Fix API-Key Security Issue
GW-232UI: API definition loads endlessly if no definition existent
GW-235UI: Element status get green when hovering on them
GW-238Elasticsearch: API Definition gets not deleted in storage while deleting API
GW-240UI: Definition URL is not cloned if you create a new API Version
GW-256UI: Broken link on API Details page
GW-277UI: Loading of API Definition crashes with some swagger files
GW-284REST API: You can not delete an empty API
GW-288REST API: Replace Host and Basepath in Swagger Definition also for Devportal Requests
GW-292Keycloak: Devportal Admin/User need the acount client role 'view-profile'API Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0
GW-321Plugins: CORS Policy is not working
New FeatureDescription
GW-109DevPortal: View for external customers
GW-220UI: Update API Definition from BRIDGE Service via a Button
GW-237UI: Import API Definition (Swagger/WSDL) via URL
GW-247DevPortal: REST API for Developer Management (Devportal)
GW-253DevPortal: Keycloak Migration/Default Settings for new DevportalAPI Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0
GW-254DevPortal: Add export/import functionality for developers (backup and migration)
GW-263DevPortal: Admin-View to manage Developers

Managing the Developer Portal

GW-293Docker: Provide own docker image for nginx-proxy
GW-322Gateway: CachingESRegistry: Invalidate Cache is not working
GW-153Gateway: Only support one gateway configuration
GW-242Gateway: Add REST resource to get gateway endpoint from gateway
GW-244UI: Make API Definition URL not clickable in Browser
GW-260REST API: Make Swagger Definition URL available for Developer
GW-264DevPortal: Change CORS default behavior for devportal
GW-291Docker: Update docker images
GW-307DevPortal: Add Links for Developer Portal and Kibana in API Management

API Management 7.5.0 (08.10.2019)


Elasticsearch 5.6.14
MySQL 5.7.25
Keycloak(-Gatekeeper) 5.0.0
Kibana 5.6.14

Migration Notes

API Management 7.5.0 features a new policy Caching Resources Policy. To use this policy, you have to import the following configuration file: 

Import this file as described on API Management Backup and Restore.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-186UI: Swagger file could not be stored - field has to many bytes
GW-196Docker: UI not working with keystore password containing &
GW-210Policies: Caching Policy throws NullPointerException
GW-229Policies: Caching Resources Policy doesn't cache
New FeatureDescription
GW-60Gateway: Support xUML Services with HTML UI in the catalog
GW-138Gateway: Caching PolicyCaching Resources
GW-185Elasticsearch: Save source ip of a request in elasticsearch
GW-39UI: API definition: export Swagger YAML or WSDL file
GW-43UI: Delete plan improvement
GW-151Plugins: Support more than one Bridge in API Catalog PluginInstalling API Management > Step 2: Configure the Installation Settings
GW-155Elasticsearch: Rate Limiting Policy support for cluster mode
GW-182Docker: Extend validity of generated self-signed-certificates to 3 years
GW-191Docker: Remove unneeded .p12 file while creating self-signed-certificates
GW-192Plugins: JWT Policy: Support signature verification with JWK(S)
GW-198Docker: Check if all needed files are present before startup
GW-199Plugins: Added source request header for Simple Header Policy
GW-219Docker: Shrink/Squash docker images
GW-226UI: Fix Cancel Buttons
GW-231Docker: Set fix database values for keycloak

API Management 7.4.0 (24.06.2019)


Elasticsearch 5.6.14
MySQL 5.7.25
Keycloak(-Gatekeeper): 5.0.0
Kibana 5.6.14

BugDescriptionDocumenation Links
GW-112Gateway: Swagger "execute" fails: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource
GW-123Plugins: API-Catalog: Show which url you are going to import
GW-173Docker: "$PWD" does not work on windows powershell and command prompt
GW-175Plugins: API Catalog is unable to load definition file
GW-176Gateway: Rate Limiting Policy fails
GW-178UI: IE11: Swagger UI Button Rendering
GW-193Gateway: Gateway error messages are broken
New FeatureDescription
GW-179Docker: Add kibana and keycloak-gatekeeper as proxy
GW-152Docker: Gateway should trust valid certificates
GW-162Elasticsearch: Refactor DefaultEs(ES)ClientFactory because it is duplicate code
GW-169Docker: Find a better way to create self-signed certificatesInstalling API Management
GW-171Docker: Certificate Handling
GW-172Docker: Add configuration files for distributed setups to
GW-181Gateway: LDAPS: SocketException: Connection Reset in SSL
GW-183Gateway: New default (true) for self-signed certificates flag (SELF_SIGNED)Installing API Management
GW-184Docker: Make it possible to disallow older TLS Versions Advanced API Management Settings > Security Settings

API Management 7.3.0 (2019/01/31)


Elasticsearch 5.6.14
MySQL 5.7.25
Keycloak 4.8.3.Final

Migration Notes 7.2.0 -> 7.3.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.2.0 -> 7.3.0.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-88Github: cache clear issue
GW-125Support a second gateway
GW-133Policies: Rate Limiting Policy: Seems to fail under load
GW-148Docker: Login page is broken if self registration is disabled
GW-149Docker: The current docker-compose.yml does not work out of the box with Docker for Windows
GW-154WSDL file is not loaded via the gatewayTroubleshooting
GW-159Docker: Endpoint is not correctly displayed in API Mgmt UI
GW-168Elasticsearch: Recreation of a plan after delete fails
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-121Improve docker logging and set log rotation for docker logsAPI Management Logging
GW-127Docker: Make elasticsearch host configurable in docker-compose and expose ports
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-10Redirect to login after session timeout
GW-100UI: Open links from Catalog to Bridge Service in a new tab
GW-120UI: Improve the configuration

API Management Installation Guide pp.

GW-129Docker: Make aliases in keystore or/and key- and truststores configurable in docker-compose or .env
GW-130Docker: Support HTTPS for Elasticsearch (multiple host setup)
GW-131Docker: Upgrade to Keycloak 4.5.0 or newer
GW-134Docker: How-to support distributed (several hosts) set-up
GW-143Docker: Switch to official oss-elasticsearch docker images without X-Packsee migration notes above this table
GW-158UI: Change documentation URL on about page
GW-164UI: Fix metrics tooltip in UI
GW-165Docker: Add project name to docker-compose

API Management 7.2.0 (2018/11/01)

Migration Notes 7.1.0 -> 7.2.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.1.0 -> 7.2.0.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-128Docker: Switch to official elasticsearch docker imagesInstalling API Management
GW-135Connection was closed on exception with runtime

API Management 7.1.0 (2018/09/19)

API Management 7.1.0 (2018/09/19)

GW-117Manager-UI: Scheer PAS corporate design

API Management 7.0.0 (2018/08/29)

GW-24Manager-UI: Swaggerui - Update to 3.17.4
GW-89Manager-UI: GW: order of the tabs in org details page changes
GW-91Manager-UI: Client/API/Plan details page misses link for tab
GW-93Filter of all APIs/Organizations
GW-94Manager-UI: SwaggerUI does not always work, random errors or wrong URL
GW-96Manager-UI: API Catalog: show the selected categories
GW-98Manager-UI: REST API: moreInfo should point to our documentation
GW-103API Import takes first only if more than one E2ERestPortType is exposed on the same port
GW-104Manager-UI: Sometimes a Browser authentication opens
GW-118https endpoints run into cert error from vertex
New FeatureDescription
GW-5API Management: Docker Images
GW-46CORS Policy
GW-85Automatically update plugins
GW-81Manager-UI: API Management UI problems
GW-82Manager-UI: UI: standardization of upper and lower case writing
GW-83Manager-UI: Change the order of the main menu: Organizations, Clients, APIs, Administration
GW-84Bridge API 2.7.1 changes
GW-90Manager-UI: Last (text) corrections - hopefully
GW-102Update apiman 1.5.0
GW-113Manager-UI: Create package
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.