You have two options to deploy xUML services as a Kubernetes workload:

  1. The PAS Administration offers a deployment wizard (refer to Working With the Deployment Wizard for details).
  2. You can also deploy Designer services directly to the deployment target Container (refer to Designer Guide > Selecting the Deployment Target).

xUML services that run in Kubernetes have extended details to manage this type of service.

Using the Workload Details

It also contains different collapsable sections:




The Build details contain information about the workload:

Image NameName of the image in the Docker registry.
Build UserUsername of the user that triggered the build process.
Build DateBuild date and time of the service repository.
Compiler VersionVersion of the compiler the service has been compiled with.
Compile DateTimestamp of the compilation of the service.

The Deployment details contain information about the deployment:

Service NameName of the xUML service.
Deployment UserUsername of the user that triggered the deployment process.
Deployment DateCreation date and time of the container.
Container Start DateDate and time of the last (re-)start of the container.



Deleting a Service



In section Logs you can change the log level. Go to page Changing the Log Level of a Workload for detailed information.

The link in section Logs gives you direct access to the Log Analyzer, where you can inspect the logs.
Refer to Showing Logs of a Containerized xUML Service Kubernetes and Using Kibana for further information.

History Log

In the History Log section ( PAS 24.0 ) you can inspect the service history.
Refer to Showing Logs of a Containerized xUML Service Kubernetes for detailed information.

Persistent State

In section Persistent State you can manage persistent state objects.
Refer to Persistent States of Containerized xUML Services Kubernetes for detailed information.


In the Configuration section you can change the settings of an xUML service.
Refer to Adapting the Configuration of Containerized xUML Services Kubernetes for detailed information.