If you want to deploy a service to the Integration component of the platform, your user needs the following:

The deployment properties for deployment target Integration are displayed in sections General and API Management.

You can change the following deployment properties:

Deployment PropertyInput TypeDescription

Insert a version number for your service. The version number is displayed in the integration component (Bridge).

CategoryStringCategory in which the service is displayed in the integration component (Bridge). By default, the name of the folder where the service is stored is used.
Control PortIntegerEnter the number of the service control port. This port is used by the integration component (Bridge) to control the service and must be unique to the integration component. For further information see page xUML Service Details.
Service PortIntegerEnter the port number the service is listening to. The port number must be unique to the integration component (Bridge). For further information see page xUML Service Details.
Proxy PortInteger

When you create a new service, the proxy port is set to 5444 by default. Do not change it if your Designer application contains forms. However, if necessary, you can change the proxy port for applications without forms.

Please note: The proxy protocol is always https and the proxy path is always the name of the service. The final URL is composed as follows:

https://{ bridge host name }:{proxy port}/{service name} .

Example: https://acme-corp.com:12345/myService

Enable Validation

Enable Angular Build

Deployment PropertyInput Type



Select one of your API Management organizations (optional). The REST API of the deployed service will be exposed by API Management and will be visible in the API Developer Portal.

Go to the API Management Guide for further information about Scheer PAS API Management and API Developer Portal.

Secure Service

Activate this option (Yes) to create an OAuth policy on each published API endpoint or deactivate (No) to remove any existing OAuth policy. If the option is enabled, you need a PAS login to call the API. If the option is disabled, no authetication is needed.

Default is Yes.

Go to the API Management Guide > Keycloak OAuth for further information.