Permissions are designed to control access to URLs, for example the URL of the cockpit in your business system or the URL of a process app. Permissions are assigned to profiles. Depending on his allocated profiles, a user is authorized to open the cockpit, to work with process apps etc.

The authorization check of Scheer PAS Administration is based on Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

Menu "Permissions"

Menu Permissions allows you to create new permissions and to edit existing ones.

Menu Permissions provides you with two options:

  • Permissions
  • Add Permission

Existing permissions are listed in the content area if you select Permissions from the sidebar menu. The content is listed as follows:

  • Name
  • Resource
  • Activated (Yes/No)

Use the filter to limit the content of the list.

Selecting menu item Add Permission opens an empty permission data sheet:

The Permission Data Sheet

The data of each permission is saved in a separate permission data sheet with the following sections:

  1. Master Data
  2. Permission
  3. Meta

Master Data

The basic data of a permission is managed in the Master Data section:

  • Permission active: The checkbox indicates, if the permission has been activated. Default is active.
  • Name: It is mandatory to insert the identifier for a new permission in the Name field.


A permission grants access to a defined sector of your business system. In the Permission section, you will have to insert the resource of that sector.

Do not change or create permissions without any knowledge of JSON.

You can choose additional resources by using the drop down list Possible Resource Information.

Available options are:

  • Path
  • Path with Variable


In section Meta, you can find the meta data of the permission containing the following information:

  • UUID: The UUID allows to identify the permission.
  • Created at: Contains the creation date of the permission.
  • Modified at: Contains the date of the permissions' last modification.
  • Modified by Contains another UUID which allows to identify the last editor of the permission.

The content of section Meta is for documentation purposes only: meta data cannot be changed.

Standard Permissions

Each Scheer PAS Administration is delivered with the standard permissions required for the use of Scheer PAS modules and components. The following table summarizes the standard permissions.

The table can be searched. To do this, enter your search phrase in the search field:

Permission NameDescription
activity-service Access to the activities
app_adminScheer PAS Administration (UI): Access using URL admin
app_fileFile storage without profile check
app_storageFile storage with profile check
app_user_adminScheer PAS Administration (UI): Access using URL user-admin
For backward compatibility only - default is app_admin
app-userselfUser self service (UI)
bpaas_editorBPaaS modeling (UI)
bpaas_executionExecution engine for BPaaS apps
bpaas-cockpitBPaaS cockpit (UI): Access using URL bpaas-cockpit
For backward compatibility only - default is cockpit
bpaas-forms-connector-serviceBPaaS integration of Scheer PAS Mobile (Backend)
cockpitBPaaS cockpit (UI): Access using URL cockpit
designer-serviceEditor for mobile forms (Backend)
form-designer-appEditor for mobile forms (UI)


Access to LDAP service
pas_designerAccess to Scheer PAS Designer (UI)
pas_designer_serviceAccess to Scheer PAS Designer (Backend)
sap-restifierAccess to SAP Restifier
service_analytics_api Scheer PAS Process Mining (Backend): Reading the analytics database
service_analytics_collectorScheer PAS Process Mining (Backend): Collecting data from services


Scheer PAS Process Mining (Backend): Importing data to the analytics database
service_bpaas_backendBPaaS modeling (Backend)
service_bpaas_cockpitBPaaS cockpit (Backend)
service_bpaas_robot_connector BPaaS integration of Scheer PAS RPA (Backend)
service_bpaas_robot_connector_continue_instance Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Continuing an instance
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_current_user_job_queue_itemsScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Showing robot processes by user
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_environments Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Reading the robot environments
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_instance Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Loading an instance
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_instance_from_queueScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Listing all queued instances
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_jobs_statsScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Getting list of robot jobs
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_process_informationScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Listing robot process information


Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Analyzing the UIPath process
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_processes_by_environmentScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Loading robot processes by environment
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_robot_history Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Loading robot history
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_robot_logs Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Loading robot logs
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_robot_processes Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Loading robot processes
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_robots Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Loading robots
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_sessionsScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Listing robot session information from the orchestrator
service_bpaas_robot_connector_get_sessions_statsScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Getting the total number of robots aggregated by robot state
service_bpaas_robot_connector_has_access_on_profileScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Checking robot authorization for profiles
service_bpaas_robot_connector_save_instance Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Saving an instance
service_bpaas_robot_connector_set_error_status Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Setting the error status of a robot
service_bpaas_robot_connector_set_status Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Setting the status of a robot
service_bpaas_robot_connector_start_instanceScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Starting an instance
service_bpaas_robot_connector_start_robot Scheer PAS RPA (Backend): Starting a robot
service_bpaas_robot_connector_start_robot_without_instanceScheer PAS RPA (Backend): Starting a robot without requiring a PAS instance
service_cronTime-controlled event execution (Backend)

Allows access to availableServices event of the service repository

service_cron-service_controlJobAllows access to controlJob event of cron-service
service_cron-service_getJobsAllows access to getJobs event of cron-service
service_cron-service_registerJobAllows access to registerJob event of cron-service
service_cron-service_unregisterJobAllows access to unregisterJob event of cron-service
service_mailEmail dispatch (Backend)
service_messaging-serviceAccess to messaging service
service_persistence Database access (Backend)


Access to getVersion API from service repository

The access to the user administration is separated in multiple single permissions. For further information how to use these, please contact the Scheer PAS Support team.

service-reportingMS Office data export (Backend)
service-userselfUser self service (Backend)
transaction_loggerSaving the transaction logs for Scheer PAS Process Mining
xuml_library_repositoryAccess to xUML library repository


Access to xUML library repository service