Important Note

This space contains files and text snippets that are used throughout the Scheer PAS documentation.
This content is not meant to be read independently from the rest of the documentation.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...


Refer to Configuring Axis Allocation for detailed explanations on the possible settings for axis allocation.


Refer to Configuring Filters for detailed information about all filter settings.


Is the process you are looking for not showing in the list? In order for data from the integration or BPaaS component to be transferred to process mining, the corresponding process must have been run at least once.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_aggregation

For key indicators on the y-axis the required aggregation can be set using a selection list. An exception is the number of processes as aggregating these is not appropriate.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_aggregation_unit

The available choices are:

  • Number
  • Total
  • Average
  • Minimum
  • Maximum

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_drag

To use an attribute, drag it from the list onto the area of ​​the corresponding axis. You can only drop instance attributes with the matching symbol onto the corresponding axis.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_error

If instance attributes of differing levels are mixed, the resulting chart is not meaningful. The wizard therefore displays the following message:

You combined process attributes with process step attributes. This kind of axis allocation will not lead to significant results.

Please change your selection of instance attributes. Matching attributes are highlighted in color.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_green

A green frame signals that they are saving the selected instance attribute in the correct axis area.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_intro

You can determine which instance attributes should be displayed in the chart in the axis allocation step. The available instance attributes are listed on the left.

Refer to Process Mining Glossary for detailed explanations of individual instance attributes.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_list

The two areas for the content of the x and y axis are located on the right hand side of the dialog.

  • Dimensions are displayed on the x-axis. They are marked with the symbol .
  • Key indicators are displayed on the y-axis. They can be identified by the symbol .

In distribution charts (all chart types except tachometer), key indicators can also be displayed as a dimension on the x-axis.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_red

The correct allocation of dimensions and key indicators is visually supported. If the user tries to place an instance attribute on the wrong axis, the area will be framed in red.

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_time

The unit of time can be set for time-based dimensions. This is applicable to the following instance attributes:

  • End Date
  • Last Update
  • Start Date

Analysis - Axis allocationaxis_allocation_time_units

The following units of time can be set:

  • Year
  • Month
  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute
  • Second

Analysis - Filterattribute_filter

Once the basis for filtering has been defined, you can create individual attribute filters:

  • Use option to create a new attribute filter.
  • Use option to link attribute filters.

To select an instance attribute, expand the Field selection list.

Analysis - Filterfilter_basis

In the first field, the selection list is the basis for determining filtering:

  • All: All rules must be met.
  • Any:  At least one rule must be met.

Analysis - Filterfilter_contains

Example: Step contains %end%

All instances containing the string end in the step instance attribute will be displayed. Steps in which additional characters appear before or after the string end are also taken into account.

Analysis - Filterfilter_create

If you change the option on the create following filter function, the filter entry is displayed.

Analysis - Filterfilter_duration

Duration periods (process duration, step duration) are entered as whole numbers. A single number is interpreted as meaning a time unit of seconds.

Analysis - Filterfilter_duration_display

After completing the entry, the applied time units are written out automatically.

Analysis - Filterfilter_duration_no

If a time unit entry is not clearly defined, a corresponding message will be shown.

Analysis - Filterfilter_operator_contains

If you choose the contains operator, you can use wildcards for entries in the value field. The following placeholders are allowed:

  • _ (underscore): Use an underscore as a placeholder for any character.
  • %  (percentage sign): Use the percentage sign as a placeholder for any set of character strings.

Analysis - Filterfilter_operator_table

A distinction is made between four groups of instance attributes and the operators belonging to them:

OperatorsInstance Attributes
Value Input

Current step

End event


Process name

Process ID

Start event


manual input*

* Except when operators is defined / not defined

Process time

Step duration

Process count

manual input*

* Except when operators is defined / not defined

End date

Last update

Start date

Calendar (date picker) and manual input of the time *

* Except when operators is defined / not defined and relative filtering

If relative filtering is selected, the following options are available via an additional selection list:

  • last minute
  • last hour
  • last day
  • last week
  • last month
  • last year

user-defined (manual input, refer to Relative Filtering)



Manual input

Analysis - Filterfilter_operators

Depending on the selected instance attribute, various operators become subsequently available. The available operators can be displayed via a selection list.

Analysis - Filterfilter_time_units

You can also use the corresponding abbreviations to enter weeks, days, hours and minutes:

Time Units

Permitted Input
(upper and lower case scripts are allowed)

Weekw, week, weeks
Dayd, day, days
Hourh, hr, hour, hours
Minutem, min, minute, minutes
Seconds, sec, second, seconds

Analysis - Filterfilter_value

You can enter the related value if an operator has been selected.

Analysis - Filtermanage_filter

Use one of the following options to manage your filters:

  • Use option to create a new attribute filter.
  • Use option to link attribute filters.
  • Use option to delete a filter.

General tipsmining_authorization

A Process Mining user is authorized to create analyses for all processes that are saved in their profiles. If a user's authorization for a profile is revoked, they can no longer analyze the processes from this profile. If they have already created analyses prior to the loss of authorization, the analysis in the content area is shown with the message No authorization to analyse this process.

Note for administrators: The allocation of authorizations and profiles is explained in detail in the Administration Guide.

Collection LevelDescriptionRestrictions

Collects everything that has been logged to the transaction log with transaction log level Custom:

  • Logs everything that is written by the logger adapter (for more details refer to BRIDGE Documentation > Log Adapter).
  • All other logs in the transaction log will be ignored.

Service must at least have transaction log level Custom.

Refer to Contents of the Transaction Log for details.


Collects everything that has been logged to the transaction log with transaction log level Service:

  • Logs the start and the end of calls to a service operation (service interface). For example, calls to SOAP, SAPRFC, or HTTP operations.
  • All other logs in the transaction log will be ignored.

Service must at least have transaction log level Service.

Refer to Contents of the Transaction Log for details.


Collects everything that has been logged to the transaction log with transaction log level IOExternal and IOInternal:

  • Logs calls of adapters that communicate with external systems like SAP, SQL, SOAP, etc. For instance, the SQL queries that are sent to the database will be logged as well. Calls via the file system and system adapter are excluded.
  • Logs also calls of adapters to internal (local) resources (file system adapter and system adapter).

Service must have transaction log level IOExternal or IOInternal.

Refer to Contents of the Transaction Log for details.

The higher the collection level, the more information will be collected and the more data will be stored in the database of Scheer PAS Process Mining. If you do not need to analyze your processes and services down to all IO operations, it is sufficient to set your collection level to e.g. Service to take load of your database server.

However, in case you need to analyze a process or service further down than the collected data allows, you could easily upload the corresponding transaction logs manually with a higher collection level (given that the transaction log level of the service allows that).

But keep the following in mind: If you manually upload a transaction log of a service with collection level e.g. IO whose data has already been collected with collection log level e.g. Service, the already collected data will be doubled. For these cases, we recommend to distinct the manually uploaded logs by e.g. a different host. Otherwise your process or service statistics could get distorted.



Scheer PAS Process Mining is delivered as Node.js packages. In order to run these, you need a specific Node.js version.

Please respect the following dependencies:

Process Mining VersionPlatform Services VersionNode.js VersionBridge Version
19.2PAS 19.212.xno longer applicable
18.2PAS 1.0 (18.1)8.x7.0.0


Scheer PAS Process Mining will only run if the platform services have been installed and configured. The Platform Services Installation Guide explains how to do this.

The user interfacecollecting_logs

If you want to create analyses for a service in process mining, you must first activate the log collection for this service. This is done in the process mining administration. Refer to Administration Guide > Collecting Logs for details.

The user interfaceload_all

The instance data for all analyses in the Process Analyzer will be reloaded ...

  • ...when the user logs into process mining.
  • ...when you press the F5 key on the your keyboard whilst the user interface is open.

The user interfacereload

The instance data for a single analysis will be reloaded ...

  • ...when an analysis filter is changed.
  • ...when the axis allocation of an analysis is changed.
  • ...when option Reload is used.
  • ...when automatic reloading is activated.

Examining Instancesstandard_logging

You can evaluate process information in Process Mining, for example in order to identify problems in a process. A pre-requisite for the evaluation is that the required process information is logged and transferred to Process Mining (refer to Administration Guide > Collecting Logs for details).   

By default the following data is logged:

  • Current Step
  • End Date
  • End Event
  • Host
  • Last Update
  • Process ID
  • Process Count
  • Process Duration
  • Process Name
  • Step
  • Step Duration
  • Start Date
  • Start Event

Examining Instancescustom_values_logging

If you wish to expand the analysis with additional information on a process instance, you can widen the xUML service and log the values of customer-specific fields (also referred to as custom fields or custom values).

  • No labels