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Stereotype Attributes

S3 Alias

AttributeDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
Specify a name for the alias.any string
endpointOverrideSpecify hostname and port (if necessary) of the S3 endpoint. minio:9000
Specify the protocol to access the S3 endpoint specified with endpointOverride.httpUse the HTTP protocol.
httpsUse the HTTPS protocol (default).
regionSpecify the Amazon region your S3 is hosted in (if necessary).

Specify the redirect behavior of requests to the S3 endpoint.DEFAULT

Sets the behaviors of the underlying HTTP clients handling response with 30x status code.

ALWAYSAlways redirect.
NEVERNever redirect.
Specify whether the "Expect: 100-Continue" should not be added your request to the S3 endpoint.trueDo not add an "Expect: 100-Continue" header to the request.
falseAdd an "Expect: 100-Continue" header to the request.

Specify if you want to skip IMDSv1 calls. This calls are used to discover a default region.trueSkip IMDSv1 calls.
falseExecute IMDSv1 calls.
Specify the user that will be used to access the S3 endpoint. aMinioUser
Specify the password of user. aMinioPassword
Specify the URL of the proxy server.See CURLOPT_PROXY.
Specify the proxy port.See CURLOPT_PROXY.
Specify the proxy protocol.See CURLOPT_PROXY.
httpUse the HTTP protocol.
httpsUse the HTTPS protocol (default).
Proxy Authentication
Specify the proxy user.See CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD.
Specify the proxy password.See CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD.
Proxy SSL / TLS
Specify a file name containing the proxy certificate.
Specify the type of the certificate.
Specify a file name containing the private key.
Specify the type of the key.
Specify the password for the private key.
certificateAuthorityPathSpecify the path to your certificate trust store.

Specify the path to the certificate authority.

Specify whether to disable SSL checks. This is for testing purposes only and should not disabled in productive environments.truePerform SSL checks.
falseDisable SSL checks.

S3 Adapter

AttributeDescriptionAllowed Values

Specify the S3 alias the adapter should use to establish the connection.

a valid S3 alias

The adapter action derives from the used operation. Do not configure this.

S3 Adapter Bucket Operations

bucketStatus Operation

If the bucket you want to get the status of is not existing, an exception is thrown.

  • bucketStatus ( bucketName: String, bucketStatus : BucketStatus )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to get the status of.
bucketStatusBucketStatusoutObject containing the status information as described further below.

createBucket Operation

  • bucketName ( bucketName: String )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples

Name of the bucket to create.

The name of the bucket should be prefixed with the PAS client.

If a bucket with the same name is already existing or if the bucket name does not match the S3 bucket naming rules, an exception is thrown.


deleteBucket Operation

  • deleteBucket ( bucketName: String, deleteRecursively : Boolean )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to delete.There will be no exception if the bucket you want to delete is not existing.

With S3, as a rule, only empty buckets can be deleted. Specify here whether to delete the bucket and all of its contents in one go.

trueDelete the bucket and all its contents.
falseBucket must be empty to be deleted (default).

listBuckets Operation

  • listBuckets ( bucketNames: String[] )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNamesArray of StringoutList of buckets that are available from the specified S3 endpoint.

listObjects Operation

  • listObjects ( bucketName: String, objectNames: String[] )
NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to list the contents of.If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNamesArray of StringoutList of objects that reside within the given bucket.

S3 Adapter Object Operations

copyObject Operation

  • copyObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, targetBucketName : String )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to copy an object from.If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNameStringinName of the object to be copied.If the object is not existing, an exception is thrown.

Name of the bucket to copy the selected object to.

If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown. Also, the target bucket must differ from the source bucket.

deleteObject Operations

  • delete ( bucketName : String, objectName : String )
  • delete ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, version : String )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to delete an object from.If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNameStringinName of the object to delete.If the object is not existing, no exception will be thrown.

For versioned buckets: Specify here the identifier of the object version to delete. If no version is specified for a versioned bucket, a new delete marker is created and the object is marked as deleted (see deleteMarkers).

If the version is not existing, an exception is thrown.

getObject Operations

  • getObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, filePath : String )
  • getObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, filePath : String, version : String )
  • getObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, objectData: Blob )
  • getObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, version : String, objectData: Blob )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to get an object from.If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNameStringinName of the object to get.If the object is not existing, an exception is thrown.
filePathStringinPath of the file on the local filesystem (in service context) to store the retrieved object to.If the file path cannot be accessed, an exception is thrown.
versionStringinVersion of the object to get. If no version is specified, the latest version is retrieved.If the version is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectDataBloboutBlob containing the contents of the retrieved object data.


  • listObjects ( bucketName: String, objectNames: String[] )
Name Type Direction Description Allowed Values / Examples
bucketName String in Name of the bucket to list the contents of. If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNames Array of String out List of objects that reside within the given bucket.


  • objectStatus ( bucketName: String, objectName: String, objectStatus : ObjectStatus )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket the object resides in.If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNameStringinName of the object to get the object status of.If the object is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectStatusObjectStatusoutObject containing the status information as described further below.


If the bucket is not versioned, the object is updated without any further warning, otherwise a new version of the object is created.

  • putObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, filePath : String )
  • putObject ( bucketName : String, objectName : String, objectData: Blob )

NameTypeDirectionDescriptionAllowed Values / Examples
bucketNameStringinName of the bucket to put the object to. This must be an existing bucket, otherwise an exception is thrown.If the bucket is not existing, an exception is thrown.
objectNameStringinName of the object to store.No exception will be thrown if the object you want to put is already existing.
filePathStringinPath to the file on the local filesystem (in service context) to get the object contents from.You must specify either filePath, or objectData.
If the file is not available, an exception will be thrown.
objectDataBlobinObject data to store as a Blob.You must specify either objectData, or filePath.

S3 Adapter Parameter Types


nameStringName of the bucket.
sizeIntegerSize of the bucket in bytes.
containedObjectsArray of StringList of objects that reside within the bucket.
DateTimeCreation timestamp of the bucket.


nameStringName of the object.
sizeIntegerSize of the object in bytes.
StringType of the object as identified by AWS. png, txt
DateTimeCreation timestamp of the object (last version if versioned).
StringNumber of the latest version.
Array of StringList of version numbers of the object.
The order within the array reflects the order in which the versions have been created. So, versions[0] contains the version number of the first version of the object.

Array of StringList of delete markers of the object.

On this Page:


Click the icon to download a simple example model that shows the usage of the S3 adapter in Scheer PAS Designer.

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