Important Note

This space contains files and text snippets that are used throughout the Scheer PAS documentation.
This content is not meant to be read independently from the rest of the documentation.

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TO DO: Translate missing excerpts to English!

Note for authors: Please do not attach any pictures to this excerpt page! Upload all images you want to use in an excerpt to the page _BPaaS_images.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

Authorization Concept using Rolesold_authorization_concept

The following usage description of roles is deprecated.

Starting with version PAS 18.1 we urgently recommend to create apps with central role management. Starting with version PAS 18.1 please only use the element Role.

Developer Guide execute_export

The coding must be adapted individually for each template. During execution of the code, the instance data is assigned to the corresponding placeholders in the template and the file is downloaded.

We are happy to help you with the implementation of your data exports. If you would like to use the export function of Scheer PAS BPaaS, please contact your Scheer PAS Consultant.

Developer Guideprovide_export_template

The template can be uploaded in a form or made available directly in the system by an administrator.

Executing Processes


Child Instance   = instance in opening app
Parent Instance = instance in current app

Executing Processesbutton_close_form

Attention: All following process steps will no longer be executed, the process will stop at this position.

Executing Processes


Configure Column Type

This option allows you to define your own column types. You could replace actual values with other output values, for example to display a picture instead of a value from the container. In order to define when a set value is replaced by a defined value, conditions have to be defined. How to configurate a column type is described on page Defining Column Types.

Executing Processescolumn_wizard_disabled

The column wizard can only be used if the model was assigned to a process app. Otherwise the button remains inactive:

Executing Processes


The column wizard is only available for instance tables.

Executing Processes default_buttons_config

ButtonActivated Button OptionsDescription


The following default options have been assigned to the Next button:

  • Highlight as Default
    (colored in contrast to the buttons Save and Overview)
  • Got to Next Step
  • Save Instance
  • Validate Fields

One click on this button saves the form entries and progresses the instance to the next process step. If form fields were provided with regular expressions, then an additional check for entry validity is issued.

Further information about the use of regular expressions can be found on page Validation of Form Fields.


The default settings for the Save button are:

  • Save Instance
  • Validate Fields

Use this button to safe your input.  If form fields were provided with regular expressions, then an additional check for entry validity is issued.

Further information about the use of regular expressions can be found on page Validation of Form Fields.

Go to Overview

The default setting for the Go to Overview button is:

  • To Overview

With a click on this button the user is transferred from the current form to the coresponding overview. Form input will not be saved.

Executing Processes delete_responsive_element

Important information regarding the deletion behavior of responsive elements: If you delete a responsive element, it is erased from your work space including all content. While the responsive element will also be erased from your database, its content can still be found and used via the search function.

If the responsive element was linked prior to deleting, then only the current element is erased. The linked element remains intact and can be found via the search function.

Executing Processes


Example: Overview configuration to display uploaded data

A Files Upload element is inserted in a responsive form. It is named Upload Pictures.

Upload was entered as Field Name in Container.

While configuring the overview, add .name to the Field Name in Container.

As a multi file upload field is used, its content is saved as array. So you must also specify the number of the value you want to display (value 0 is referencing the first value of an array).

When completing the form the element, Upload Pictures is used to upload the file Irenes Avatar.
When opening the overview, the name of the uploaded file (including the file format) is shown in the corresponding column Picture as:  Irenes Avatar.png.
A click on the instance in the instance table...
...opens the corresponding input form. The element Upload Pictures was used to save the file. Therefore the link Irenes Avatar.png can now be used to download the corresponding file.

Executing Processesform_combinations

Forms always have to be attached to a function. When modeling an EPC you may use the following form combinations:

  • One function with one responsive form: The process step can only be executed in a browser.

  • One function with one mobile form: The process step can only be executed on a mobile device with Scheer PAS Mobile App installed.

  • One f unction with one responsive and one mobile form: The process step can be executed in a browser and on a mobile device. The Scheer PAS Mobile App must be available on the mobile device.

  • One function with multiple mobile forms: (from BPaaS 17.3 ): The process step can only be executed on a mobile device, which has Scheer PAS Mobile App installed.

  • One f unction with one responsive and multiple mobile forms (from BPaaS 17.3):
    The process step can be executed in a browser and on a mobile device. The Scheer PAS Mobile App must be available on the mobile device.

Overview models should contain only a simple EPC with overview form. The following content is allowed:

  • EPC with a responsive overview form: The overview can only be opened in a browser.

  • EPC with a mobile overview form (from BPaaS 17.3 ): The overview can only be opened on a mobile device with Scheer PAS Mobile App installed.

  • EPC with one responsive and one mobile overview form (from BPaaS 17.3 ): The overview can be opened in a browser and on a mobile device. The mobile device must have Scheer PAS Mobile App available.

Executing Processesform_elements_additional_css_classes

Additional CSS Classes

Enables a field acurate layout customization.

Executing Processesform_elements_app_project

Process App Project

Insert the name of the App Project you wish to link. This field uses auto-complete and shows matching App Projects in a recommendation list. If an App Project was entered, you can open the corresponding model using the button .

Executing Processesform_elements_column_config

Column Configuration

Click on the gear wheel to open an editor, which enables editing the columns of the table. An overview of available options can be found on page Configure Tables manually.

Executing Processesform_elements_create_new_tab

Open New App in New Tab

If this option is activated, a click on opens a new browser tab for the creation of a new instance.

Executing Processesform_elements_current_value

Current Value

This field can be used to insert default settings for the form element. The field Current Value contains a default value, which appears during form completion. If not overwritten by the user, this value will be transfered to the container while saving.

Executing Processes


Default Page Size

Determines the default value for the table page size.

Executing Processesform_elements_description


When a user hovers over a form field during execution, the content of the commentary field is shown as a quick info:

Executing Processesform_elements_edit_mode
To choose an option as default setting, click to activate the form field's edit mode. After successful editing finish by clicking .
Executing Processesform_elements_edit_mode_text
To insert a text as default click to activate the form field's edit mode. After successful editing finish by clicking .
Executing Processesform_elements_execute_model

Execute Model

Option to insert a different EPC model from a current BPaaS project.

Executing Processes


Field Name for Possible Values

Possible values can not only be entered manually, one can also reference data objects from a container. In this case please enter the reference to the in container defined object into the field Field Name for Possible Values . The configuration field Possible Values remains empty.

Executing Processes


Field Name in Container

Defines the name under which the form field will be saved in the data container. If the Field Name in Container remains empty, then the field identifier (name) will be used to save in container. If two form fields share the same field name in container, then both will access the same value.

The Field Name in Container is a technical identifier. It is often used for extended coding. Therefore the Field Name in Container should not contain any spaces, special characters or umlaut. For further information please visit page The Container Principle.

Executing Processesform_elements_focus

Focus on Element

This field is ready for input and will be visually enhanced during form completion.

Executing Processesform_elements_hashtags


Possibility to insert your own key terms. The leading hashtag sign # (hash) will be inserted automatically.

Use the space bar to separate multiple hashtags:


One hashtag may be issued for multiple elements:

Executing Processesform_elements_hide_input

Hide Input

Instead of the entered content only dots are visible. This functionality finds its primary use in password entry.

Executing Processes


Open Instance in New Tab

If this option is activated, a selected instance is opened in a new browser tab.

Executing Processesform_elements_mandatory


The marked element must be filled or used.

Executing Processesform_elements_name


Field name shown in the form.

Executing Processes


Open Overview in New Tab

If this option is activated, a click on opens the corresponding overview in a new browser tab.

Executing Processesform_elements_possible_values

If in the field Possible Values a pair of values with same values was entered, for example 2;2 or yes;yes then one of these values will be deleted from the field display during saving. This value will be saved to the database as both value and label.

For more information please see page Possible Values: Value and Label

Executing Processesform_elements_read_only

Read Only

This field is read-only.

Executing Processes


Save Value in Instance

If this checkbox is marked, the value entered in this field will be saved to the database during form execution.

Executing Processesform_elements_show_label

Show Label

If this option is activated, the name of the element will appear in the top row.

Executing Processesform_elements_show_label_inline

Show Label Inline

The field identifier is shown within the field and can be overwritten.

Executing Processesforms_edit_sidebar

The form field may be edited via the Edit Sidebar.

Executing Processesforms_table_config

Tables have to be configured by the modeler. Please see chapter Configure Table Columns to learn more about the available configuration possibilities.

Executing Processes


The color of the gear wheel shows, whether an element is empty (light grey) or if content has already been saved (dark grey).

Executing Processesnote_execution_model

Execution Model

If you previously created your own EPC model, which shall be the basis for executing the Process App, please overwrite the entry in the field Execution Model. This field uses auto-complete.

Executing Processesnote_init_model

Initialization Model

The same holds true for the Initialization Model. An initialization model is used when a process shall be executed prior to starting the process app. An example would be data retrieval from a separate system to enable data access in a process app.

Executing Processesnote_signature_scaling

The input is centered. The more accurate the aspect ratio of the signature field corresponds to the drawing field, the larger the input will fill the field. The scaling of the aspect ratio of the field will vary depending on the terminal device. Use the preview option to adapt the size of the signature field to your device.

Executing Processesstart_column_wizard

The button Start Wizard opens the column wizard.

Executing Processestip_block_elements

It is recommended to only keep standard formatting in block elements. Define all individual changes such as font or font color for all headers in CSS instead.

Executing Processesupload_allowed_types

Allowed File Types PAS 18.1.1

If you want to allow certain file types only, specify the allowed file types in this field. Separate multiple file types by comma.

Example: Word and JPG files are allowed

Executing Processesupload_element_instance_table

The element File Upload allows the upload of multiple files. This field's content is saved as array . In the overview table, only one value per table field can be displayed. If you wish to display the content of the form element File Upload in the overview, you need to configure which array value shall be used. The array's first value is addressed with the number 0.

Since it can be uncertain how many files were uploaded during multiple file upload, we recommend to always reference the first file.

There are two options to display the content of the upload field:

  • If the name of the uploaded file shall be displayed in the overview, the ending .name needs to be added to the input of column Field Name in Container (
  • If the link to the uploaded file shall be displayed, the ending .url needs to be added to the Field Name in Container (fieldNameInContainer.url). If an image shall be displayed in the overview, then additionally choose column type image.

Example: Display of the first uploaded file in the overview

A form contains the Files Upload element Upload Pictures. Upload was chosen as Field Name in Container.

In the overview two columns are defined. Both shall display the first image of the upload:

  • The column Display Picture Name shall display the name of the first upload. Enter as Field Name in Container and choose text as Column Type.
  • The column Display Picture received the  Field Name in Container Upload.0.url and the Column Type image in order to display the image.

Three images were chosen for upload during completion of the form:

  • Irenes Avatar.png
  • Irenes Laptop.png
  • Photo Irene Adler.png

The overview will always display the image, that was uploaded first: Irenes Avatar.png.

  • In column Display Picture Name as text.
  • In column Display Picture as picture.

Executing Processesuuid_note

Purpose of column "uuid"

Each instance is assigned a UUID in the database to enable explicit identification. Instance tables contain a by default hidden column uuid. Unhide the column in order to show instance identification numbers. This information is needed for example when contacting BPaaS Support with a support request regarding faulty instances.


For an overview of BPaaS error messages, possible causes and solutions, see page Fehlerbehandlung BPaaS (German) in section BPaaS Support.


Öffnen Sie dafür im Menü Safari > Einstellungen und wechseln Sie hier zur Registerkarte Erweitert:

Aktivieren Sie die Checkbox Menü "Entwickler" in der Menüleiste anzeigen:

Die Option Entwickler wird in der Safari-Menüleiste hinzugefügt:

Jetzt können Sie über das Entwicklermenü den Cache-Speicher leeren.

General Informationauthorization_check_during_saving

An authorization check will always be performed while saving.

General Informationcancel_does_not_save

Attention: Unsaved data will be lost when clicking Cancel.

General Informationclose_does_not_save

Attention: Unsaved data will be lost when clicking Close.

General Informationdate_formats

The following place holders may be used to specify the date format:

Date FormatPlace HolderDisplayDate Format InputDisplay in Date Field
(example 31.01.2017)
Yearyy or yyyyfour-digit year figure








month single-digit

month double-digit

month abreviated

month written-out


dd. M. yy

d. MM yy



31. Jan. 2017

31. January 2017






day single-digit

day double-digit

week day abreviated

week day written-out yy

dd. MM yy


DD, dd. MM yy

31.01. 2017

31. January 2017

So 31.01.2017

Tuesday, 31. January 2017

The place holders may be combined with a fill character, for example blank space, dot, comma, hyphen, horizontal line. Fill words are accepted as well.

Fill CharacterDate Format InputDisplay in Date Field (example 31.01.2017)
horizontal lineyy/dd/mm2017/31/01
blank spaced. MM yy31. January 2017
commaDD, d. MM yyTuesday, 31. January 2017

fill word

DD, the dd. MM yyTuesday, the 31. January 2017

General Informationediting_focus

Tip for working in BPaaS editors

Use a single click to set focus to a field.
Use a double click to mark the clicked word.
Use a triple click to mark the entire field's content.

General Information fileupload

Alternatively you may upload a file using the  icon ( BPaaS 17.3 ).

General Information fileupload_image_format

Supported formats for image files are *.bpm, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png and *.tiff.

General Informationform_test_mode

The testing possibilities of a form are limited within play mode. To test the interaction between multiple apps start the apps using their tiles in the Scheer PAS Cockpit or use the Process App's start link in the project editor.

General Information metainfos_unchangeable

Meta information are not changeable. If you would like to display meta information in a form field you always need to activate read-only characteristic for the relevant fields. If the field remains editable and changes are made to the meta information, those entries will not be saved!

General Informationnote_authorization_concept

Additional information regarding creating role based apps can be found in the BPaaS Documentation on page Berechtigungskonzept mit Rollen (German).

General Information note_element_name

Make sure to always name your elements. This name may not contain any of the following special characters: $ * + ? . ( ) [ ] { } / \ | ^
If the field Name remains empty or one of the characters listed above is used, then a corresponding warning will be issued.

General Information overview_one_value_per_field

The instance table in an overview can only show one value per field.

General Informationsynchronization

Please be aware that no synchronization will occur between simultaneously opened browser tabs and windows while working on models and forms. Changes made in one window/tab will not automatically appear in a second window/tab. In order to display changes made in a separate window/tab you need to reload your current page.

General Informationtimestamp

The date is saved in amounts of milliseconds (long) since 01.01.1970. Dates that are further in the past are therefore marked with a negative sign.

Modeling Processesbpaas_collection_name

Collection Name

All app data is saved in its own name space. In this field you can define sub-name spaces for the instances of this precise start link in the database.

As soon as a collection's name is saved for a start link, its instances will no longer be saved in the same place as the data of the remaining start links of the project. We highly recommend to use this option for trial only. Preferably define the name of the collection in the app project.

Modeling Processes


Leave the pop-up window via the Close button.

Caution: Changes will not be saved!

Modeling Processescss_template_blue

As a standard both the Reference model and the Overview model of newly created app projects are assigned the CSS template CSS Blue.

Modeling Processescss_templates

Template CSS blue

Template CSS red

Template CSS grey

Modeling Processesdeveloper_options

Open the Developer Options menu to use functions for advanced BPaaS design users.

Modeling Processesdoubleclick_editor

Double click on the element to open the editor.

Modeling Processes epc_elements _connector_constraints

In order to prevent an EPC from being ineffective always verify event and counterevent when designating constraints.

Example: A form offers the answers YES and NO. In the process, yes-answers shall follow a different path than no-answers. Therefore it has to be verified which of both paths needs to be followed after the form has been saved. Instead of checking if YES or NO was specified, check if YES or NOT YES was entered. This enables you to also pick up cases where neither answer was specified. 

The counterevent to YES is not NO, but NOT YES!

Modeling Processesepc_elements_activate_roles

Activate Role Check

Activate this option to verify during app execution if the user was assigned the necessary roles.

For further information visit page Berechtigungskonzept mit Rollen (German).

Modeling Processesepc_elements_admin_model

Administration Model

The Administration Model verifies that all users were assigned the necessary roles. The Administration Model is defined globally in the App Project element. If you configurated an Administration Model to be used with only this precise start link, please save its name here.


  Deprecated with PAS 18.1Do not use the Administration Model f or role based apps but manage roles centrally via Scheer PAS Administration. For further information visit the Administration Guide.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_app_start


Use the Start button or double click on the element to execute the process app.

Modeling Processes


Hide in Cockpit 

If this checkbox is marked, this element will not be shown in the cockpit sidebar. It is also impossible to create a tile for this element in the cockpit.

Modeling Processes


CSS Model

If layout specifications were defined in your own CSS model, please insert its name in this field. Your predefined design will then be in effect for this model.

Modeling Processes


If you define a model directly in the process app element, then the model assigned to the app project will be ignored.

Modeling Processes epc_elements_description


A commentary field for the modeler. Its content is invisible to users and its sole purpose is internal documentation.

Modeling Processes epc_elements_edit

Edit the element via the Edit Sidebar.

Modeling Processes


Execution Model

The Execution Model is defined globally in the App Project element. If you configurated an EPC model, that shall be used with only this precise start link, please save its name here.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_eye

This field uses auto-complete. Use the icon  to open the underlying EPC.

Modeling Processes


Field Name in Container

Assign a name under which the server answer is saved in the container. If the Field Name in Container remains empty, integration.result will be used.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_first_level

Elements, that are saved to the work area of the project editor cannot be linked via connections.

Modeling Processes epc_elements_hashtags


Possibility to insert your own key terms. The leading hashtag sign # (hash) will be inserted automatically.

Use the spacebar to insert multiple hashtags:

One hashtag may be issued for multiple elements:

Modeling Processes


Initialization Model

The initialization model defines process steps that shall be completed prior to executing the app. The to be executed initialization model will be defined globally in the element App Project. If you have already configured an initialization model that shall be used for this precise start link, please save its name here. This model will then be used prior to executing the elements.

Modeling Processes epc_elements_mandatory


Marks the corresponding element as required.

Modeling Processes epc_elements_name


Name of the element within modeling.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_query

Search Query

Define here which information of an instance shall be searched for. Click on the gear wheel to open the editor to save the search query as JSON object.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_role_for_link

Role for Link

Insert the name of the role to receive app authorization here. The field Role for Link is supported by auto-complete and will list matching suggestions.

Modeling Processes epc_elements_save_instance

Save Instance

Use this option to save instances to database.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_show_favorites

Show as Favorite PAS 18.1

Activate this checkbox to show this element as favorite in the Scheer PAS Mobile App.

Modeling Processesepc_elements_start


Use this button to start your model.

Modeling Processes link_function

Avoid linking functions (to reuse functions via the search or content menu, see Copy and Insert EPC Elements). Linked functions within an EPC or sub-EPC will lead to errors during process execution.

Modeling Processes logical_operators

Find an overview of commonly used logical operators below:

== Equality operator
!= Inequality operator
=== Strict equality operator
!== Strict inequality operator
< Smaller-than-operator
<= Smaller-than-or-equal-operator
> Larger-than-operator
>= Larger-than-or-equal-operator
&& Logical AND-operator. All connected logical expressions have to be fulfilled in order to comply with conditions.
|| Logical OR-operator. At least one of the connected logical expressions has to be fulfilled in order to comply with conditions.
! Logical NOT-operator. Reverses the logical value.

Generally always use the strict (in-)equality operator. This is to ensure that two operands match not only in value but also by type.

Modeling Processesnote_mobile_elements

Mobile elements can only be executed in Scheer PAS Mobile.

Modeling Processesnote_process_apps_until_17.2

It is only possible to update models of an app centrally in the App Project since version 17.3. In older versions Execution, Initialization and Administration Models as well as the names of collections need to be individually defined in the elements Process App - New and Process App - Overview.

Modeling Processesnote_roles_in_apps

Keep in mind to always issue two roles! Each role must be assigned to a New and an Overview element.

Modeling Processes


Use the Save button in the pop-up window to save changes.
Modeling Processes process_step_deleted

Caution when deleting process steps out of a (productive) EPC: Instances, which are situated in this process step can not be opened again after deletion. When trying to open an affected instance an error message will be displayed in the overview. The message contains name and ID of the deleted process step.

Modeling Processesrestifier_url_internal

If your SAP Restifier is situated in a customer environment, do not forget to fill out the field URL (internal) in the System element.

Modeling Processes sidebar_categories

The drop-down menu in the Sidebar New Elements will only show elements that can actually be created on this current editor level.

Modeling Processesvolatile_data

Without further modeling the data is volatile, meaning it has been deposited in the container, but not saved. For further information see Save and Delete Instances.

Modeling Processesworker_declaration

Do not start worker coding with a declaration.

Starting BPaaSbpaas_supported_browser

AnbieterUnterstützte Versionen
AppleSafari 11 or more recent
GoogleChrome 60 or more recent

Internet Explorer 11*

Microsoft Edge 38 or more recent

MozillaFirefox 52 ESR or more recent

* Usage of Internet Explorer

Please use BPaaS 16.04 or more recent along with Internet Explorer 11 or its successor Edge, because Microsoft stopped the support for Internet Explorer 10 and BPaaS no longer supports IE10. If you are using Internet Explorer 11, make sure it is running in Edge mode.

There are a number of other web browsers with which BPaaS can be used, but Scheer GmbH's support is limited to the browsers listed in the table above.

Starting BPaaScockpit_import

Exported apps or entire projects can be imported into the cockpit.

Click on the button Import Projects or Apps in the Sidebar Additional Actions.
The import dialog opens in a separate pop-up window.

Step 1: Define Import

In the window JSON-Import, the project or app to be imported is added as a JSON object.

You have two option to add the JSON object:

1. If the object is available as JSON file on your desktop, drag and drop the .json file onto the JSON-Import field.

Use UTF-8 coded files.

2. Copy the content of an export window to your clipboard and paste it into the JSON-Import window.

Now use the drop-down menu to select in which profile the import shall be saved.

The Import button only activates once import object and profile are entered.

Step 2: Review Import

Once the import has started all to be imported files will be initially analyzed to avoid duplicates.

If the chosen profile already contains models with the same name, then these will be listed alongside their element type and element name.

If you wish to continue your import, then these elements will be overwritten with your import elements. To continue, please click the button OVERWRITE.

To discontinue click CANCEL.

To change the import object, choose BACK to return to step 1.

Step 3: Create Tiles

If no existing models are found or if - in step 2 - you have decided to overwrite, the import is executed.

In step 3 you have to decide whether you want to create tiles for the imported models directly in the cockpit.

In the cockpit, tiles for projects and process apps can only be stored in a group. Therefore, if you want to create tiles, you have two options:

  • Creation of tiles in a new group
  • Creation of tiles in an existing group

Creation of tiles in a new group

To create the tiles in a new group, the button Create New Group must be activated.

Then enter a name for the new group. You can also choose a background color.

Select the elements for which you want to create tiles from the list below. Finish the process by clicking the Create Tiles button.

The tiles for the selected elements are created within the new group.

Creation of tiles in an existing group

You can also create the tiles in an already existing group. To do so, deactivate the Create New Group button.

Open the drowp-down list Create tiles in this group to select one of the existing groups.

Select the elements for which you want to create tiles from the list below. Finish the process by clicking the Create Tiles button.

Completing the import without creating tiles

If you want to finish the import without creating tiles, click Close.

If you want to create tiles for the imported elements later, you can do this using the Sidebar New Elements or the Sidebar Hierarchy Tree.

Creation of tiles impossible

If the import file only contains process app elements with activated option Hide in Cockpit, step 3 of the import cannot be executed.

In that case, a corresponding message is displayed in the import window.

Starting BPaaScreate_tile

To create a new tile, use the links in the Sidebar New Elements.

Starting BPaaScreate_tile_note

Modelers can create project, app and external link tiles. App users are only authorized to create tiles for apps and external links.

Starting BPaaSdelete_tile

To delete a tile from cockpit, please click on the icon . Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Working with BPaaS Editor bpaas_search

Hilfreiche Tipps zur Verwendung der globalen Suche finden Sie auf der Seite Suchen im BPaaS-Editor.

Working with BPaaS Editorsearch_maximum

The hit list displays a maximum of 15 results. If the object you are looking for is not below it, refine the search entry. The system searches according to several criteria: Name, translation for the current language, object type and hashtag.

  • No labels