Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space WSUPPORT and version 23.1

Multiexcerpt include

Required General Information

Regardless of the affected component of the Scheer PAS platform, we kindly ask you to always provide us with the following basic information for each support request:

ItemInformation Example

Which version of Scheer PAS do you have installed? You can see the version you are using in the lower right corner of the Scheer PAS Portal.

  • Scheer PAS 20.1.8
  • Scheer PAS 21.2.1

The Scheer PAS version also clearly defines the version for the individual components. If you want to know more about which version of a component is included in a specific Scheer PAS version see Scheer PAS Release Notes.

If you are using Scheer PAS version 21.2.1, Scheer PAS Designer version 3.2.0 is associated with it.
SystemOn which system did the error occur? If you are not sure, just send us the URL from the address line of your browser.
  • Test
  • Productive

In which network is the application running (routing problems)?

Have internal infrastructure points (such as firewall, routing, general accessibility, system load, storage space, certificate validity or other known changes in hosting in the immediate past) already been checked?

If relevant, please supply helpful network information (e.g. contextual network settings for a clustered database setup).

UserWhich user was affected by the problem and when? Please send us the respective user name and the time when the error occurred.
BrowserIn which browser did the problems occur? If possible, send us also the browser version.
  • Chrome Version 79.0.3945.130
  • Firefox 60.7.2esr.
Operating System
Which operating system do you use on your client device?
  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Available Memory
What is the available memory of your operating system?
In which component and in which version did you observe the error?
  • Administration
  • User Management
  • API Management
  • Designer
  • ...
Problem Description
  • Please describe the problem / error as detailed as possible with a step-by-step description.
  • Is there a reproducible way to reproduce the problem?
    • If so, it is very helpful to provide exact click paths: Which steps were performed/which buttons were clicked before the error occurred?
    • If possible, please attach screenshots, e.g. of the relevant page with the displayed error messages in the application or developer console. Please make sure that the screenshots show the entire page including the URL.
  • Are you still able to login to the respective Scheer PAS component and to navigate within the application?
    • If so, for which action does the error occur (e.g. you cannot open a specific view or a specific model/service/form etc.)

  • Add additional information about the problem / error.
    • Did the intended action previously work or was something new attempted (regression error)?
    • Are there any known errors  in other user activities (concurrency problems)?

The problem / error occurs

  • always
  • sometimes only
System Files

If connections with certain services are known, please attach all relevant log files or Kibana exports to your support request.

Please find the required component-specific information in the related sub-chapters:

Required Administration-specific Information

ItemInformation Example

Does the problem occur in a specific view of theapplication?

  • User Management
  • RPA
  • Process Mining

Required Designer-specific Information

ItemInformation Example

Does the problem occur in a specific view of the application?

  • Explorer
  • BPMN Editor
  • Form Editor
  • Mapping Editor
  • or others

In which namespace does the error occur?


Which libraries do you use in your Designer project and in which version?


Where do you want to deploy to?

  • Bridge
  • Container
Support Data

If you need to open a support request related to problems with a Designer service, you should always attach the so-called Support Data. You can export the data via the Controls panel in the Designer:

Required Integration (Bridge)-specific Information

If you have got problems with one or more xUML services, find below a list of information we need to work on your request.

ItemInformation Example

Version number of the xUML Runtime

If you do not know your Runtime version number, open the Bridge administration console, go to the Bridge node and look at the Runtime tab (see also Managing a Bridge Node Instance).

  • 2022.1 [BASE,SAPNW]

Operating system

Operating system the Bridge is running on (PAS Operating system)
Configuration of the service

The configuration of a service consists of

bridgeserver log file 

bridgeserver log file of the day the error occurred

For each day, the Bridge creates a new log file in the following directory: <bridge data directory>\bridge_<name of the service>\logs\bridgeserver_<date>.log

You can collect the log file from this location or download it directly from the Bridge (see Logging of xUML Services).

Problem concerns a specific functionality

If your problem touches specific functionality, please prepare a minimal project that reproduces the problem and attach it to your support request.

We need: the XML model file, the compiled repository, test case(s)


Providing us with a model that requires additional backends slows down the work significantly! 

If you cannot reduce your project, send the complete Bridge project including model, compiled repository and test cases.

Specific xUML Service Problems

If you have a specific problem, we may need additional information:


xUML service does not start

If an xUML service does not start, we need the start log of the service.

The Bridge logs startup information to a file in the following directory: <bridge data directory>\bridge_<name of the service>\logs\start.log

You can collect the log file from this location or download it directly from the Bridge (see Logging of xUML Services).

xUML services crashes

If an xUML service crashes ( sign in the Bridge), we need the start log (see above) and the Bridge project including model, compiled repository and test cases.

If you can not reproduce the error: 

  • If the Java adapter is used in the service, send file <bridge data directory>\bridge_<name of the service>\hs_err_pid<process_number>.log.
  • On Windows, enable full user-mode dumps in Windows Error Reporting and install the symbol xUML Runtime packages for the dump file to be created next time the service crashes. You can request the symbol packages from our support.
  • On Unix, enable core dumps. You have got two possibilities to do this:
    • Log in as Bridge user and manually start the xUML service using the command: 

      Code Block
      <bridge data directory>/bridge_<name of the service>/bin/ <bridge prog directory>
    • Enable core dumps on the BRIDGE by editing file <bridge prog directory>/bin/
      Find the line

      Code Block
      echo ulimit -S -c 0 >> $TOMCAT_SCRIPT

      add a #-sign in front of the line (to comment this line out) it and restart the BRIDGE.

Required Analyzer-specific Information

If you have got problems with the Analyzer, find below a list of information we need to work on your request.


Analyzer version

You can easily find the version number by going to the Help > About menu.

There you can copy the whole version information by clicking Copy to Clipboard.

Builder project

If possible, zip the Builder project folder and send us the whole project this way or send us all involved repositories and all required resources. 

Installation Problems

Problem with Analyzer Installation

If you have got a problem with installing the Scheer PAS Analyzer, please provide us with

  • the name of the Analyzer installer file, e.g. AnalyzerInstaller-7.2.0.x64.exe
  • the operating system you tried to install the Analyzer on
  • On Windows systems: Open a Command Prompt and start the installer with AnalyzerInstaller-7.x.x.x64.exe >install.log.
    This will route all error messages of the installer to a separate log file. Attach this log file to your support request.

Required Process Mining-specific Information

ItemInformation Example
Which database is used?
  • MySQL 5.7
  • SQL Server 2012

If the problem is related to the collection of the data, please include the following information:

analytics-collector-service Send the logs of this service.
analytics-etl-service Send the logs of this service.
ETL ProcessStatus of the ETL process/the imports (you can check in the logs of the analytics-etl-service).
  • Which service is affected?
  • Which service is collecting the data?
  • Check the Mining Administration: Is the option for log collection set (see Administration Guide > Collecting Logs)?

Required BPaaS / Mobile-specific Information

Please send us an export of the affected project or app project (see BPaaS Guide > Exporting Models for BPaaS and Mobile Guide > Fehlerbehandlung in der App for Mobile) with any support request regarding BPaaS / Mobile.

Problems with Modeling

If your request concerns problems with modeling, please always send us the following required information:

Profile What is the name of the profile where the faulty app is stored?
ProjectWhat is the name of the project in which the associated app project is stored?
App Project
What is the name of the app project where the problem occurs?
EPC ModelIn which EPC model do the difficulties occur? At which process step?
Process Apps / Mobile Apps
(Create / Overview)
Please tell us the names of the Process Apps / Mobile Apps that were created in the App project.

Execution Problems/Faulty Instances

The information required for requests concerning execution errors that include faulty instances is largely identical to the information required for Problems with Modeling . In addition to this, the following information is also required:

Mobile Device Brand and operating system of the mobile device used, if known also the version of the operating system.
Mobile AppVersion number of the installed Scheer PAS Mobile App
FormIn which form do the errors occur? What is the associated process step?
Form Field
The input in which form field causes problems?

If instances have already been created that are incorrect, please send us the UUID of the affected instances.

Each instance created has a UUID. The UUID is a key with which we can uniquely identify the instance in the database. You can easily display the UUID of an instance in an overview table.


  • For BPaaS:

    Simply open the column configuration of the overview and unhide the already existing column UUID. Now you can copy the UUIDs you are looking for from the table. If you no longer need the column, you can hide it again at any time.

  • For Mobile:

    Simply open the column configuration of the mobile overview and insert a column with the field name in the uuid container. If you no longer need the column, you can hide or delete it at any time.

