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API Management Migration Notes 7.2.0 -> 7.3.0

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on Updating API Management and pay attention to the following changes:

  • The version of the used underlying MySQL database has changed from 5.7.24 to 5.7.25.

  • The Docker settings file .env has changed:



To Do

Remove the port from variable BRIDGE_URL, add the new variable BRIDGE_Port and provide the port there.


Newly added. You only need to set these for a clean install, otherwise leave blank or comment out.


  • The structure in which the certificates must be present in the API Management installation has changed.
    You need to create this folder structure in your instance of API Management and move your certificates there. See the Installing API Management, Step 3 for instructions.

  • The docker image for Elasticsearch has changed.
    There is nothing to do for your. Refer to the Elasticsearch pages for more information on the new version.

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