The Element Local Role

Deprecated with PAS 18.1

The following usage description of roles is deprecated.

Starting with version PAS 18.1 we urgently recommend to create apps with central role management. Starting with version PAS 18.1 please only use the element Role.



In organizational charts the element Local Role is used as a descriptive element in order to display separate roles as for example Head of Markering. In EPC models this element is used to define, that certain process steps may only be executed by owners of specific roles. Allocating roles to users is performed in the element User Role Administration.

Additional information regarding creating role based apps can be found in the BPaaS Guide on page Role-based Authorization Concept.

ConnectionPredecessor: Organization Unit
Successor: Person

Deprecated with PAS 18.1

Configuration Options

Edit the element via the Edit Sidebar.


Name of the element within modeling.

ID ( PAS 19.2 )

The read-only field contains the model ID of the element. Designers can use the ID for example in the search to link the element in other models.


A commentary field for the modeler. Its content is invisible to users and its sole purpose is internal documentation.


Possibility to insert your own key terms . The leading hashtag sign # (hash) will be inserted automatically.

Use the spacebar to insert multiple hashtags:

One hashtag may be issued for multiple elements:

  • No labels