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Registering a Client

If at least one contract has been created for the client, the client can be registered with the runtime gateway.

Before the client is registered with the runtime gateway, it is not possible to make requests to backend APIs on behalf of that client.

To register the client with the gateway, click the Register button in the basic settings section. This can be done from any tab on the client's detail page . If the status of the client is

, the Register button should be enabled:

If successful, the client's status will change to

, and the Register button will disappear.

Even if a client has already been registered, you can continue to make changes to it, for example to modify its policies or to create or break API contracts. If you modify a client, the Re-Register button will become enabled:

Whenever you make changes to your client, you must re-register it before those changes will show up in the gateway.

Unregistering a Client

If you want a client to be unavailable, you can disable it. Use the Unregister button in the basic settings to do so:

A confirmation dialog will open:

If you have confirmed the dialog with OK, the status in the basic settings will change to

. Now, this client is enabled. Nevertheless, you have still access to the client's configuration details in the API Management . This enables you to create a new version, to modify the client and even to make it available again by using the Re-Register button:

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