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API Management Tutorials

You want to get to know the basic functionalities of Scheer PAS API Management ? In our step-by-step tutorials you can quickly learn how to manage an API.

For those interested in detailed knowledge, we have integrated two types of hints:

  • Links to releated pages in the official API Management guide, e.g.: Refer to API Settings in the API Management Guide for more information.

  • Good to Know infoboxes with background information about the concept of the introduced API Management functionality. Click on the box to expand its content.

Good to Know: What is API Management?

Scheer PAS API Management is a component that helps you to manage APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and API requests. It is situated between the API and the client. It enables you to apply different policies, enforcing them as runtime rules for each managed API request made.

By working through the first tutorial, you will learn

  • how to create an organization

  • how to import an API from PAS Administration to API Management

  • how to restrict an API by adding policies

  • how to test your configurations

  • how to consume a public API via the API Developer Portal

By working through the second tutorial, you will learn

  • how to create an organization and a plan

  • how to import an API from the API Catalog

  • how to create a contract and a client

  • how to test your configurations

  • how to consume a private API via the API Developer Portal

By working through this tutorial, you will learn

  • how to request approval for private APIs via the API Developer Portal

  • how the approval process works within API Management

  • how to consume private APIs via the API Developer Portal

As users with different authorizations are required for the approval process, this is not a "do it yourself" tutorial.


Deploy the service via the deployment wizard within the PAS Administration. To access the deployment wizard, open the Administration:


Your user needs the profile xuml_container_admin to use the deployment wizard and to manage xUML services in the Administration.

Use option + Service in the navigation bar to open the deployment wizard:


The wizard opens in a separate pop-up window. As soon as you have selected the .rep file of the service, the wizard guides you through the necessary steps to deploy the xUML service:


In step 2 of the deployment wizard, please adjust the service name so that it matches your user, e.g. restapi-echo-example-stringer.

Refer to Working With the Deployment Wizard in the Administration Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions.

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