Displaying the Robot Details

In the Edit sidebar of every software robot element you can find the button Open Robot Details. Click on this button to display detailed information about the software robot.

The robot details are displayed in a separate window.

Overview on the Robot Details

The dialog Softwarerobot - Details contains the robots settings from the Edit sidebar supplemented by further information about the robot and its processes:

Displayed Settings

Process Information
Robot Environment

Robot Process ID

Robot ID

Field Name for Robot ID

Process VersionVersion number of the robot process from UIPath Studio.(error)
Orchestrator Queue

Queue Name



Contains the description of the robot process as defined in UIPath Orchestrator.(error)
Robot Group

Description of the environment from UIPath Orchestrator in which the process is located. The environment name is also displayed in field Robot Process ID:

RobotDescription of the robot itself as defined in UIPath Orchestrator.(error)

InputList of parameters required from Scheer PAS for robot execution.(error)
OutputList of parameters the robot passes to Scheer PAS.(error)