Tagged Values


<any>Array of SOAPHeaderElementinUse this parameter to provide the SOAP headers in an array of type SOAPHeaderElement. The xUML Runtime will then set the SOAP headers accordingly to the header block of the SOAP message.
Accessing the SOAP Headers

Use this parameter to supply the URL that will be accessed by the adapter and some additional URL parameters, e.g cURL options.

urlParameter contains an array of HTTP header fields. Do not confuse these headers with the SOAP headers (see above). The SOAP headers go to the SOAP message to the body of the HTTP call, the headers from urlParameter go to the HTTP headers.

Providing the SOAP Adapter with URL Parameter
<any>HTTPTransportoutUse this parameter to supply the content to be used by the listed methods.Accessing HTTP Headers of a SOAP Call

Parameter Types


ClassAttributeTypeSOAP AttributeDescriptionExample XML Fragment
SOAPHeaderElementencodingStringencodingStyleSpecifies the encoding style used to construct the message.

The header holds the actual header data of base type Blob.

The blob must contain XML structured content. So, use either the classToXML (for objects of complex types) or the classToXMLFragment (for objects of base types) to provide the necessary structure.

mustunderstandBooleanmustUnderstandThis attribute says whether or not the recipient (indicated by the role attribute) is required to process a header entry.
nameString-Holds the name of a header block.
namespaceString-Defines the namespace to be assigned to the header element serialized with use="encoded".
relayBooleanrelayIf relay is set to true, it indicates that the SOAP header block must not be processed by any node that is targeted by the header block, but must only be passed on to the next targeted node.
roleStringroleThe role is optional and defines the recipient of the header message.


to listed protocol onlyto listed method only

This parameter contains the URL that will be accessed by the adapter. The URL contains protocol, port and path.
post, put, writeUse this parameter to supply the content to be used by the listed methods.
headerParametersArray of HeaderField inhttp, https
Use this parameter to supply additional header information for the URL adapter call in the form of name and value pairs.

This parameter provides the method of the URL adapter call.
authentication Authentication inldap, ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https
This parameter provides an object of type Authentication containing the user and the password.
proxy Proxy inldap, ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https
Use this parameter to supply necessary proxy information.
followRedirectsIntegerinhttp, https
Specify here the maximum number of redirects to follow.
ssl SSL inhttps, ftps
Use this parameter to supply SSL information.
commandsArray of Stringinftp, ftps

Use this parameter to specify ftp commands. All commands are executed after executing the ftp method. For a list of available ftp commands see RFC 959.

optionsArray of Option inldap, ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https
Use this parameter to specify cURL options for the URL adapter call.


HTTPTransportheadersArray of HeaderFieldHeader information as array of name/value pairs (see HeaderField below).
statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code of the SOAP request.

URLMessage and HTTPTransport Types