Creating a Service

Services can only be created in folders.

To add a service to a folder, right click on the folder and choose the option Add Service from the context menu.

The Service Context Menu

Right click a service to open its context menu.

The context menu displays all options available for a service:

Editing the Service Name

If you want to change the name of a service, choose the option Edit Service Name.

Enter the new name in the pop-up window Edit Service.

Click Save.

The new name is displayed in the tree.

Cutting and Pasting

Exporting and Importing

You cannot import elements into a service. But it is possible to export services from folders. For detailed information see page Exporting and Importing Explorer Contents .

Sharing a Service

You can also share the link for a service.

Choose the option Share from the context menu to copy the link of the service to the clipboard.

Deleting a Service

To remove a service from the tree, open its context menu and select option Delete Service.

Confirm the security query in the pop-up window with Yes to delete the service from the tree.

Please note that all contents of the service are also deleted.