Action Languagedeprecated_alias_macros

All macros that get information from aliases are deprecated since Builder 7.5.0. Please use the new Alias Reader instead.


The xUML Runtime assigns a correlation ID to each adapter call. This ID is stored in header field X-Bridge-CorrelationID. Adapter calls can be identified by this ID. Also, it is logged to the transaction log.


When using the Windows style with backward slashes "\" you have to be aware that you have escape this character. The escape character is also the "\".
To avoid this, use forward slashes with Windows as well.


The BRIDGE is delivered with comprehensive documentation. Apart from this self-study, the BRIDGE also comes with many examples you can have a look at. Each feature is subject of an example that is ready to run.

This chapter provides an overview about all documentation available after installation. How to access the xUML examples is explained on Unzipping Examples.
The complete documentation is available online.

BRIDGE Education Lesson 1-3Comprehensive self-learning guide, which leads you through all steps of creating a Web service. Additionally, it provides conceptional information for each topic.
Bridge User GuideComprehensive guide explaining concepts and usage of the BRIDGE, which comprises all management tasks to run the BRIDGE and deployed xUML, Node.js and Java services.

Reference Guides

Reference GuideComprehensive reference guide for xUML modelers containing information about concepts, modeling, xUML Action Language, add-ons, and import/export mechanisms.
Node.js Services Reference GuideGuide to Scheer PAS Node.js modules that can be used by Node.js modelers in BRIDGE context.
Guides to BRIDGE utilities that may be helpful for modelers.
Builder User GuideComprehensive guide explaining concepts and usage of BUILDER  including all tools like xUML Model Compiler, xUML Model Debugger, and xUML Importers.
Installation GuidesBRIDGE Installation Guide

Description of the installation of BRIDGE including a troubleshooting chapter. This guide also contains a description of the following firmware installations:

  • BRIDGE SQL Libraries to integrate SQL databases
  • BRIDGE SAP Libraries to integrate SAP systems
  • BRIDGE Java Libraries to use Java classes in your service
BUILDER Installation GuideDescription of the installation of the BUILDER including a troubleshooting chapter.
ANALYZER Installation GuideDescription of the installation of the ANALYZER.

Never change the after first installation, but use the same file for every update afterwards!

Bridge Bridge Only exception is, when you are moving from a version below to a higher version. Since then, the settings console.ip.address and console.hostname are mandatory. It is necessary that you edit your existing file before making an update installation. If you don't specify these settings, you will get additional node instances and proxy nodes and won't be able to deploy services anymore.


When filtering the log entries of a service by date and time, you can use a date picker to select a date from/to. Click the date picker icon  next to the input fields to open the a tiny calendar to pick the dates from.

The time part will be only visible if the related log entries contain a time part in format "HH:MM:SS". In all other cases, it is not possible to select log entries by time.

Some dates within the calendar are colored to help you finding the appropriate date:

dark blue border
dark blue
The selected date.
bright blue
A weekday on which data has been logged.
light blue
A weekend day on which data has been logged.
greyA day on which no data has been logged.

Select a day, enter a time (if necessary), and click OK to apply the selected date to the search field.


Select the date/time range you want to inspect.

  • Upon opening the logging tab, from is set to (now - 10 minutes) if there are log entries existing within this range of time. If not, from will be set to the point of time the first entries are found.  
  • An empty to field displays all log entries from the from date/time until the most recent entries.
    An empty from field triggers a search backwards until the first entries are found.
  • You can remove the time part of the to field to search until the end of the day, and of the from field to search from the beginning of the day.

Click View to update the displayed logging information.
As per default, for logs with a time stamp the log entries are displayed latest first in the search results. Click the tiny arrow in the table header to change the order to oldest first.

The date filter settings will be kept as long as your Browser tab is open. They will be reset to default as soon as you open the Logging tab in a new Browser tab.

If you close your Browser with the Logging tab open, and start your Browser again with restoring all recent tabs (session restore), your date filter settings will be reloaded from your previous search.


Insert a string or a valid regular expression to search the log entries for. Only log entries that match the expression will be displayed.
Refer to Java Regular Expressions for more information on which regular expressions you can use here.

Pressing Enter in this field triggers the search.


The Persistent State Control Adapter gives access to persistent state metadata directly from within a service (self context). The same data can be retrieved using the xUML Runtime API.

If you want to retrieve metadata of persistent state of the very same service, always use the Persistent State Control Adapter.
If you want to retrieve data from other services, use the xUML Runtime API.


In Load Balancing context, when e.g. running multiple Bridges, you can setup persistent state services to share persistent state objects. The persistent state objects are distinguished by an owner and owner id reflecting the actual service that owns these objects.
Prerequisite is that these services share the same persistent state database, see Load Balanced Persistent State for more details.


Transfer the service to another Bridge (e.g. by service export and re-deployment).
In this case, you also need to transfer file from the service directory (<your Bridge data directory>/<service directory>) to the new location. This file contains the actual owner ID of the service. If not present, a new owner ID will be assigned and all objects with the old owner ID will still be stalled.


Do not switch an attribute between internal and external unless you are sure that no objects of the related class are still pending in the persistent state db. The attribute contents will get lost in this case.
This behavior will be improved in future versions.


If the service is up and running, you can see the system process id (PID) of the service. To match the PID with the Bridge service, you can also use system commands:

SystemCommand / Output
ps -efa | grep -- --instance
...  15228  ...  /opt/e2e_bridge_prog/nodejs-8.11.4/linux-64/node index.js --instance /opt/e2e_bridge_data/nodejs_NodeService
...  15265  ...  /opt/e2e_bridge_prog/nodejs-8.11.4/linux-64/node app.js --instance /opt/e2e_bridge_data/nodejs_api-test-helloworld_43
...  15853  ...  /opt/e2e_bridge_prog/j2re-11.0.2/linux-64/bin/java -jar repository.jar --instance /opt/e2e_bridge_data/java_helloworld

Run with administration privileges:

wmic process where "caption='bridgeserver.exe' or caption='node.exe' or caption='java.exe'" get processid,caption,commandLine /format:csv| findstr /C:--instance
...,bridgeserver.exe,"C:\E2E_BRIDGE_PROG\bridgeserver-2018.12\win32-64\bridgeserver.exe"  --config "C:\var\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\server.cfg" --instance "C:\var\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\bridge_SoapWait",17600
...,node.exe,C:\E2E_BRIDGE_PROG\nodejs-8.11.4\win32-64\node app.js "--instance C:\var\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\nodejs_api-test-helloworld",20144

Runtime 2019.9 Bridge services read the following HTTP headers containing correlation information:

  • X-Transaction-ID or xTransactionId (in JMS context)
    This header identifies the transaction the call belongs to. You can set the transaction id manually with setTransactionID. If not set, the Runtime will generate one.
    This header will be passed through the callstack to identify all service calls that belong to a transaction.
  • X-Request-ID
    This header should identify the unique request.
  • X-Sender-Host and X-Sender-Service
    These headers should contain the sender host resp. the sender service.

These headers will be all logged to the transaction log. Having this information, you can use this for error analysis or usage metrics.


Runtime 2019.9 xUML service adapters add the following HTTP headers containing correlation information to the request:

  • x-transaction-id or xTransactionId (in JMS context)
  • This header identifies the transaction the call belongs to. You can set the transaction id manually with setTransactionID. If not set, the Runtime will generate one.
    This header will be passed through the callstack to identify all service calls that belong to a transaction.
  • x-request-id
    This header identifies the unique request. The Runtime generates a unique number for each adapter call.
  • x-sender-host and x-sender-service
    These headers contain the sender host resp. the sender service. They are set by the Runtime automatically.

Transaction id and request id will be logged to the transaction log on the adapter call. Having this information, you can use this for error analysis or usage metrics.


Bridge 7.2.0 The Kill functionality will first try to regularly stop the service. When the service is still running after 10 seconds, it will forcibly terminate the service with Java Process.destroyForcibly().


Bridge 7.2.0 Clicking Stop will send  SIGTERM to the service.
Older Bridges called Java Process.destroy().


The Transaction ID identifies a transaction. It is a unique number used to trace service calls through the call stack of multiple service calls.

  • Runtime 2019.9  Clients calling a service running on the Bridge can provide a transaction ID in HTTP header X-Transaction-ID or xTransactionId (in JMS context).
  • SOAP clients can also use the SOAP headers to provide a transaction ID.
  • If an xUML service is called without providing a transaction ID, the xUML Runtime will generate such an ID.

This ID will be passed on through the call stack of the xUML service, so that the whole transaction can be traced. This can be useful, when analyzing the log file in case of error.

Service Preferencesautomatic_restart
Whenever the service crashes, it will restart immediately. Nevertheless, in the navigation the icon  next to the xUML service name will indicate the abnormal termination.
Service Preferencesautomatic_startup

Select this option, if you want the service to startup automatically, whenever the Bridge is started.  Only users who are member of a group, to which the role ADMIN has been assigned, are allowed to change this option.

This option can be globally disabled by the Disable Automatic Service Startup option on the node instance preferences.

When updating the BRIDGE, all deployed services (xUML, Node.js, and Java services) will be kept. However, the automatic startup option will be ignored on the very first start-up after the update.

Service Preferencesminimum_uptime

To allow the Bridge to distinct whether the service has crashed during start-up or not, specify the minimum uptime of the Node.js service in seconds.


  • If the service crashes during the uptime period, the Bridge will assume that the service could not be started. No Automatic Restart will be applied.
  • If the service crashes after the uptime period, the Bridge will assume a crash. If option Automatic Restart is set, the Bridge will try to restart the service.
Service Preferencesowner
The group id of the user who has deployed the service. Only users who are member of a group, to which the role ADMIN has been assigned, are allowed to modify the owner of the service.

When updating the BRIDGE, all deployed services (xUML, Node.js, and Java services) will be kept. However, the automatic startup option will be ignored on the very first start-up after the update.