FAQ RPApas_whitepaper_en

Download the Scheer PAS Whitepaper of Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer to find out how to benefit from using the Scheer Process Automation Suite.

General Informationrobot_parameters

Robot parameters are values the robot takes from BPaaS and stores independently in BPaaS.

General Informationrobot_arguments

Robot arguments are values the robot gets from BPaaS at startup.

The Element Software Robotfield_name_robot_id

This field is only displayed if you have chosen the Robot ID option Provide dynamically from field name. Insert here the container path containing the identification number of the robot.

You need access to the UIPath Orchestrator to get the identification number of the robot from the Orchestrator API. You can also access the Robot ID by displaying the Robot Details in your Scheer PAS Administration. Further information can be found in the Administration Guide on page RPA Robots.

The Element Software Robotqueue_name

Select here the queue in which a new transaction has to be created. The queues are defined in the UIPath Orchestrator and modeled in UiPath Studio.

The Element Software Robotrobot_environment

Choose your robots work environment from the drop down menu, e.g. production, quality management, development... The Robot Environment is independent from the BPaaS environment.

The Element Software Robotrobot_id

The Robot ID depends on the Robot Process ID. Therefore you may only assign the Robot ID once the Robot Process ID has been issued.
The content of the drop-down menu depends on the content of field Robot Process ID. Two additional options are available:

  • Select robot automatically
  • Provide dynamically from field name

Each robot must obtain its own BPaaS user. The robot's BPaaS user must own the role for the corresponding process app. Further informations regarding the creation of new BPaaS users can be found in the Administration Guide.

The Element Software Robotrobot_process_id

The Robot Process ID depends on the robot environment. Therefore you need to choose your Robot Environment first, then set the Robot Process ID.
Data entry in this field is supported by auto complete. The robot process determines explicitly which tasks the robot executes.