The Styling panel is your tool for formatting the canvas and the contents of objects and attributes.

Depending on what you activate on the canvas, different tabs are available:

The styling panel is hidden by default. If you use the panel preset, you can find the icon to display the styling panel in the right upper corner of the canvas.

The icon represents the styling panel.

Application Options

Use the styling panel to change the formatting of objects and attributes or of the canvas itself. Depending on what you click on the canvas, different tabs are available:

Tab in Styling PanelAvailability

The Attributes tab is available for all BPMN elements and for the BPMN canvas itself.

Diagram Tab Diagram is only available if you click on the canvas itself.
Shape The Shape tab is available for all BPMN elements.

Tab Text is only available for the following objects:

Options of Tab Attributes

Use the attributes tab to change the styling of an object's attribute on the canvas.

Options of Tab Diagram

Tab Diagram is only available if you click directly on the canvas.

It contains all layout options applicable to your workspace.

Grid Color

The checkbox is activated by default. If you want to change the background color of the object, click on the color placeholder to display the color picker. Use the color picker to select a new color or enter the hexadecimal code of the desired color.

If the checkbox is disabled, the grid is is not displayed, but it is still in use: Objects still snap to the grid.

Grid Distance

The checkbox is activated by default. Change the grid distance by changing the number of pixels. If the checkbox is disabled, the grid will neither be displayed nor used: Objects can be moved freely on the canvas.

Grid Style

The drop-down list offers two options to choose from:

  • Dots
  • Lines

Options of Tab Shape

In tab Shape you find all options to change the appearance of an object on the canvas.

Tab Shape contains different options depending on your selection on the canvas:

Shape Options for Objects

Shape Options for Relations

Options of Tab Text

Tab Text is only available for the objects Service Task, User Task and Receive Task because these objects contain text content: